"Alex stop you win", Zack said and he had fear written all over his face.
I was on top of Zack and holding a gun to his head. He had bruises all over his face and body. His clothes were ripped and had blood on it. I looked up to see that William was staring at me.
"Shit", I said throwing the gun backing away from Zack.
I ran hands through my hair leaning up against the wall.
"Alex it's fine I started it", Zack said.
Fuck, fuck, fuck
"Now Alex this isn't your fault", Zack said.
I always gotta take things too far. I could've killed this man if I wanted too.
"No you wouldn't have Alex don't think like that", Zack said and I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"I could have fucking killed you and you know that", I said getting my phone.
I looked over at William then back at Zack and grabbed my bag.
"Alex calm down no need for you to leave", Zack said and I walked over to the door.
"Babe come here", William said still taped to the wall.
I opened the door and ran down the hall.
"Alex", Zack yelled chasing me.
I ran to the emergency exit and started running down the steps.
"Babe", William yelled chasing me.
Since I knew they would catch up with me I hopped over the rail and dropped down to the ground floor. I kicked off of on the last rail and rolled onto the floor. I stood up and saw William and Zack still running down the stairs. I ran out the hotel and got a cab.
"Take me to a bar", I said looking back to see Zack and William coming out the hotel chasing the cab.
I sat back down and sighed.
"Rough morning", the cab driver man said.
"Something like that"
"I know it's none of my business or anything but why are those men chasing you", the cab driver man said.
"Because I took things to far", I said holding my head in my hands.
I could have killed Zack if I didn't stop. Or maybe William. Why do I have to be like this?
"Got caught cheating on your boyfriend", the cab driver said.
"I'm not dating any of them well sort of with one"
"We're here and that'll be 45 dollars", the cab driver man said.
"Thanks", I said going in my bag giving him the money.
I stepped out the cab and closed the door behind me. I walked up to the bar and sat down at the counter.
"Give me the strongest drink you got", I told the bartender.
"Isn't it a little early to be drinking", the bartender said.
"I got money"
"Fine with me but are you older than 16", the bartender said pouring the drink.
"Yeah I'm 18"
"Here you go", the bartender said.
I took the shot and gulped it down. I set it back on the counter and squeezed my eyes closed.
"Woah", I said opening my eyes.
"Why are you here exactly", the bartender said.
"Because I fucked up"
"Cheated on your boyfriend", the bartender said pouring me another drink.
"Why does everybody keep saying that cheating shit"
"Because that's mostly why people come in here in the morning even they got cheated on or something that involves some type of cheating shit", the bartender said sitting down across from me.
"Well, I didn't. I just fucked everything up"
"How", the bartender said and I gulped down the drink again.
"Because when I get angry I can't control what I do"
"Continue", the bartender said just giving me a lot of shots.
"Well I got mad at my friend and we fought and almost..."
I took a couple more of shots and began to get tipsy.
"You know whatever you tell me in this bar never leaves this bar", the bartender said.
"Alright well I almost killed him and this guy I got something going on with saw me almost kill someone. I think it's a done deal for us"
"How did he react", the bartender said.
"He started calling my name and chasing after me when I ran out on him and Zack"
"So basically if I'm understanding this right you fought your best friend and almost killed them. Then after that, you ran here because you think your boyfriend is creeped out about you", the bartender said.
"Yep", I said taking the rest of the shots.
"Maybe he isn't I mean he did chase you trying to get you back", the bartender said.
"Yeah probably"
"Maybe you should call him or something he might want to talk to you", the bartender said.
"Alright", I said pulling out my phone.
"I'll be over here cleaning up", the bartender said give me privacy to talk to William.
When did I get William's number? I called his number and he answered right away.
"Babe, where are you? Zack and I are looking everywhere for you. I'm so fucking worried about you are you okay. Are you hurt in any way? Did I hurt you in any way?", William said fast.
"Umm first I just wanted to know if you're ok"
"Yeah but are you ok", William said.
"Yeah I'm fine"
"I just want to know what happened to you back in the hotel room", William said.
"When I get like really mad I can't control what I do especially when I'm fighting"
"All I want to know is if you're okay", William said.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Is Zack okay"
"Yeah he just has a couple of bruises here in there", William said.
"Where are you Alex", William said.
"At this bar, I don't know what it's called though"
"Thank god you're okay Zack is over here freaking out about you. He was about to call for a fucking search team to look for you", William said laughing.
"That's Zack for you over fucking dramatic"
"Alright I'll be there in a second", William said then hung up.
I sighed and laid my head down on the counter.
"So how did it go", the bartender said putting a big glass of clear stuff in front of me.
"Alright he said that he was worried about me and stuff"
"Good now drank up", he said.
"What is it"
"Water", he said sitting down.
"Thanks", I said drinking the water.
"Anytime...", he said.
"Alex it's Alex and you are..."
"Derek", he said.
"We should hang out sometime as friends", I said giving him my number.
"Yeah as friends", Derek said.
"Baby there you are I was so fucking worried about you", I heard William said and he grabbed me by my waist lifting me off the stool.
He kept kissing my cheek and talking about how he missed me and stuff.
"I see you're okay now", I heard Derek say.
"Thank you for taking care of my baby girl", William told Derek.
"You're welcome", Derek said as William sat me back down on the stool.
"I missed you so much babe", William said kissing me.
I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his around my waist. I felt his tongue against my lip and parted my lips. I moaned against William's lips and felt him smirk.
"Break it up you 2", I heard someone say and pulled William off of me.
I saw Zack standing there staring at us in disgust.
"I did not want to see that", Zack said shaking his head.
"Maybe you should have waited a little bit longer we would have been done in a little bit"
"No you wouldn't have it looked like you 2 were about to start fucking any second", Derek said smirking.
"Shut the fuck up Derek"
"How about you come over here and make me", Derek said sticking his tongue out at me.
"It doesn't matter we'll finish that up in my room", William said saying licking his lips then winking at me.
I could my face heating up and Zack just looked at us like he was going to throw up.
"Save that for another time and place", Zack said.
"Babe I'll meet you at the hotel I gotta get the Mitchell's kids so we can bond", William said.
"Alright see you later", I said and William pecked my lips.
"Leave", Zack said pushing William out the bar.
"Alex sorry messing with you", Zack said turning towards me.
"It's ok"
"I should't have threw you against the wall", Zack said
"No I should't have hung up on you"
"Now since this whole sob fest is over and you can get back to whatever you do", Zack said.
"Hey Derek, Zack here said he would pay my bill"
"Fine how much is it", Zack said turning to Derek.
"600 pounds", Derek said handing him a piece of paper.
"That's like 800 U.S dollars what the fuck was you drinking", Zack said.
"See you", I said walking out the bar and called a cab.
After I arrived at the hotel I saw Jackson and Faith sitting at the front desk along with Ivy and April.
"What happened to your room", Ivy said.
"I fought Zach"
"So you haven't been doing like what your therapist said", April said.
"I have been writing in my book just not often"
"Why", Ivy and April said in sync.
"Because I don't know", I said getting on the elevator.
I went to my room but my stuff wasn't in there so I went to William's room.
"Faith I said wait downstairs until Alex gets here so you all can go to the mall", William said opening the door.
"So my name is Faith now"
"Oh shit sorry babe", William said pulling me into the room closing the door behind me.
"It's alright"
"I'm so happy you're ok", William said
"Me too so we're going to the mall"
"Yep", William said.
"Then let's go"
"Alright", William said grabbing his wallet.
"Let's me change my clothes real quick"
"I'll be downstairs", William said.
I threw on some clothes and ran to the hotel lobby where they were waiting.
William called a cab and we all rode to the nearest mall. I looked around and this place was big ass fuck. William went with Faith and Jackson to make sure Faith doesn't max out the credit card. While Ivy, April and I had different plans.693Please respect copyright.PENANAlo97234uOZ
"Wanna go canoeing", April said693Please respect copyright.PENANAgIT3rrFLRv
"Let's race there and..."693Please respect copyright.PENANAAulsofPOB8
"Loser has to swim in that fish tank", Ivy said pointing at this huge fish tank.693Please respect copyright.PENANAeJfkIZZdqE
It went from the floor all the way up to ceiling I would hate to come in last. Ivy took off running while April and I were staring.693Please respect copyright.PENANAlDGix9pnim
"Fucking cheater", I yelled and took off after Ivy with April behind me.693Please respect copyright.PENANAlu5tijt9Ry
I caught up with her and finally made it to the sports store after stopping to look at the map a couple of times. I ended up coming in last for stopping.693Please respect copyright.PENANAwLdbgXwWKR
"Hope you're ready to swim", April said laughing.693Please respect copyright.PENANAPX6VXnQPKU
"Just get the canoe"693Please respect copyright.PENANAKj0R56gPlA
"Got it", Ivy said693Please respect copyright.PENANAdcOUkRvAFm
We ran over to her and helped her carry it up the escalator. Then set it up at the top. The people behind us were trying to get the mall cops. Ivy and April sat in the front while I sat in the back stopping us from going off the edge.693Please respect copyright.PENANAzUlrY2Xlem
"On 3", April said693Please respect copyright.PENANAIJs320Rd0I
"1", Ivy said693Please respect copyright.PENANAakmUT53B0C
"2"693Please respect copyright.PENANAdZZt9KRPtE
"3", I said and just then I felt someone's hand on my shoulder.693Please respect copyright.PENANAfLyIc2Goby
I looked up and there was a bunch of mall cops behind me.693Please respect copyright.PENANAqVuono4beS
"Ma'am stop before I call the police", the man said.693Please respect copyright.PENANA8l3pyNlT5X
I look a down at the bottom of the escalator and then back up at him.693Please respect copyright.PENANAjzuqp4fCSS
"Oops", I said letting go.693Please respect copyright.PENANAZ5J0dBAYN8
We slid down the escalator fast into a bunch of clothes. 693Please respect copyright.PENANAq06cEkYb8O
"Shit", April said looking back.693Please respect copyright.PENANAQ1mkDsUo4A
The cops were running down the stairs to get us. I quickly got up and then helped Ivy who was stuck under a clothing rack. We took off running to the front of the mall.693Please respect copyright.PENANA3ej2WZSnio
"We can't leave yet", April said stopping.693Please respect copyright.PENANAdmygb6jGVd
"Why not"693Please respect copyright.PENANA9gj4ZMNcSV
"You gotta swim", Ivy said and took a turn towards the stairs dodging the cops.693Please respect copyright.PENANA0AvYwEO7Ox
I tossed April my phone and quickly stopped to kick off my shoes and pants. Good thing I wore girl boxers. I ran through the crowd of people and saw Faith and Jackson. I heard them yelling but kept going.693Please respect copyright.PENANAyndi8Z3u42
I took off my shirt and looked back to see the mall cops, people with phones and Jackson, Faith and William chasing after us. I ran past Ivy and April who were on there way to the bottom. I held my breathe and jumped in. Shit this water is cold.693Please respect copyright.PENANAbNWoKSSsCB
I sank down to the bottom and the mall cops were knocking on the glasses yelling but it was muffled. April and Ivy were laughing. I started seeing flashes and saw that people were taking pictures. I started waving and posing for the pictures.693Please respect copyright.PENANAh4f2KbihTa
I saw William and the Mitchell's kids looking at me. Even though William looked angry ass hell. I started to lose air after swimming and waving so I swam to the top and got out. I started shivering and held my sides. Three mall cops grabbed my arms and lead me down the stairs to the front of the mall. 693Please respect copyright.PENANAMtMlrT2pq5
"You are under arrest", the lady said leading me outside.693Please respect copyright.PENANALkXZO0k5jS
"Wait a second she's mine", William yelled runinng with my sisters, Jackson and Faith right behind him.693Please respect copyright.PENANAQxRInR4wt6
"She's who's", the lady said once we were outside.693Please respect copyright.PENANA9Wc6bwcZ6T
"Mine I was supposed to be watching her but she ran off", William said.693Please respect copyright.PENANA2FFPdn4kOb
"Well you can put her up at the jail", the man said.693Please respect copyright.PENANA9zbKNu5rdc
"She can't go to jail", April said handing me my phone.693Please respect copyright.PENANAY7s9WGE8ER
"Why not", the lady said693Please respect copyright.PENANAXwtrSts0Q3
"Because she a a mental disorder that makes her act like this", Ivy made up.693Please respect copyright.PENANApnk9ha74BV
"Well this she's free to go just don't come back here", the lady said letting me go.693Please respect copyright.PENANA5wYH5e91vJ
"Yes she won't now let's go", William said grabbing my arm.693Please respect copyright.PENANAZljmk796Bg
"That was funny as fuck Alex I didn't know you were actually going to do it", April said patting my back.693Please respect copyright.PENANAau45f1yaQM
"We're going back to the hotel now", William said pulling out his phone calling a cab.693Please respect copyright.PENANAhxcTO0lOt0
"Now look at what you did Alex I didn't even get to buy anything you're going to pay for this", Faith said693Please respect copyright.PENANAVXDXZpwoTR
"Fuck off", I said getting into the cab.693Please respect copyright.PENANA9TGwztjXEt
William kept eyeballing me the whole ride back to the hotel. We all got out and I went to William's room while the rest of them went to theirs. I went straight to the shower and once I got out I changed into some dry shorts and sports bra. I was drying my hair with the towel and I came out the bathroom to see William sitting there waiting on me to get out.693Please respect copyright.PENANAvNMPYZhxcU
"What the fuck were you thinking", William yelled693Please respect copyright.PENANAgL1RzLgSFS
"Calm down I was just playing around", I said turning on the tv. 693Please respect copyright.PENANAOh2l8t1Awc
"You could've been locked up in a British jail", William said693Please respect copyright.PENANAiPQPOiv9BP
"I'm fine I just lost a race and I had to do what the loser had to to do which was jump in the fish tank"693Please respect copyright.PENANABYnDp5Du4X
I sat down on the bed next to him and he wrapped around me and started drying my hair.693Please respect copyright.PENANAeOZWnv2xlC
"Next time you're sticking with me and I'm happy you're safe", William said693Please respect copyright.PENANAFDr2e6ztPi
"Me too I thought I was going to hit the coral or something when I jumped in and cut my leg"693Please respect copyright.PENANArtDkwjbVqU
"Good thing you didn't", William said