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  • Contest Holder
    Hiya, I'm Momo! <3

    I'm usually more of an academic writer (art history major, whooo!) but I've taken a liking to writing stories lately. I'm slow, but let's see how this goes!

    I also have several fanfictions I'm playing with here: www.fanfiction.net/~momodiekatze
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  • Challengers
    Challengers Nicole ArmasChallengers Sarah LouiseChallengers SilverSpoons
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A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words

Pick a famous (or not so famous) painting/sculpture/anything and write a short story based upon that image. For giggles, a thousand words would be a good length, but word count doesn't matter.

Write from the artist's point of view while he/she is creating, or from the point of view of a character in the image. Maybe do a little research to see what the artwork's all about or the time period it was created in. Anything goes.

For the title of the entry, write the name of the work and the artist.

A few suggestions for artists (just to put a few names out besides Van Gogh or Leonardo): Caspar David Friedrich, Jean-Honore Fragonard, Eugene Delacroix, Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Jacques-Louis David, Sandro Botticelli, Caravaggio, Philipp Otto Runge, Frederick Edwin Church, Peter von Cornelius, Charles Wilson Peale, etc. etc. etc.

There are also plenty of older works that don't have known artists (i.e. Greek, Roman, or Medieval works).

Have fun!

Cover image is Leonid Pasternak's "The Passion of Creation"

Pick a famous (or not so famous) painting/sculpture/anything and write a short story based upon that image. For giggles, a thousand words would be a good length, but word count doesn't matter.

Write from the artist's point of view while he/she is creating, or from the point of view of a character in the image. Maybe do a little research to see what the artwork's all about or the time period it was created in. Anything goes.

For the title of the entry, write the name of the work and the artist.

A few suggestions for artists (just to put a few names out besides Van Gogh or Leonardo): Caspar David Friedrich, Jean-Honore Fragonard, Eugene Delacroix, Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Jacques-Louis David, Sandro Botticelli, Caravaggio, Philipp Otto Runge, Frederick Edwin Church, Peter von Cornelius, Charles Wilson Peale, etc. etc. etc.

There are also plenty of older works that don't have known artists (i.e. Greek, Roman, or Medieval works).

Have fun!

Cover image is Leonid Pasternak's "The Passion of Creation"

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