"Allo kids. I am Mr. Luis. And I'll be your teacher for this year. As you may know, I'm your English teacher. Good luck." He flashed a smile at everyone in the class, his eyes lingering on my little group longer. He looked at me with a look that said "what are the boys sitting next to you doing?".i shrugged, knowing exactly what they were doing. The brothers weren't exactly discreet about what they were doing. And people admired that about them. They were open minded and didn't seem like dipshits. They were actually nice people. Eli blushed, Alexander waved and Cristin winked at the teacher. Mr. Luis' face was bright red, looking like a cute tomato.
"So everyone must have a notebook and pencil on them?" At the older man's question, the triplets took out a notebook each and handed me one that I always kept with them. I may be a straight A student, no pun intended on the straight part, but I always forgot my stuff for school. And I don't mean once or twice. I mean all the time. I'd be dead if I didn't give my stuff to Eli. The boy never did a single assignment in his life but he always seemed to give me tens to do his homework and carry my stuff. And boy would I do that for a ten dollar bill. I mean who wouldn't? The class period went by quickly, with me scribbling down notes and the brothers beside me fantasizing about the grown man in front of us. I chuckled as the bell rang and the brothers jumped out of their seats in fear. I swear that the teacher smirked at their actions, chuckling himself. Cristin shoved his younger brothers out the room, stopping to look at Mr. Luis. I followed Cristin and his brothers out the room, waving quickly at our English teacher.
{Science class. Near the end.}
"So Andrew! What is an embryo?" Mr. Freeden asked me. Most people laughed in my class, knowing that they themselves didn't know. But they loved when a student that didn't really pay attention in class, science in particular, got called on. Happened all the time. I stood up and dusted off the butt of my pants before looking at my teacher dead on.
"Sir, an embryo is an unborn offspring. It is usually an unborn human baby, also known as a fetus. But it could also mean an unborn chick." A boy like me knew his facts and I ate them, breath them and slept them. I didn't get out much, sure. But that was because I was helping out in the pack house. The bell rang to signal the end of the day. Mr. Freeden looked at me with much abhor while I limped out the door. Why do I have a limp, you may ask? Dodge ball can kill. That's all I'm saying. I opened my locker when I got to it, nearly slamming into someone's face.
"Oi! Watch what yer doin', kid. I got a meeting to go to." A gruff voice sounded, sending shivers down my spine.
Thanks for reading this chapter. So sorry for not giving the full story to you guys straight away. It takes a bit for my imagination. Ok. Thanks for reading and bye. Hope to see you again.