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    El Monel
    El Monel
    My pen name is El Monel, I hope you like my stories. I mainly write fantasy and crime.
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Velvet Throne


Back in his earlier days Jek and his younger brother Kalo would work hard and long every day in their fathers mill. There they would spend long waking hours heaving large loads of grain into the hoppers to be ground down into flour. Their father wasn't exactly the kindest of people, and their mother had run away with a traveling merchant. Their father would force them into dangerous situations and sometimes he would beat them.

When their father would get enveloped in his rage, Jek would always step between him and Kalo, taking the brunt of his rage for years. Jek had been planning and saving to leave and run away from his home, also planning to take Kalo with him.

When the day came, Jek told Kalo that their father need them to go to town and get some supplies from the town market. Kalo followed his brother to town, staying close at his heels. All the while wondering why Jek was carrying so much stuff if they were sent to get goods, wouldn't all of that junk get in the way?

But soon Kalo would find out why his brother had the overwhelming amount of luggage. When they got to town Kalo nearly went right, the way to the town square, but Jek had gone straight ahead. He soon corrected his course and caught up to his older brother. Tugging on his sleeve, he asked "Where are we going? Did you forget, the market is that way".

Jek kept looking forward, not responding to his curious brother.

Then the two turned a corner and there Jek stopped at a carriage and gave the man a cloth pouch filled with gold.

Jek turned around and and told Kalo to get in, he did as told.

A few days later the two found themselves in the city of Aronith. A large city, only second to the capitol. Jek got off of the carriage, pulling his younger brother with him.

The boy had remained silent for the entire journey, all the while freaking out on the inside. Wondering what the hell his brother was thinking. Why the hell did he do this, why were they running away from home. 

Kalo knew why they were running away but what he didn't realize was how bad it actually was. How much Jek had sheltered Kalo from, how much Jek and endured to protect him. He had no idea how horrible his father actually was.

Suddenly he was pulled out of his dream world when his older brother started talking to him.

Kalo. Kalo. Kalo! Wake up and listen.

Kalo pulls his brother along the central road of Aronith. All the while telling his brother that it would be alright, he had been planning this for quite some time and had met a few people in Aronith that would help them get a place to stay and a job.

Kalo continued to listen to his brother, but he remained quiet, keeping to himself.

After what felt like an hour the two had made their way to the Kerrib Inn. Named after a large cat from another continent. They went inside and sat down at a booth in the far right corner.

One of the bar maids came up to them and asked what they would like.

Kalo was about to speak up and ask for some food, he was starving, the food Jek had brought for the journey had ran out a day ago, but Jek immediately cut him off and said that he would like a pint of peridot. Her face suddenly stiffened up, as did her posture. She turned and walked to the back room.

Kalo looked at his brother and then back to the door the bar maid went into, just in time to see a man and a woman walk out towards them. Something about them scared Kalo, but having Jek there helped. The two then sat at the table the boys were sitting at, giving them each a glance trying to get one of them to start talking.


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