"Ivy where are you going to be", April said
"Inside", Ivy said changing into a black skin tight dress.
"Inside I'll be on in the house next door what about you April"
"Inside with Ivy", April said changing into some black heels.
"Cool put in your ear pieces", I said grabbing my sniper case.
"Can you hear me", Ivy said through her ear piece.
"Dumbass we're in the same room of course we can hear you", I said walking towards the door.
"I knew that but you guys ready to go", Ivy said strapping up her heels standing up.
"Yeah let's go", April said putting her guns in the holster under her jacket.
We all walked out downstairs towards the front door to only be stopped by William. He blocked our path and stood there with his arms folded over his chest.
"Where are you girls going", William said
"Get out the goddamn way before we're late"
"First tell me where you're going", William said.
"We gotta go now if we want to be there on time", April said looking down at her watch.
"William move", Ivy said and I helped her move him out the way.
We ran over to our cars well I ran over to my car while April and Ivy walked to theirs because they wore heels. I got in my car and drove to 638 Rock Creek but parked down the street away from both houses.
I grabbed my sniper case and broke into the for sale house next door. I went up the stairs and into the room that shows the side of the house. Luckily he has a lot of windows. It took awhile trying to put the sniper together because I had to use the flashlight from my phone.
"You done setting up", I heard Ivy said through the ear piece as I through my hood on.
"Yeah you in yet", I said looking through the scope searching for Dave Seville.
"No I'm waiting for April to go in first", Ivy said.
"I'm going in now but keep your eyes on the prize guys", April said as I saw her walking into the house.
"Got you"
"Alrighty", Ivy said and a few minutes later came walking into the party.
"Any of you spot Dave yet"
I started looking around and saw that he was upstairs.
"He's upstairs"
Then all of a sudden I felt am arm around my neck and something wet covering my mouth. I held my breath and the person pulled me back making me knock over the sniper making me miss my shot.
"What the fuck Alex you almost shot me", I heard April say.
I tried getting out this headlock by pulling on their arm but that didn't work so I backed the person up into the small bathroom. I kicked the door closed and ran up the wall jumping into their back. Finally being able to breathe.
"What the hell", the person said and it sounded like a boy.
"Alex what's going on up there", Ivy said.
I dropped down off their back and kicked them in the back of the knee. The boy fell onto the floor and I ran past him to my gun.
"Alex I've got Dave Seville just meet us at the house", Ivy said.
I packed up my gun and ran back towards the boy in the bathroom. Who was charging at me and tackled me onto the floor. I flipped us after he laid a few hits and started punching him repeatedly on the stomach and face until he was out cold.
"Alex where are you", Ivy said.
I grabbed my sniper case and got out of there. I locked the door and ran down the street to my car. I got in and drove off to the house. I got out and walked into the house to be greeted with hugs from April and Ivy.
"What the fuck happened up there", April said pushing me away from her.
"Yeah you had us worried", Ivy said punching me in my arm.
"Shit that hurt", I said punching Ivy back.
"You ok", Ivy said taking off my hood gasping when she did.
"What the fuck happened", April said.
"Can I sit down first", I said going upstairs to our room dropping the case on the floor.
"What happened", April said.
"Someone must have been in the house with me or someone cause they tried to drug me and then we fought", I said taking the vodka bottle from Ivy sitting on the bean bag chair.
"Why didn't to you tell us", Ivy said drinking a bottle of whiskey.
"So you wanted me to open my mouth so I could get drugged", I said taking a swing of the vodka.
"What is with a the noise down here", William said coming into our room looking at us strange.
"We just got in", I said taking off my hoodie putting it on the floor next to my bed.
"Well it's good to know that you're alright", April said patting me on my back.
"And that we made 2 grand in one night", I yelled toasting with Ivy and then with April.
"The 3 Musketeers did it again", April said sitting on her bed.
"Umm excuse me girls or the 3 Musketeers what are you doing up so late? When did you get in? Why are you drinking?", William said walking towards us.
"First we just got in and second that's nun of your business and third is because the 3 Musketeers RODE AGAIN", Ivy said and we all took a swing of our drinks.
"Well keep it down and in the morning I want to know where you 3 have been", William said leaving our room closing the door behind him.
April locked our door and turned on the t.v to the news and it said that Dave Seville was stabbed to death. I know it's bad career we went into but we get we all have our low points. We got to do what we go to do to make well get money. Because nobody will hire us so we found a way to make money.
"I don't know about you 2 but I'm going to bed", April said yawning laying down in her bed closing her red curtain.
"Night April", I said finishing off my drink tossing the empty bottle onto the floor.
I changed into a sports bra and some basketball shorts. Then laid down on my bed pulling my curtain. I plugged my phone up in this little hole in the wall next to my bed. I looked down at my stomach and there were some bruises covering my stomach.
"Night fuckers", Ivy said and I guess she turned off the lights.
I guess I'll wrap them up in the morning and turned over and went to sleep.
I woke up to knocking and yelling at the door once again. I'm so happy today's Friday and the Mitchell's aren't here that means we can finally take a break.
"Wake up girls time for school", I heard William yelling while knocking on the door.
"Shut the fuck up", I heard Ivy say and then someone screaming.
I pulled my curtain back and William was standing there with a knife right above his head.
"Ugh Ivy what did we tell you about knife throwing in the house", April said getting up to take the knife off the wall.
"What the fuck was that for", William said in shock.
"Ivy doesn't like being woken up on Friday's and neither do we", April said.
"You know the Mitchell's let us stay in on Friday's"
"I don't think so this list says otherwise it says not to listen to Alex", William said looking at this long list then up at me.
I stuck up the middle finger to him and got down from my bed.
"What happened to you", William said pointing at my stomach then my face.
"What the fuck happened", April said as Ivy walked into the bathroom.
"I fought yesterday"
"Oh yeah I forgot", April said cleaning up the floor a little bit.
I walked over to my closet which was in the middle of April and Ivy's closet. I grabbed some clothes and walked in the bathroom as Ivy came out. I took a shower and washed my hair. Then started cleaning up my scraps and bruises. I wrapped up my sides and got dressed.
I looked in the mirror and had a bruise on my right cheek. I took out Ivy's makeup kit and started covering it up. I walked out the bathroom so April could go in and I had put on my shoes. I grabbed my phone and my bag then made my way downstairs. Then zipped up my jacket to cover my stomach.
"Girls hurry up so you won't be late", William said cooking in the kitchen.
I walked in the kitchen and got a bottle of whiskey and poured it into a black bottle.
"Tell April and Ivy I'll see them at break"
"Alright but where are you going with the alcohol", William said
"School", I said in a duh tone.
I got into my car and drove to school. I can't walk until finals this fall so school can finally be over. I parked my car and walked into room 373 and sat in the back.
"Late again Ms Summers", Mr Turner said walking to my desk giving me a pink slip.
"Yeah I know", I said dropping my bag next to the desk drinking some of the whiskey.
Feeling it burn my throat as it went down. I laid back in my chair and put in my earbuds. I slowly drifted off to sleep and after awhile I felt someone tap my shoulder. I looked up and it was the same boy from yesterday.
"Fuck you want"
"Wake up we got a project together", the boy said
"First don't ever call me that and ok start working on it"
"Oh no you can start working it", he said dropping this big ass packet on my desk.
"Fuck no you can take your packet home and work on it", I said giving him the packet.
I picked up my water bottle and drunk the rest of the whiskey. I tossed the bottle in my bag and saw Mr Turner walking back here towards us.
"What seems to be the problem", Mr Turner said.
"Alex doesn't want to do anywork", the boy said.
"Ms Summers how come you'll take the test and quizzes but not do the work", Mr Turner said.
"Because I don't have the time for it"
"Ms Summers I'm sorry but if you don't do this project I have no choice but to send you back principal's orders", Mr Turner said.
Are you fucking kidding me? This man is really going to send me back to jail. I mean at least I won't have to do work.