One day afternoon, while Jesus was walking along a road; suddenly, he noticed that a group of people was besieging a poor woman and stoning her bitterly.
Jesus asked them, "Why are you treating this weak, poor woman in such tortured way?" All of these people replied with self-righteousness, saying, "Because this dirty woman committed adultery, according to the religious laws, we must condemn her sin!"
Jesus responded, "Among all of you, which one has no sins at all, then this person has the qualifications to condemn others' sins! Why do you see so clearly that there is a small-speck inside your brother's eye; however, you evil ones, you have no ability to see that there is a big-plank inside your very own eyes? With what kind of measurement you use to judge other people; in the same way, Heavenly-GOD will definitely judge you with the same measurement! If you cannot forgive people's transgressions; in the same way, Heavenly-GOD will certainly not forgive your transgressions, either!"