She heard the faint sound of boots striking the ground as she felt the filly beneath her arm shift. She was, by nature, a light sleeper- though a Little Sister had once called her 'paranoid', she liked to think of herself as 'precautious'. The footsteps grew closer, prompting her to tighten her grip on the Little Sister everso slightly, her glove further wrapping itself around the horse-like creature. Her heart pounded in her ribcage as she heard the footsteps enter the room. She guessed there were six of the horse creatures in the room, total, including the other Sister. She kept her head to the side, as if she were asleep. She watched the five other horses, watching her, their eyes wide and their jaws agape, revealing their flat, white teeth, along with their pink tongues. She shifted slightly, upon hearing one of them speak.
" do realize that this...thing...has Sweetie Belle under its arm...don't you?" the lavender horse with a spiraled horn peeking out from under its dark mane, a dark-purple-and-pink stripe running through it.
"Yes..." the other Sister sighed, her eyes meeting the gaze of the others "She seems to have some sort of bond with Sweetie, she became absolutely enraged when I hugged her, I dare say she was ready to tear me apart- she only stopped when Sweetie told her that I was her sister"
The purple horse sat back, taking in the information it'd been given, as the other horses, save the one with the flowing, pink mane and yellow coat, visibly shaking near the door.
"She?" the orange one asked, a brown hat sitting on its gold mane.
"What?" Sister replied.
"Ah'm just askin'...looks like it's got that fancy divin' suit on, how can y'all tell what it is?"
"Well...erm...Sweetie Belle has taken to calling her 'Mrs. Needles', and well...I must admit, the name certainly does have a bit of a ring to it..."
"So...why does it have that suit on?" the purple horse finally asked.
"It baffles me to no end, darling" Sister replied "she was wearing that when I'd first met her"
The purple horse hummed to itself as it hesitantly trotted closer, its hooves clacking against the wooden floor as it did so.
"Hello? C-can you he-hear me?" it asked.968Please respect copyright.PENANAGU7aM00MRI
She still feigned sleep, not making any moves that would alert the horse to being conscious.
She felt something hard prod her side, then remove itself from her skin- the hard thing poked her side again, and this time, her hand shot up and gripped the hard object. She looked down, and saw the hard object was the purple horse's leg. She groaned lightly, as to not wake the sleeping Sister. The purple horse shook, her other three legs knocking together as the fourth was still held tightly in her grip. The purple horse pulled, attempting to gain freedom as her leg was still held prisoner. Her eyes met the horse's, her own meeting its large, expressive, purple orbs, so full of life, and to some lesser extent, she thought, happiness.
She growled as she held the horse captive, her legs swung over the edge of the bed, and pushed against the floor, standing at full height, which forced the horse's other three legs to lift off the ground. The horse whimpered, its purple orbs screwed shut in fear.
She felt something hard strike the back of her helmet, she growled as she turned, still holding the purple horse by the leg. The culprit was none other than the blue horse, flapping away with its wings as she was practically blinded by the chaotic mix of color in its hair.
"Hey! Pick on somepony your own size!" the raspy voice of the horse cried, mashing its muzzle into the window of her helmet.968Please respect copyright.PENANAX1cFSnWfCx
She raised her arm, and took the flying horse by the neck- it struggled to fly away, its wings flapping uselessly as her gloved hand gripped the horse's fur.968Please respect copyright.PENANAM0y6IRKXHp
"No fair! Let go!" the horse cried, attempting to fly away from her.968Please respect copyright.PENANAEyj44hseTh
She let out another low groan and jerked her arm downward- the flying horse was immediately grounded, her legs splaying out as she stared dazedly into space.968Please respect copyright.PENANA9uApqzyJdJ
"There wasn't no cause fer that!" the one with the hat shouted, helping the multicolored horse to its feet.
"...huh?" Sweetie Belle groaned, rubbing the crust from her eyes as she sat up "What's goin' on?"968Please respect copyright.PENANAllCYvbFt1K
She stopped, as she noticed Twilight dangling from Mrs. N's fist, and the rest of the Elements gathered in Rarity's room.
"Mrs. N, why are you holding Twilight?" she asked, gazing confusedly upon her.968Please respect copyright.PENANAD7DmXyh4Pb
She let out a low groan.968Please respect copyright.PENANAjVopWP00hI
"Could...could you please put her down?"
The other five Elements froze, unsure of what the creature was going to do.
She waited a moment, and begrudgingly set the lavender horse on the floor, albeit somewhat rough.
The five mares were staring in shock, their jaws hanging open once more as they processed what had just happened- this creature, easily three or four ponies high, had just obeyed Sweetie Belle of all ponies.
"Sugarcube...are y'all even aware o' what this thing is?" the orange one asked, motioning to her with a leg.968Please respect copyright.PENANAmIA972OX6A
"No...she never told me, all she can do is groan" the now-awake Little Sister replied.968Please respect copyright.PENANAh3FMBlFVIs
"Perhaps it'd be able to talk a little better...without the helmet?" Twilight suggested nervously, withering under the gaze of the creature's yellow eye.
The small Little Sister looked up to her, curious.968Please respect copyright.PENANA4t0P1vj3pW
"Could you?"968Please respect copyright.PENANAg3bgSL78mY
She let out a screech in response, forcing the small pony's ears to splay back at the offending sound.
She held her palms to the sides of her helmet, and slowly lifted- the suit depressurized as she did so, forcing fresh air into her lungs as she took her first breaths. She removed the helmet completely, looking at the seven horses in the room, she set the helmet on the bed- and stared back at the horses.
Sweetie Belle stared at Mrs. N, or more specifically, her head- it was almost completely alien to her. She didn't have much in the way of fur, except for the matted, tangled mess on top of her head. Her gray skin contrasted with her eyes, which were totally different- they were just two yellow, glowing orbs, no pupils or irises or anything. If Sweetie was honest, Mrs. N looked nicer than she'd thought initially- she expected her face to be deformed, maybe from an accident, but no, she looked perfectly fine, pretty even. Well...pretty in a plain sort of way, like beauty in simplicity- she didn't have any makeup on, at least, none that Sweetie could see. Her ears weren't at the top of her head, they laid flat, on the sides. Her thin neck disappeared into her suit the dark and rusted metal hiding the rest of her body, along with her laced shirt, shorts, and boots.
"Wow..." Sweetie Belle said, staring up at the Big Sister "You look nice"968Please respect copyright.PENANAWNvd1rdMik
The Big Sister offered a small smile, showing a bit of her teeth from beneath her lips.968Please respect copyright.PENANAP0nk0JzDpm
"Goodness..." Rarity stated, catching the attention of the Sister.968Please respect copyright.PENANAhNECHEkOmk
"Golly, ah woulda expected y'all woulda been a minotaur or somethin'" Orange said. 968Please respect copyright.PENANAmfbIP2rz8z
"So...what exactly is it?" Rainbow asked, shortly after coming to, and keeping a safe distance away from the Sister.968Please respect copyright.PENANAL1fgqGYok1
"She" Sweetie Belle piped.968Please respect copyright.PENANA1sOcVkC6XL
"What?"968Please respect copyright.PENANAXvqDbakfuM
"Mrs. N is a 'she'"968Please respect copyright.PENANADIYC4lzwep
"I'm not sure..." Twilight replied, looking the Sister up and down, utterly confused as to what type of creature she could possibly be. "It certainly doesn't look like a minotaur, it's missing the horns" 968Please respect copyright.PENANAod3EmYL0k4
"Can y'all tell what it is?"968Please respect copyright.PENANAb0BiOyMotO
"With some research, and a little more time, I assume I could find out what species she is..." 968Please respect copyright.PENANAi6loNRNIxL
" won't hurt her...will you?" Sweetie asked.968Please respect copyright.PENANAIIE8GAwGhf
"No...why would I want to hurt her?" 968Please respect copyright.PENANAuv6hTiYw6o
"Because...she took down a Timberwolf..."968Please respect copyright.PENANA0kDGbUYza4
"She what?"968Please respect copyright.PENANAajFcyLmrvg
"She beat up a Timberwolf..." Sweetie repeated, a little louder this time.
Twilight stared at Sweetie, then at Mrs. N, then at Rarity.
" this true?" she asked.968Please respect copyright.PENANAnpDT95hUhE
"Indeed it is" Rarity replied "Sweetie told me how Mrs. N saved her from a Timberwolf in the forest" 968Please respect copyright.PENANABb3zMjN2Er
"But...but how?!" 968Please respect copyright.PENANAWgqayG4hzb
"I have no idea, darling" Rarity said "but the evidence is clear, if the dried sap on her boot is any indication..."
Twilight resisted the urge to hurl, as she looked back up at Mrs. N.
"Is it true? Did you really defeat a Timberwolf?"968Please respect copyright.PENANANQyZUzTlY6
She tilted her head, before nodding 'yes'.
Twilight's pupil's shrank, before backing away.
"What...what are you doing here?"968Please respect copyright.PENANArAQvaC9Kp6
The Sister pointed to Sweetie Belle.968Please respect copyright.PENANAdHua1XKm7t
"Her? Why?"
She didn't respond, she just sat on the bed, mindful of Sweetie Belle, and pulled her close, running a gloved hand through her mane.
The other five stared, dumbfounded.