The way munchie handled me I ain't never let somebody talk to me like that. The shit played in my head for weeks. Had me rethinking my whole life especially when she said I wasn't worth the fuck.
"Keem you think I'm soft on Lori?" I asked.
"Mega you don't want me to answer that." Keem said.
"Naw I do." I said.
"Lori ain't shit and the way she treats your daughter is even worse. She has Zuri out in the hood playing with them bebe kids. You let her talk to anyway and pop up on you shit sometimes I hear her using your name to get in the clubs. I get you have love for her because of your daughter but you don't check that hoe like you should." He said.
"Your right I don't just wanted here another opinion."
"Another who was the first."
"Munchie her and my daughter became friends and Lori came over on some bullshit. Told me I was soft on Lori." I said.
"Good for Munchie. Shit she beats her baby daddy up for playing with her daughter maybe you should get some of the home girls around the way to do the same." He said.
I walked into Munchie jewelry store it's the only place I knew for sure I could find her in. Munchie layed out custom pieces only. She been doing it for a few years and shit was popping for real. Shit I got a few pieces from her over the years.
"Mega what can I do for you." Munchie asked me.
"I wanted to apologize for Lori. You right about me being soft on her. I got her though." I nodded.
"I told you my daughter isn't like us. She doesn't even know who I am in the streets. I'm just here best mommy and when people bring that shit out in me I don't like it." She said.
"I hear you but our daughters are friends and I can't stop that. Your daughter is really sweet. It's hard to believe she came from you." I joked.
"Yeah I know everyone says that. Sometimes I wish she stick up for herself but I don't wanna change my baby. That's what I'm here for I'll slap a little bitch for my daughter." She said and we laughed.
"I feel you." I said.
"I'm still beating your baby moms ass nobody talks down to my daughter period. So I hope you don't think I'm not touching her."
"No do what you gotta do but let me take you out for dinner." I said.
"Dinner? Like a date?" She asked.
"Yeah like a date Friday night. You and me." I said.
"I could eat Friday. Pick me up at 8." She shrugged.
I was at my trap a few days after my date when my baby moms came up to my trap. Lori has my baby with her and on everything it took a whole lot of will power to not smack her. She knew I didn't play that shit when it came to my daughter. My daughter didn't need to know what I did to make money. I had Keem take her to my mother's house. Once my baby was gone I looked at Lori.
"You really brought my daughter to my trap how dumb are you." I snapped at her.
"So what you always baby her that's her problem now." She said snaking her neck trying to cause a scene. I called me three workers who bagged my shit. They were outside.
"I'll give you five bands to beat her ass." I said. Them hoes was on Lori ass. I got on my phone and called Munchie.
"Hey you good?" She asked.
"I just need you to grab my daughter from my mom's for me." I said calmly.
"Okay I got you." She said. This why I fucked with shorty she didn't ask a million questions I told her I needed her and she showed up with no hesitation.
"Thanks mama." I said and hung up. I squatted next to Lori. "I'ma keep my daughter for a few weeks. Since you don't know how to treat her. When you act right and treat my daughter good you can have her back. Get your shit and go ahead on."