Rarity yawned as she awoke, her jaw cracking as she blinked wearily. She slowly became aware of a mass next to her, and came to the conclusion that the object was Sweetie Belle. Her tired mind threw this theory out the window, as the mass in the bed was far too large to be Sweetie Belle alone. With great effort, she looked over her shoulder, and saw the sleeping form of Mrs. N., her arms reaching around the both of them at some point during the night. She carefully pried herself from Mrs. N's grip, and hopped to the floor, quietly walked to the door. She stole a glance to the two still occupying the bed, and took notice of the random bits of armor, along with Mrs. N's boots sitting on the floor. Also laying at the foot of the bed was a majority of her clothing, leaving the biped dressed in a light green dress, faded and tattered beyond repair. She took notice that Mrs. N had left her pair of shorts on, as the dress just barely covered everything.
Rarity resolved to at least get the biped some new clothes, if the torn and ratty dress was any indication. Thinking on possible ideas, she padded down the steps into the kitchen. She opened the cabinet with her magic, and removed a coffee cup from it. She yawned once more as she took the coffee pot in her magic after setting the mug on the counter. She anticipated her morning drink as the steaming brown liquid fell out of the pot and into the cup. She set the coffee pot into its holder and picked up the mug. She raised it, and the rim of the mug almost touched her lips when-
*Knock Knock Knock*
'Oh for Celestia's sake...' she moaned inwardly, robbed of her coffee.
She tiredly trotted across the shop floor, towards the front door as the knocking came again. She opened the door, feeling the bite of the chilly morning air as the sun just began its ascent. Two stallions greeted her, both dressed in a plain white shirt, black jacket, and a pair of sunglasses on their muzzles.
"May I help you?" she asked, sweetly as she could given the circumstances.987Please respect copyright.PENANA8QeRETZclh
"Hello, ma'am" one of them greeted.987Please respect copyright.PENANA3pDviHLZFi
"Terribly sorry, I just woke up- but what in Equestria are you doing here at this hour?"987Please respect copyright.PENANAiIrCLkpkky
"We represent animal control, ma'am" the other stallion replied "We're going around to all the houses in the area"
"And what exactly are you looking for?"987Please respect copyright.PENANALfqnDuzlBT
"We have reason to believe that there's a dangerous animal in the area, we wanted to know if you've seen it"987Please respect copyright.PENANAzgpCZC1CKM
"What does it look like?" she yawned, leaning against the doorframe.
"Just let us know if you see anything unusual in the neighborhood, ma'am"
And with that, the two left, trotting to the next house, leaving a tired and confused Rarity standing in the doorway.
Rarity sat at the kitchen table, nursing her coffee as she heard the distinct sound of hoofsteps against the stairs, and was soon greeted with the sight of Needles rubbing her eyes as she yawned silently. Needles offered a small smile and a tired wave towards the unicorn as she joined her at the table, her long legs barely fitting under the table.
"So...not a morning pony, I presume?" Rarity smirked. 987Please respect copyright.PENANA2iywP9FrR0
The biped shot her a tired glare, before mumbling incoherently. She brushed a few strands of hair out of her face before yawning again, and glanced to the unicorn.
"Darling," Rarity began "how would you like to have a change of clothes?"
The biped cocked an eyebrow at her, a puzzled look crossing her thin face.
"Do you...not know what clothes are?"
Needles simply continued to stare at her.
"Well, I do believe we get you some new attire"987Please respect copyright.PENANAPoQ0MzeXHi
'As well as some speech lessons...' she thought.
She watched as the Little Sister gathered a few panels of colored cloth, herself standing on a round platform at the Sister's request. She smoothed her dress, evicting the creases as some of the ratty parts felt as if they might fall off. She had secured the house the night before, locking all of the doors and windows- saftey for the Little Sisters was top priority, after all. Now her armor, while perfect for fending off Splicers, didn't make for very good sleepwear- and thinking her Sisters were safe enough for the time being, shed her metal shell for the night. She'd intended to put it back on once she'd eaten, but the second Sister had wanted to play, which led them to their current situation.
"Now, which one do you prefer?" the Sister asked, levitating two fabrics in front of her.
She pointed to the one on the left, it was the same as the depths of the ocean outside Rapture, but darker than the blue thing hanging outside.
"An excellent color, this will look wonderful on you, darling" Sister said, setting the other length of fabric down.
'Color? Is that what that's called?' she wondered, remembering the first Sister using the term with the little sticks the day before.
She continued standing on the platform, waiting for what the Sister would do next.
"Oh! Terribly sorry, you can come down now" the Sister blushed, motioning for her to step down. 987Please respect copyright.PENANAAXwpNQaCy9
She complied, and stepped off, her bare feet touching the cold, wooden floor once more.
A few moments later, the first Sister came down the stairs, her face contorting into a yawn as she walked to the kitchen table.987Please respect copyright.PENANA02P7MjGdTd
"I see you're finally up" the second sister said, not harshly, joining the first at the table. 987Please respect copyright.PENANA4u92VWsMWB
"Yeah...I was wondering where both of you went" Sister said.
She reached down, and ruffled the smaller Sister's hair, her hand getting poked by the small horn on her head a select few times.987Please respect copyright.PENANAk4jhMojugu
"Hey, Mrs. N" the Sister greeted.
She smiled a bit, and went to the cabinet, rummaging around for something suitable to eat. She finally came upon two colorful boxes, removed them from the cabinet, and placed them on the table.
"Oh no, darling!" the second Sister said, getting up from the table "You're our guest! I couldn't possibly ask you to-"987Please respect copyright.PENANAIGu9pqQdrb
Rarity stopped as she felt herself being picked up.987Please respect copyright.PENANAu8MrDzWeGz
"This again?" she deadpanned.
She set her down on her chair, and slid the chair in. She gave her a pat on the head before turning back to continue rummaging through the cabinets. She discovered three flat discs, and moved to set them on the table- she then found a plethora of glasses, and set a few on the table, one for each of them. She then sat down at the table, and found something wrong with the Sisters- they had funny looks on their faces for some reason.
They then burst into laughter, at what, she had no idea.
'Sisters will be Sisters...' she thought taking one of the discs.