Chapter Two: You Have the Wrong Number 790Please respect copyright.PENANAITJ5aFIbPs
790Please respect copyright.PENANAq45yQ6OCre
How did I find myself in a Flynn's Toyota Prius heading straight for Cresent Beach even though we mutually agreed upon the Castillo? Oh, I know. I was duped! The moment Flynn set off in the direction of the communal student parking lot, I should have known something was off. We only had to walk with our own two feet to get to the Castillo. There was no need to remind ourselves that the lot given to students to jam their precious vehicles together like they did their backpacks was far too minuscule to accommodate the student populous. I also didn’t like that I had opted to let my parents keep my car as a second emergency vehicle instead of taking the hunk of metal with me. Sure, I wasn’t really out of place with my bike in Florida, because believe me there are a lot more bikes stuffed into the tip of Florida than I had ever seen in my life in Illinois, but I did enjoy having a set of wheels to just travel. 790Please respect copyright.PENANAh8La6xg9bz
790Please respect copyright.PENANAoYxudv8pSb
“Umm, Flynn?”790Please respect copyright.PENANA22XgEe4cCq
790Please respect copyright.PENANAHF4nbLOgK7
“Don’t worry your pants off, Emily. We’re still going to the Castillo. I just thought it would be a good idea to get a grocery haul while we’re out.” Flynn defended her actions with a perfectly reasonable counter motive. I should have seen right through her rouse. Especially with that devil’s grin. A dimple popped at the corner of her lip.790Please respect copyright.PENANAl3kOtmF02v
790Please respect copyright.PENANAMTRgMCYUN5
“Okay, okay. I have some stuff to get, too. Lemme in.” I pulled open the door to Flynn’s car once we safely navigated the conglomeration of cars. Inside, there were papers and wrappers littered everywhere, and I needed to dig out a spot to sit in relative cleanliness. The car smelled of coffee, but not the good type. More of the type that sat out in 80 degree weather to curddle and then dry into a type of cracked lake of fake cream and sugar. I immediately hit the switch that rolled down the window and breathed fresh air. 790Please respect copyright.PENANABFlzYAYewX
790Please respect copyright.PENANAqfBwMasCHC
“Don’t be so dramatic,” Flynn groaned. She shut her door and pressed the power button, bringing the engine to a gentle tremble. I shifted and nearly crunched a wad of paper at my feet, all of which had the rainbow pen marks from Professor Drockleheimer. I rolled my eyes.790Please respect copyright.PENANAzdtr9Z3NVt
790Please respect copyright.PENANAxyXIqOjlDr
“I think I am appropriately dramatic. Didn’t we just clean this car up?”790Please respect copyright.PENANA6QFQ6O09wl
790Please respect copyright.PENANA0CwdW1YPzK
“Don’t judge. Einstein was said to be super messy, and he was a genius.”790Please respect copyright.PENANAK50Kd35jBM
790Please respect copyright.PENANATycRiiuNhp
“That is an overused excuse. Plus, his mess was a sort of, organized disorder. Yours is…” I saw that something sticky had spilled in the middle glove compartment and had accrued indistinguishable hairs and pieces of food. “Yours is nothing close to resembling Einstein levels.”790Please respect copyright.PENANAxzrzqjGPbH
790Please respect copyright.PENANAJRWUNSs3uP
“Whatever. I’ll clean it later,” said the girl who just looked so out of place in her gunky den of grocery bags and half eaten pastries. She honestly would have been well suited to a castle dining hall with servants hurrying to fill her silver goblet or something regal like that.790Please respect copyright.PENANAZ58IXYq1QR
790Please respect copyright.PENANAfmycXZZqtb
“Hey, it’s not my car. I just like clean oxygen for lungs and nose purposes.” I mock punched her in the arm and her stoic glare at the road turned into a charming chuckle. How could people not see the glimmer to her skin when she was genuinely happy like that? Either I was exceptionally observant or I was the only one who really could see. Judging by my dismal Helper life, then I’m guessing the former. 790Please respect copyright.PENANAQZr6SNKVk1
790Please respect copyright.PENANANsBp4BXQyD
We were able to gracefully navigate the tight streets with ease. I think it was because the students were nestled in their dorms getting ready for their imminent doom via finals. And to say the traffic wasn’t bad would be lying. There would always be tourists from all the fabrics of the world clambering into the red trollies and horse drawn carriages and flooding the gift shops along St. George Street that were a staple in St. Augustine. There was never a dull moment when driving the narrow pathways, that was sure. 790Please respect copyright.PENANAdJDYRrWOeg
790Please respect copyright.PENANAaTkwNGjjKv
Just as I was about to relax in my soft seat, I noticed that Flynn had entered into the lane leading to the Bridge of Lions. I sat up sharply and looked at Flynn with what I knew was the offended puppy dog face.790Please respect copyright.PENANAYlpWDGHMDx
790Please respect copyright.PENANASpJBkmKxgU
“You’re going into the wrong lane,” I said even though I knew that she knew what she was doing. That dimple had popped again, outing her. She kept her mouth shut, her eyes right on the seashell lined road. The salty ocean air had lazily curled itself into the car, hanging heavily around my head. It must had felt the are way with Flynn, too, because her eyelids were fluttering as if she were in a trance. Bad. This was bad. “Come on, this wasn’t the plan. Castillo and then groceries. Not beach and then get in trouble. Your mom wouldn’t want this, Flynn.”790Please respect copyright.PENANA7u36A9QqsO
790Please respect copyright.PENANAoE8Du9xBRC
“Emily, you haven’t even met my mom. Besides, like I said, I won’t be going into the ocean. I just want to look at it is all.” Flynn chanced looking at me when we stopped at the drawbridge. A schooner was passing underneath like it had all the time in the world, leaving us time to talk. “I don’t know why the ocean is worse than drugs or alcohol or whatever to my mom and now you, but I think normal people are okay at just looking at the ocean. It’s not like I’m going to die or anything.” She patted my knee reassuringly. 790Please respect copyright.PENANA0rySoV61Y1
790Please respect copyright.PENANAm6glgpdF0F
“Never should have told you about Crescent Beach,” I mumbled as I set my head on the window. My parents and I used to go there all the time, and I told Flynn all about it before I heard her story about her mom never wanting her to go into the ocean. If I knew how much my memories would fuel her sudden cravings to “just look at the ocean,” I would have traveled to the past to smack myself. In fact, I would have zoomed through time to do a lot of things differently.790Please respect copyright.PENANAAitZoU72yq
790Please respect copyright.PENANAdS51mkCYPU
Like when Adrienne first told me she could speak with the trees. As the drawbridges settled back into place to let the aggravated drivers back onto the passage to Anastasia Island, I let myself recall Adrienne.790Please respect copyright.PENANAxCFesSwPMO
790Please respect copyright.PENANAjt3zCqN29n
Now, this was my first Helper gig. I had to get the whole disbelief factor out of the way. We had been friends for six years, then. I was thirteen and she was fourteen. She knew that my first crush was when I was four. His name was Scar and he had temporarily had reign over the Pride Lands. She swore she would never tell a soul, keeping the secret to death and beyond. I just so happened to know that she adored mixing melted cheese and ketchup to dip her fries in. I always defended her choice of cuisine when we ate in the cafeteria. A girl should be able to eat what tasted good to her, dang it! We painted our nails with cheap polish and talked about the latest botany book she pulled from the local library, and I would geek out on the history novel I bought from Barnes N’ Noble. 790Please respect copyright.PENANAUn0NEL0zys
790Please respect copyright.PENANAd3szFufDdD
So when she pulled me aside after a two hour round of playing the video game, Kingdom Hearts, I knew something was up. She never would have broken the sacred minimum playtime of three hours and skip out on anything related to the character, Riku. That was just sacrilege. 790Please respect copyright.PENANAfx9yo4Km9R
790Please respect copyright.PENANAHXewxXee5H
“Emily, I have something…umm, very important to say.” Adrienne gulped and shakily grabbed a bottle of green mint tea from the nightstand. She never brought the drink to her lips. I think she just had to hold something. Anything. 790Please respect copyright.PENANAXDxr47SPow
790Please respect copyright.PENANAfUGkjPA2Gx
Sensing her abrupt change, I set down the old controller and turned my entire body towards her. My usually plush and soft light blue comforter felt more like a bale of hay. Adrienne was worrying me. She blinked her honey brown eyes as she observed me over her long, straight nose. She was so pretty. Her mom was from India and her father was from Japan finding each other in Chicago with a whirlwind romance, and so Adrienne’s features were delicate and yet so fierce. High cheekbones, small and plump lips, not too tall but definitely filled out, and thick black hair that ended at her back. She was like an ethereal being just chilling out on my bed playing video games. But seeing as she was feeling bad about making me concerned, her eyebrows were doing a rare action where they crushed together like two large mountain ranges battling for dominance. 790Please respect copyright.PENANAorZlAhWDsV
790Please respect copyright.PENANAAzUWzN4ktc
“Your eyebrows are doing that thing,” I commented. 790Please respect copyright.PENANAuaMFVPveNf
790Please respect copyright.PENANAcuaJZKP0NP
She frowned and I sighed. Whenever I was nervous, I would just say whatever was on my mind. It was a bad habit, and I was doing my best to contain my odd quirks at that age, but Adrienne had me super aware that something just was not right. “What is it, En?” En was my nickname for her. It was difficult to truly find a better shortening of her name, so we settled for En. 790Please respect copyright.PENANATsgoq0vh5Z
790Please respect copyright.PENANAXrzoGrLwsL
“Just promise not to…not to think that I’m weird or anything. And don’t get mad. And super just don’t think I’m crazy,” she said in her low, smooth voice. 790Please respect copyright.PENANAZI9q9synoV
790Please respect copyright.PENANAL5qyQzgsTg
“I promise,” I agreed automatically. I trusted Adrienne with my life. At least, if we were in a life or death situation, I was utterly certain Adrienne would take a laser beam for me, and then I would take it for her, and then her for me. You get the point. Whatever she had to tell me, I could accept. Even so, my palms and bottoms of my feet were becoming sweaty. Why did she have to look so serious? Was she going to tell me that she had a crush on a senior? Were they going out? How scandalous, but still something I could handle. 790Please respect copyright.PENANAem9cTHOtBo
790Please respect copyright.PENANAcTiAvR68PV
“Emily, I can talk to trees.”790Please respect copyright.PENANAFmiIf69KVz
790Please respect copyright.PENANARbOw634RGZ
Silence. Well, outside of my body there was silence. The inside was a different story. The blood in my veins was rushing wildly through my entire circulatory system like rapids. I heard the melodic thumping of my heartbeat in my eardrums. Bump ba bump, faster and faster. I could practically feel my pupils widening like a camera lens shutter after shutter. The sweaty palms and feet spread to my stomach, back, and neck. Oh, and my brain. My brain was on overdrive. And from the looks of it, Adrienne was suffering the same symphonic torment within her own skin. She had to put away her green mint tea to keep from spilling the liquid from how much she shook.790Please respect copyright.PENANAcLOzxGSb3H
790Please respect copyright.PENANAB7LG6UFea1
“Say something, Emily.”790Please respect copyright.PENANAq1vgiOHLqT
790Please respect copyright.PENANAsnz011izLM
“S-Something.”790Please respect copyright.PENANAgjC0WjZt2M
790Please respect copyright.PENANANIyotX3Ipt
“No, not. Come on. You know what I mean.”790Please respect copyright.PENANAsotFEJFmKT
790Please respect copyright.PENANAwuxLdRcRUi
“What, um. I…geez…can you explain it more?” I stalled. If she kept talking, I could try and figure out if this was a joke or not. The mountain eyebrows were scrunching even more and she brought her thumb to her lips to nibble at the edge of her fingernail.790Please respect copyright.PENANA2bJcy1xSMW
790Please respect copyright.PENANA7MpLOwNVP9
“I, gosh, I haven't said this out loud to anyone,” she laughed nervously. Her attention flitted everywhere; to my nightstand with our drinks, to the floor where my fluffy black cat, Gwendolyn, snoozed, to the paused game on the television screen, and then finally directly, and intensely on me. I could have gulped but my throat had suddenly gone dry.790Please respect copyright.PENANAHl7NTVe4p9
790Please respect copyright.PENANAjGNRQVP7Bs
“But I trust you, Em.” Em. That was my nickname. That way were for En n’ Em. One without the other and we would be some odd syllable standing alone. “I could, hear, the trees speaking with each other since I was three. I told my parents, because what sane three-year-old would think to keep talking to tree a secret for her parents? Not me,” she sighed and then shrugged. “They thought that the Chicago atmosphere was messing with my head. We moved here immediately, taking me away from the only friends I had. The trees. After that, I never ever told anyone, anyone one at all, what I could do.”790Please respect copyright.PENANAvauuL5x7Hc
790Please respect copyright.PENANANzzwbYoBua
“What changed?” I managed to mumble. “Why tell me now?”790Please respect copyright.PENANAf6azNcyDF8
790Please respect copyright.PENANARaQygMmSTN
“W-well,” she stuttered and then turned pink. “Before, I just spoke with the trees. Nothing more. They told me how the soil was, what type of animal was around, how the weather was going to turn out. Stuff like that. I’d ask about the different people they’ve seen and how many lives they saw pass by them. They didn’t mind I was so nosy. Someone new was talking to them! But…but last year I met a willow tree when my parents and I drove around for fun out in the country. The willow tree, Akram, he. Um. I can see him.”790Please respect copyright.PENANA9KVJwQVWox
790Please respect copyright.PENANAAaB0NzlCis
“See him how?” Damn, I was doing an excellent job in sounding put together. If I wasn’t so jolted, I would have patted myself on the shoulder.790Please respect copyright.PENANAEJhylCC0Tx
790Please respect copyright.PENANABrGgJz93Mv
“The other trees just had voices. I heard them in my head. Nothing physical or anything. Akram, though, I immediately saw him outside of his willow tree next to a pond. He was transparent, so I knew not to let Mom and Dad know that they just walked past a tree spirit. I let them sit on the other side of the pond so I can talk to Akram. And when he spoke, I heard him outside of my ears, not inside my head. I can’t tell you how exciting that was. We talked up a storm, and not just dumb drivel. We spoke about life and the universe and the color of the sky and what that meant,” she swooned.790Please respect copyright.PENANA0xtXratujM
790Please respect copyright.PENANAXzIEWLdG3g
“What does a tree spirit look like?” I was surprised that Adrienne didn’t catch on that my responses were mechanic. To me, she was making up a story. To her, she was living a fairy tale. I wanted to believe her, but I couldn’t. 790Please respect copyright.PENANAPpuLtKMTtY
790Please respect copyright.PENANAfnYScniNsX
“I’ve only ever seen Akram. He’s tall. Like, six foot three. He’s a lot like the elves from Lord of the Rings. Elegant, soft, long silver hair and vivid blue eyes. His skin is milky and he has long, pointed ears,” she was clambering to tell me everything all at once, and I struggled to piece together the man she was shaping with her words. “He has an even speaking voice, low and raw, but when he’s on a topic he really cares about, his gravel kind of smooths out. Like the rock tumbler we used in fifth grade. You know, like the peridot you gave me from class. Rough to shiny. If all the tree spirits have his appearance, the human race would be doomed.”790Please respect copyright.PENANAPUFRU8UzUw
790Please respect copyright.PENANA0keoxUfqAV
“He sounds like a dream come true.”790Please respect copyright.PENANATfsCAkmuZs
790Please respect copyright.PENANA2T5iwYa6V7
“And that’s the reason why I had to tell you about me speaking with trees and all. Speaking to Akram specifically. Em, I think I’m falling in love with him.”790Please respect copyright.PENANA6WD6zGRrjD
790Please respect copyright.PENANAERpu3JzEdO
My best friend. My best, best friend just told me that she was in love with a tree. What could I possibly say? I urged myself to open my mouth and reply with anything.790Please respect copyright.PENANAAFzETd1JeD
790Please respect copyright.PENANAbKelXfYVbR
“Does he feel the same way? Can you tell?” No. That was not what I wanted to ask. I didn’t want to encourage her. 790Please respect copyright.PENANAe13X71rynS
790Please respect copyright.PENANAVoY1ylPCoO
“I don’t know. I’m fourteen and he’s two hundred and sixty three. To him, I’m a baby.”790Please respect copyright.PENANAMyB9cOHGjA
790Please respect copyright.PENANAoPz6OtrVV2
Great. Now my best friend was in love with a tree who happens to be a pedophile.790Please respect copyright.PENANADr8kk9FsHI
790Please respect copyright.PENANAc6EjVuw6ua
“Can I meet him? You can translate tree mumbo jumbo for me, and then I can decipher his answers. Another pair of eyes couldn’t hurt.” Again, bad plan, me. What was I doing? And why was I feeling weird like I was covered in quick drying glue?790Please respect copyright.PENANAWrsqOz6GVQ
790Please respect copyright.PENANA3T9OQ53XiB
Adrienne brightened. She was actually tearing up. No, no, no. The mountains had crumbled from her face and she was polished. Like peridot. My heart plummeted. “Oh, Em! Yes, I can get my parents to take us next week! God, this means, this means you believe me!” Her back straightened and she grinned and grinned. “You do, right? Right?”790Please respect copyright.PENANAbsll0O0Jrw
790Please respect copyright.PENANAkHsKnxqJqx
“I-I-I,” there were go. There was the nervousness. “I, I…”790Please respect copyright.PENANAdBPf0Z1av3
790Please respect copyright.PENANAMW8PqwFufG
Flynn’s car stopped in a parking space next to the station where people go to the bathroom, change into swimsuits, and have a water spigot to rinse their sandy feet. I blinked about five times before completely dragging myself out of that memory of Adrienne’s expectant face, waiting for my answer. Hungry for it. To think that everything went wrong because of that one response. That one word that sealed my Helper fate for my entire life. It was my fault, wasn’t it? Flynn poked my side to get a reaction from me, and as I turned to poke her back, I knew that I had to make sure she wouldn’t so much as stick a toe in that damn ocean.790Please respect copyright.PENANA5UhFzFI8lF
790Please respect copyright.PENANAEEHo6ASocT
“Let’s go!” Flynn squealed. She exited the car and barreled straight towards the boardwalk leading to the beach. I yelped and jumped from the car, making sure to lock the doors because Flynn had forgot. I rushed after her, letting the humidity and salt coat my throat, nose, and lungs. The air was therapeutic up to the point where it began to burn. Not so much happiness after that. Ouch!790Please respect copyright.PENANAh9GxQyyIvB
790Please respect copyright.PENANAy3fWEsvii0
“Wait, Flynn!” I shouted through gritted teeth. She briefly spared me a devious glance behind her and then focused on the sand and shrubs under the boardwalk until the ocean bumbled into view. Faster and faster she ran, absorbing everything I was sure, until she saw it. When she found herself face to face with the object she had been denied for so long, all her life, she stopped dead in her tracks. There wasn't much time for her to gawk, thought. Yup, I slammed right into her with an oomph. We tumbled down to the bottom of the sandy hill, getting the stuff in our hair and cloths, but I don’t think Flynn minded. She was laughing. An enchanting sound in itself. 790Please respect copyright.PENANASfC55U4uui
790Please respect copyright.PENANAa85HnFAJL8
“The ocean!” She panted. “The ocean! Emily, I can see seagulls! Oh, look, pelicans. Sweet, are those dolphins way, way out there? Can you believe I’m at the freaking ocean?”790Please respect copyright.PENANA25x3Im2FBE
790Please respect copyright.PENANAHO7nVrOKlL
“Yup. Fun times.” I got up, brushed myself off, and yanked Flynn to her feet by the arm. Now that I could see her better, I saw that she was crying. Weeping with joy. Oh no, not tears. Those were the right type of weapon against me. I scrubbed the back of my hand across my nose. “Let’s walk along the bank. That's it, though. No toe dipping allowed.” Adrienne turned to me, startled.790Please respect copyright.PENANAX3t49OGbdq
790Please respect copyright.PENANA56PI0UTWHx
“Really?!” She almost barked.790Please respect copyright.PENANAE3MgR2AoK5
790Please respect copyright.PENANAwbCC97kXyQ
“Yeah. Just don’t get in is all.”790Please respect copyright.PENANAHmaNxMFEEK
790Please respect copyright.PENANA2a3g8U1Wi2
“I won’t. I promise. I just want to be near it. That;s all I've always wanted. Anyways, I can’t swim.”790Please respect copyright.PENANAGjRovo5w9I
790Please respect copyright.PENANAXksApa3PbJ
Yet, I found myself thinking. I shook my head. No. Not Flynn. I’d keep her safe like I couldn't with Adrienne. 790Please respect copyright.PENANA7NuYvlX567
790Please respect copyright.PENANAvby3sr8Miu
We avoided the crispy sunbathers and charging children kicking their sand castles down only to build new versions seconds later, and found a good path to walk along. I was closer to the ocean’s edge, which was about a good yard away. Even I felt the undeniable urge to jump in and splash about like a fool. Think about what Flynn had to go through. But there would be no relenting here. I lost Adrienne when I did that. 790Please respect copyright.PENANAvtmlhzK4Po
790Please respect copyright.PENANAlcUsVADnpN
“I feel so relaxed, like my whole life had been some jittery and unfocused blur. Everything here is so clear, though,” Flynn sighed. She held out her palms as if she were letting the whole world rest upon them, and smirked. “Maybe we can do our homework here. I think my grades would shoot up to a perfect 4.0.” 790Please respect copyright.PENANAbhpCf8xdbJ
790Please respect copyright.PENANAZ70NEhfcY7
“They’d drop if you’re this into sand in your pants.”790Please respect copyright.PENANAFzy2lQBh4Y
790Please respect copyright.PENANAWwKm7oxKFn
“Oh, yeah. You’re right.”790Please respect copyright.PENANA6JMFNpnVr9
790Please respect copyright.PENANAFTNXUqIpdS
There were a few other people up ahead. They had the unique air of ex-students who graduated the year before and were relishing the lack of tests, homework, books, and studying. One day, that would be me, too. The group was separated by a net, and they were passing a ball from one group to another. Volleyball. It looked fun and they were all smiling, but I knew that I would burn in a game like that. I shuddered from the thought of the spoiled P.E. classes from my lack of cardiovascular talent. 790Please respect copyright.PENANAtjbeWwqltQ
790Please respect copyright.PENANANfGAnlCBkC
“Thank you for not getting mad at me,” Flynn said as she bumped my shoulder playfully. “I don’t know what was wrong with me. I was driven. Kind of went crazy.”790Please respect copyright.PENANAKjdh3GAR0L
790Please respect copyright.PENANASPxqkTQ4FS
One girl must have been as skilled at volleyball like I was and passed the ball way off course. A guy who was determined to pass it back ran after the ball at a rapid speed.790Please respect copyright.PENANA5mp8G2Ip8g
790Please respect copyright.PENANAbvAIrkceuZ
“I can’t get mad at you, Flynn. Just don’t trick me like that again. You can find me pretty understanding and, erm, helpful.” My own little inside joke.790Please respect copyright.PENANADmSQbuqiOF
790Please respect copyright.PENANAX8y3alWXm7
He was all muscle in his legs, and so the guy was using too much force. And, wait, his trajectory was veering away from the ball. No! He was heading right for us! And if we were hit with that much force….790Please respect copyright.PENANAr95v375SfP
790Please respect copyright.PENANA9CVT7whlP3
“I know you are! But you were so hung up on my mom keeping me from the ocean, I just didn’t want to chance it. Yeah, I won’t do you like that again.”790Please respect copyright.PENANAg81EUvcAh0
790Please respect copyright.PENANAZPZfio7JlI
“Flynn, watch out!”790Please respect copyright.PENANAa6yKLhGUmb
790Please respect copyright.PENANA5wjM9jIAgZ
Yeah. Yeah, as you might have guessed from the first mention of "volleyball" and "muscle legs," the guy crashed right into us. Flynn flew into me, and despite all of my efforts, I was flung onto the wet sand. Luckily, the water had only just receded. Not luckily, the water was coming back in the form of a two foot wave. 790Please respect copyright.PENANA7xhdglvegP
790Please respect copyright.PENANAOwi6xVHblt
“Get up, Flynn. Hurry. Hurry!” I screamed. I scuttled underneath her, breathing heavily. She tried to move, but the volleyball guy was tangled in her hair. I felt my eyes burn as if they needed to cry, but the tears were stuck. No crying until Flynn was out. I told my body to move. To get up. The water was closing in on us. I saw the swirling waves as they frothed with white caps, churning the sand underneath its weight. The guy finally got up, apologizing but did not having the decent sense to help the girl he bowled over up. I growled and pushed at Flynn’s back. She budged only a little. “Please,” I almost whimpered.790Please respect copyright.PENANAzPEqgkl0ef
790Please respect copyright.PENANAT2HlDMXOqf
Maybe it was the sound of my desperation that gave Flynn her gumption, I don’t know, but she at last heaved herself up. I moved, too, in awe that we might escape the ocean unscathed. I was slow, however. Yes, she got up, but her feet were still planted in the same spot she had fallen. I didn't catch that vital detail. When the water came, it barely tickled her ankles, yet that was all that needed to be done. 790Please respect copyright.PENANAWtQzwvB5FO
790Please respect copyright.PENANAD8XxTliSnq
A flash of intense light poured and expanded from Flynn’s body from the contact point of ocean to skin. The light was a pure gold, and it illuminated all of Flynn’s features, making her already glimmering skin a sheet of sparkles. The guy and the volleyball party were all blinded, pawing at their eyes, but I could see everything clearly, probably because of my Helper afflication. I could see the ocean begin to writhe, churn, bubble, and then boil. I could feel the earth beneath us rumble in protest, creaking. The light continued to stream out of Flynn’s skin, a torrent of bright air waves. 790Please respect copyright.PENANAMVEpeabVSu
790Please respect copyright.PENANAIl8VnC3MDN
“Emily, what’s happening?” Flynn moaned. She was terrified, and I couldn’t blame her. I’ve seen some crazy stuff, and she must have seen my otherwise placid expression, thinking that my lack of astonishment meant that I knew what the hell was going on. I did not. Not exactly. I had an idea, though.790Please respect copyright.PENANArZty6g6mIJ
790Please respect copyright.PENANAZCVpQVN27I
“I’m guessing this is why your mom didn’t want you in the ocean.”790Please respect copyright.PENANAHNHcgknjNG
790Please respect copyright.PENANA2v88qcIEL2
“I thought as much,” she answered sarcastically, “but, what should I do?”790Please respect copyright.PENANApoXQarP8Uk
790Please respect copyright.PENANARoBWL97FLd
“Get out of the water?”790Please respect copyright.PENANAwrQSUsNBh3
790Please respect copyright.PENANAPzu69aOGtH
“Right.” She stepped away from the water, holding her breath. Nope. She was still glowing. “Dammit!” 790Please respect copyright.PENANAsoRFMfEHGT
790Please respect copyright.PENANAbD7FrisuOj
“That’s right, 'dammit',” I groaned. While Flynn was extracting herself from the water, something in the far off depths of the ocean was making a peak form from the boiling torrents of angry waves. Something that had yet to break the surface. All that came to mind was that there was a torpedo spiraling over to annihilate us. There was no point in running. The thing was going too fast, and it was directed right at Flynn. She was too preoccupied in her glowy-ness. I bit my lip and tasted blood.790Please respect copyright.PENANAXo3HI6urKz
790Please respect copyright.PENANAbG0SZ5XrIx
Well. It was nice living. My parents were the best parents anyone could ever have. I had four best friends. The ocean was lovely. The world was fulfilling if you gave it a chance. I shuddered and then relaxed. Alright. It would be okay.790Please respect copyright.PENANAxRW1aB50Kb
790Please respect copyright.PENANAONFQSwp5Je
Time for the classic bait and switch, right?790Please respect copyright.PENANArVYMC5t7DL
790Please respect copyright.PENANA708Hzw9KUq
Swiftly, I ran to Flynn and pushed her away from the spot she seemed to be rooted to with all of the strength I possessed in every muscle fiber in my body, letting adrenaline do its job. She fell right back on top of volley ball guy who shouted in surprise since, right, he couldn’t see that coming. Flynn stared at me with hurt, but then that soon melted into shock and understanding. She must have glimpsed the torpedo thing. She shouted something I didn't allow myself to hear. I gave her a sad smile and turned to my fate.790Please respect copyright.PENANAVxQUrf5RH2
790Please respect copyright.PENANA8OHhuMhXJG
Something crested from the ocean, popping out onto the sand. It was coming for me quickly, that was sure, but it wasn’t a torpedo. No. Not a torpedo at all. It was a man. That was as much as I could see before he latched onto my wrist and said something that I couldn’t understand. He then yanked me right into the ocean. Right. Into. The. Ocean. There was a cacophony of Flynn's screams, the rush of water over my ears, and the roaring panic of taking my last deep breath of Florida air.790Please respect copyright.PENANARpbF8ZTlGT
790Please respect copyright.PENANA3DZYFershP
And I did something no Sidekick or Helper should ever do. Not ever. It was something reserved only for the main character. 790Please respect copyright.PENANALEgN2tEbtu
790Please respect copyright.PENANAJxCXxjTiJY
I blacked out. Bad form, me. 790Please respect copyright.PENANAGpcz8HA6nz
Who is this mystery man? What will become of Emily and Flynn? Please tell me tour thoughts!