"I'm here, Rarity." the purple horse called, pulling a large black screen through the front door of the shop.984Please respect copyright.PENANAvZHXAEM3h3
She watched from the stairs as the first Little Sister passed her.
"Hiya Twilight!" she greeted.
"Oh, hello Sweetie Belle- is Rarity home?"
"Yep, she's upstairs." Sister said.
"Alright, thank you."
The purple horse stopped upon spying the biped on the stairs.
"Uh...erm...hello," she said "Could you please move? Just for a little while? I need to get up there."
What she received was a horrifying shriek, forcing her blood to turn to ice as she cringed.
"What...in Equestria...was that?" the purple horse asked, standing once more.
"Rarity and I have been tryin' to get her to talk, all she can do is...well...that...and a few other words at the moment."
"I see...well, would you and her mind coming upstairs with me? This concerns all three of you."
"Uh, sure- is it gonna take long? I was gonna go crusading later."
"This shouldn't take too long, half an hour at the most."
"Oh, okay."
The Sister walked up to her.
"Could you please come up?" she asked "Twilight promised it would take too long- you can trust her, honest."
She stared down at the Sister for a bit, then at the purple horse. She made an 'I'm-watching-you' gesture at the purple horse, and turned to go up the stairs, her armor clanking as she went.
Twilight gulped, and followed Sweetie Belle up the stairs.
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"Twilight, darling! How are you?" Rarity asked, turning to face the three other occupants of the room "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Well, at your request, I've gone through most of the books in the library, and I couldn't find anything pertaining to Mrs. N, though I did find an interesting book on the Anubites of the Dry Sands river, it's actually very interesting, it h-"
"Twilight dear, I hate to sound rude, but if you didn't find anything why are you here?"
"Oh, right" she blushed "Well, I figured if there wasn't any existing evidence on Mrs. N, and if we happen to run into any more, we'd be prepared."
"Well, I suppose that does make sense, but why do you need us here?"
"Mrs. N is comfortable with either you or Sweetie Belle here, I thought that might help her understand what I need her to do."
"Ah, I see."
Sweetie Belle stared up at Needles.
"Is that alright with you?" she asked.
"Alright then, let's get started" Twilight said.
And with that, she started the x-ray, then positioned it so that it was in front of Mrs. N.
Sweetie Belle snickered.
"What's so funny?" Twilight asked, confused.
"Look." she said, pointing to the x-ray.
She did, and found that the x-ray only showed part Mrs. N's legs, her boots poking out from under the screen.
Twilight blushed and looked up at the biped.
"Could you please crouch down?" she asked "I need to take your x-ray."
The biped made a sound that could be best described as a sigh, before crouching down, only her head and a majority of her neck showing.
"There we go" Twilight said, removing a clipboard from her saddlebags "Now, let's-"
She stopped dead in her tracks upon inspecting the x-ray, she then peered closer, as if her eyes were betraying her.
"Twilight, dear? What's the matter? Is something wrong?" Rarity asked, her eyes darting back and forth between the mare and the x-ray machine.
Twilight didn't respond, instead she gagged, then retched onto the floor, her bile covering the floorboards as her throat burned. She wiped her mouth once she was finished, and looked to the eldest unicorn, ashamed.
"Sorry about that..." she apologized.
"Erm, perfectly fine, darling- but er, what brought that on?" Rarity asked, trying not to stare at the puddle of bile on the floor.
Twilight gagged again, before stepping closer to the x-ray.
'Is she smirking?' she thought, making brief eye-contact with the biped.
She shook it off, then pointed to the x-ray.
"Well, you see the stomach here-" she said, forcing herself not to gag again "-and if you look closely, right here is what appears to be-"
"Sweet Celestia! What in the world is that?!" Rarity cried.
"Are you sure you want to know?" Twilight asked, feeling the urge to hurl again.
Rarity nodded, less sure this time.
"W-well, I could be wrong...but...erm...it appears to be a- a- slug"
"Ewewewewewewew!!" Sweetie Belle cried out in disgust and terror "You mean that icky thing is crawling around in her stomach?!?"
"It- it appears so" Twilight replied, a bit sickly herself "I suppose the question would be...how did it get there in the first place?"
"Uhm, maybe she did it on a dare?" Sweetie Belle suggested nervously.
The other two unicorns cocked an eyebrow at her.
"What? Colts do it all the time!" she defended.
"Well, um, I highly doubt it got there on accident..." Twilight said, confounded "My only guess is that somepony put it there on purpose."
"But what heartless pony would do something as horrid as- as this?!" Rarity asked, gesturing to the x-ray.
"I don't know" Twilight sighed "but I think right now we should focus on getting the slug *gag* out of her stomach..."
"How'll we do that?" Sweetie Belle squeaked "She attacks almost anypony that gets near her."
Sweetie turned to face the Big Sister, only to find her gone.
"Hey, where'd she go?"
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"Could you please crouch down?" Purple horse asked "I need to take your x-ray."
She did, and snorted a bit while doing so.
"There we go," the purple horse said "Now let's-"
The horse stopped cold, staring at her.
"Twilight, dear? What's the matter? Is something wrong?" Sister asked, switching from the horse to herself.
The purple horse vomited.
"Sorry about that..." the purple horse said.
"Erm, perfectly fine, darling- but er, what brought that on?" Sister asked, concerned.
'Good Sister, Sisters care.'
The purple horse stepped closer.
'Horse is squeamish.'
"Well, you see the stomach here-" the purple horse said "-and if you look closely, right here is what appears to be-"
"Sweet Celestia! What in the world is that?!" Sister cried.
"Are you sure you want to know?"
Sister nodded, a little hesitant.
"W-well, I could be wrong...but...erm...it appears to be a- a- slug"
"Ewewewewewewew!!" first Sister shrieked "You mean that icky thing is crawling around in her stomach?!?"
'Why does that surprise you, Sister?' she thought 'Both of you have one, too'
"It- it appears so" Purple replied "I suppose the question would be...how did it get there in the first place?"
"Uhm, maybe she did it on a dare?" first Sister suggested.
Second Sister and Purple raised an eyebrow.
"What? Colts do it all the time!"
"Well, um, I highly doubt it got there on accident..."
'Purple horse does know something...'
"My only guess is that somepony put it there on purpose"
"But what heartless pony would do something as horrid as- as this?!" Sister cried.
'Sisters have blissful ignorance...'
"I don't know" Purple sighed "but I think right now we should focus on getting the slug *gag* out of her stomach..."
'No- don't like purple more now' she thought, charging up for a teleport. She did, and exited the room silently.