![Cherrywoodandwalnut Cherrywoodandwalnut]()
Writing is a pretty huge part of my life; it's the thing I turn to when I'm bored, stressed, frustrated, angry, or all of the above and more. It's provided me with an outlet for which to express myself without having to say it directly, which I find incredibly liberating. This is my attempt at sharing some of myself with the world, and a way for me to (hopefully) get better at writing and more confident in putting my stuff out there.
Eh. More about me.
I'm a pretty huge nerd for music, in the sense that I listen to a pretty wide range of things, from classical music to jazz to country, and I really enjoy singing and playing/making music with friends. I find the music for movies and games really enjoyable to listen to (especially the quietly powerful/strong build-up soundtracks that may or may not have vocal parts in them), and listening to these tracks gets me focused on what I have to do (which is why I'm always listening to music when I work/write).
I've done some pretty weird things, including eating mealworms, bringing live ones into my bedroom to conduct science experiments, trying to write while half hanging off my bed, tying my blanket to the upper bunk to create a hammock thing for sleeping/swinging in.. the list is pretty long haha. But uh yeah. i'm weird. Kinda. XD
Thanks for staying till the end,
Cherry. :)
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