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  • Contest Holder
    Miss Pookie Fethers
    Miss Pookie Fethers
    Hi there, everyone! So my name's Abigail, I'm 18 years old and I live in Britain. I've been writing since I was very young and it's something I've always really enjoyed and had a passion for. Obviously I'm young right now, so I only write during my spare time as a hobby, but when I'm older, I hope to be a screenwriter, columnist, author or film director. Not sure which one I'd like most yet! XD
    I hope you like the stories I add on here. I often suffer from writer's block so you may find I don't post very often unless I have motivation to write a story. I also lack confidence with my writing sometimes, but over the years, my style and fluency has improved and I'm really happy with the things I've created over the past few months. :)
    I really appreciate any kind of feedback on my work so if you have the time and can be be bothered, please pleeeease leave comments/reviews to tell me what you think. :) Thank you for reading!
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  • Challengers
    Challengers ElizabethBeckerChallengers Greenjay ReaderChallengers CreatingAtDawn
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See Where the Music Takes You

I love writing stories with inspiration from music. Music makes me FEEL things, and feeling things encourages me to write. Much of the music that inspires me are soundtracks, so don't have lyrics. That's the beauty of it. :)

For this contest, I have provided several epic and uplifting music tracks that have made me feel emotional and/or inspired in the past. Choose the piece that inspires you most, and use it to write a short story or piece of flash fiction. No more than 1200 words please. 


- I'd recommend listening to your track WHILE you're writing to get into the mood, but it's totally up to you on how you want to do it.

- When you submit your entry, put the name of the track you have used at the top so I can see how you've used your inspiration. 

- There is no genre or theme requirement, but just try to make your entry original and interesting. These tracks give off an 'epic fantasy war' vibe, but that doesn't mean you have to stick by that theme. Try action, adventure, sci-fi, drama, romance, whatever you want. :)

- I am impressed by unique stories. So try not to do the same as everyone else. Think outside the box! Push the boundaries! See where your writing takes you. :)

- Make sure your spelling, punctuation and grammar is as good as it can be, since I am put off by basic errors in writing.

- Have fun!

Good luck, everyone! I look forward to reading all your stories! If you want to ask a question, leave one below. ;)

Music Tracks to Choose From

I love writing stories with inspiration from music. Music makes me FEEL things, and feeling things encourages me to write. Much of the music that inspires me are soundtracks, so don't have lyrics. That's the beauty of it. :)

For this contest, I have provided several epic and uplifting music tracks that have made me feel emotional and/or inspired in the past. Choose the piece that inspires you most, and use it to write a short story or piece of flash fiction. No more than 1200 words please. 


- I'd recommend listening to your track WHILE you're writing to get into the mood, but it's totally up to you on how you want to do it.

- When you submit your entry, put the name of the track you have used at the top so I can see how you've used your inspiration. 

- There is no genre or theme requirement, but just try to make your entry original and interesting. These tracks give off an 'epic fantasy war' vibe, but that doesn't mean you have to stick by that theme. Try action, adventure, sci-fi, drama, romance, whatever you want. :)

- I am impressed by unique stories. So try not to do the same as everyone else. Think outside the box! Push the boundaries! See where your writing takes you. :)

- Make sure your spelling, punctuation and grammar is as good as it can be, since I am put off by basic errors in writing.

- Have fun!

Good luck, everyone! I look forward to reading all your stories! If you want to ask a question, leave one below. ;)

Music Tracks to Choose From

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