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In Full Light Chapters 1-3


Chapter 1: About me whisper

                Hello my names whisper, odd name huh? Well I was named that because my parents said that when I was a baby I would whisper to myself in my sleep. I’m not your typical 16 year old. I’m so different from everybody else. People think I’m a freak because I can see things others can’t, I know stuff. Ever since I can remember I could see into the future. Whenever something was going to happen, it would just come to me. It was like breathing in the energy in the air or predicting another rainfall when you saw clouds. Without warning it would just hit me, like when Veneca died.  She was my best friend and only friend, I was walking home from school and I saw it. Yet it’s hard to explain. There was a dark shadow lurking behind her, she was in some type of misty place. The shadow, it was just sucking the life out of her. It was hurting her, she was screaming for help; the day after that they found her in the forest with her eyes still, wide with terror. No one knew why she died, many claimed it was a snake bite but I knew different. She comes to me asking for help, night after night I see her just wandering in darkness. I go to her and try to help but then she vanishes into thin air when I reach out to touch her. She tells me that the shadows are keeping her but she can’t escape. This is only part of what I can do though. I can go into other realms, other realms of life; usually I do this when I go to sleep. I see a tunnel of many colors and a shining light at the very top which I travel through to transport me into other dimensions. It’s wearied, I go places in my dreams but everything seems so real. Sometimes they are so vivid that I can’t tell if I’m asleep or awake. When I go to these places I feel as if I’m slowly rising and falling down a large stair case. Sometimes I trip and fall into dark scary places. When I’m there I can sense death in the air. There are demons that lurk. All over I can see, and hear voices calling for help, souls caught in the shadows. How do I get out of these places though? Well I just have to think it, and a blue tunnel will appear. Whenever I step into this tunnel of blue light I’m instantly sent to a different place. I’ll go to it asking the others to come with me. I tell them this is the way out but all they answer back is the shadows won’t let them, I see fear in their eyes almost as if their scared to go. Yet I also go to places of the light. Unlike the other place this one isn’t scary. There’s a white room at the very end which is very mysterious. When I walk in the room there’s a cave filled with many crystals on the walls. In the center there’s a pool with many candles that or what seems to be millions of candles floating in the water. Sometimes I’ll see candles flicker, die out and sink under. Others magically just appear. Some are burnt down to a stub that turns into sparks which descend into the great blue light swirling at the top of the cave. Whenever I look into the clear water I see my reflection, then the blue light swirls around me lifting me back into the tunnel of light. I then appear back in my bed. I think Veneca is lost in the shadows, and she needs my help to bring her out of the darkness, and into the light. It scares me to think she is caught there, in such an offal place, the very thought of it gives you a bitter taste of death…

                Veneca wasn’t a bad person though, she was so wonderful. She had a beautiful imagination. I remember how she would always talk about the reincarnation of life. Oh she always said, “I started off as a butterfly gliding on the pedals of the wind, I was once a great oak that grew high and tall, I used to be a horse galloping with all might, another time I was a bird soaring in the sky and now I’m a human soon to grow wings so I can be an angel up in heaven”. So after Veneca, my parents feared our own family’s safety so we were moving to safe haven. To start a new life, a new beginning……….but the past is still there and it aches terribly.

                Veneca hadn’t been the only one though, it’s been happening everywhere, one after the other, sudden disappearances and deaths without a single explanation as to why it happened.  Yet it’s not only people that are disappearing, it’s almost like everything dying. Entire forests are dying off without a trace as to what could have been the cause. Sudden species are disappearing, even pets. Waters are turning black and murky.  It’s like the very breath of death is breathing over everything or maybe something much, much worse than that.

Chapter 2; the vision, the dream

                I sat up with a jolt, I couldn’t quite recognize where I was. All around me it was dark. I was sitting on my bed, slowly I got up. Everything seemed offal like something terrible had happened. I opened the door to my room. Our house was quiet and dark, I shouted out my parent’s names but no one answered. I opened the front door, everything outside was grey and dying. The clouds turned dark and it started to rain black drops. I felt scared and alone. Then Veneca, my parents and everybody’s faces appeared in the sky. “Help us, Help us, you are the light child”, they shouted, “You are the light child “, they bellowed. Only you can save us from their grasp, for if you don’t we shall all perish”

“Who’s they I tried to shout out”, but nothing I received no answer.

……………………….Then nothing more came…………………….

Chapter3; Safe Haven

                I woke up to find myself crying curled up I a ball screaming. Every night this dreamed terrified me. But it wasn’t only this dream that would come, there were others too. Dreams that I feared were about what was to come. Many times when morning came I would just tell myself that it was just a silly old nightmare and it wasn’t going to happen just so that I could push the terrifying dreams away from my head so they wouldn’t bother me in the light of the day.

                     I looked outside my window, it was just before dawn. We were moving today, the movers would be here soon, so I needed to get ready if I were to say my last goodbyes to this little old town. I turned on my phone; it was a little past 6:30am. I unwillingly through the covers to the side and got out of bed, I shivered a little bit, my room was freezing. I walked over to my little window, there were dark black clouds looming in the sky, it looked like it was going to rain soon. Then I trotted over to my closet and pulled out a grey blouse, which seemed to fit my mood today, a pair of slim jeans, and my dark blue jean jacket. I pulled on my sneakers and went out into the hallway so I could use the bathroom. I stared at my reflection in the mirror. My dark black hair was in knots tangled all the way down to my waste. Once I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I brushed out the thick hair and pulled it back into a pony tail. Then I ran out and pounded down the long staircase downstairs into the kitchen.

                “Morning honey how are you this morning”, my Dad asked. “Fine Dad, I’m great”, I lied, for I was a terrible liar, I hoped Dad couldn’t hear the edge in my voice. He seemed not to notice, so I innocently walked over to the pantry and pulled out a bowl and some cereal. I served myself and then sat down at the kitchen table. I was quickly shoving the cereal into my mouth; I needed to get going soon. “You seem like you are in a hurry this morning, where are you going, you know you better be packed because the movers are going to put anything they see into boxes and you should have some stuff  ready so we don’t  have to start unpacking when we arrive’, said Dad. “Okay sure thing”, I replied. I had decided that today I was going to make a rout around the town and say my last goodbyes t0 everything, because the likes of it was that I was going to be coming back any time soon. So I stood up and put my bowl in the sink. I walked over to the coat hanger and grabbed my sweater, then went into the garage. I hoped onto my bike and opened the garage door. I was on my way, and as I predicted it was already starting to sprinkle.

                Everything was black and dying. All the trees were bare and dying, there wasn’t a spot of green anywhere insight. I turned a corner into the park and parked my bike at the by racks. The lake at the park was black and murky; there wasn’t a duck insight except for the dead floating fish on top of the water. I sat down and stare d at everything in despair. I brought my knees up to my chest as silent tears fell down my cheek. Suddenly there was a breeze that came out of nowhere and an abrupt chill filled the air. Black dust swirled everywhere and suddenly there was a very pale figure sitting next to me. It was-


“Whisper you have to save us, you need to find the seven keys that unlock the seven secrets to “the seven sun, before it’s too late or well all dye”…”She then blew a silent kiss and disappeared”.

                What she could have possibly meant by that, I wondered. What are the seven secrets anyway and I’d never heard of seven suns. While pondering this I set on my way back home, an hour had already gone by while riding around town. I’d better hurry too because those clouds were starting to thunder and that light sprinkle of rain was turning more into a downpour.

                When I got home I ran upstairs and changed into a pair of dry clothes. The movers were already here moving everything into the moving truck, I watched as the last box was loaded into the moving truck, and mom gave the movers their check. I carried my little suit case with me and hopped into the truck.  “Where are we heading to first”, I asked my parents. “To the airport honey, where else?” my Dad answered. “But I thought we were going to drive there”, I said. “There are a couple things you don’t know about Safe Haven, maybe a lot of things, but all will eventually be revealed to you, we can tell you now for you never know who might be listening. Now we have a moving truck because they are driving all of our stuff to a special plane that will ship our stuff out to Safe Haven- I’m afraid we can’t tell you   much more than that right now”, my Dad answered. I grumbled to myself, why lately everything has been like such a puzzle peace.  I threw my suit case into the trunk and got into the back of our car. “Hey Dad where is your car”, I asked. “Oh I took it to a special delivery place they are going to ship it to our destination along with this car after we park it in the airport parking lot. No worries though I gave them our license number and all will arrive safely to Safe Haven”. “Oh never mind that, why can’t you even tell me where safe Haven is”, I asked with great frustration? For, I really absolutely hated secrets unless I was in on them.  Now in days it seemed like everything was one big secret. This time Mom answered me, “That would endanger us all honey, don’t say another word do you understand me?” I just gave my parents one long suspicious stare, now this was getting kind of weird. For a while as we drove of I kept replaying this conversation in my head, trying to figure out what my mom meant when she said it could endanger us all. Eventually my head was spinning, so I decided to tune these loud thoughts out with music and I stuck my headphones into my ears.

                I woke up to the sound of my Dads voice. “We’re here honey”, he said as he pulled my ear buds out of my ears. “Oh”, I mumbled, still half asleep. I got out of the car and read the title of the airport. In fancy bold lettering it read, “Thunder flights”. On top of the airport there was a statue of a massive bird with a lightning bolt in its mouth. I never knew why that airport was called that but today I found it oddly peculiar. When we got into the airport we took the elevator up to the third floor. When we got off the elevator the first thing I noticed was there was like no one in the airport at all. Except for a few business men passing by with luggage’s in stuff but still. I found this really eerie almost creep but not quite.  It was like the middle of June weren’t family’s supposed to be going on vacations in stuff? First we went through the background check. Yet even then the other odd thing I noticed about the airport was that no one seemed to be talking at all. Everybody seemed to be staring into the distance. Once we were done with our background check we went over to get our luggage’s weighed, a simple okay and nod was all we got from the lady who was weighing them. She seemed to be more preoccupied with staring at the ground.  It was like she was practically frozen. She just gave us our luggage weight and had our luggage’s shipped out to our flight and then waved us away.

                We then went over to our seating arrangement where we would be waiting until it was time to board onto our flight.  “Right this way guys”, my Dad said as I followed him and my mom into seating arrangement (D,): where we would be waiting until it was time to board our flight. Again there was absolutely no one there. I asked Dad, “Hey why is there like no one here?” He then answered, “I really don’t know, I find it kind of odd………….”, then he trailed off.  Then from the corner of my eye I saw a man walking towards us. He had a long brown coat jacket and what seemed to be a brief case in his other hand. I couldn’t really pick out his facial features because his hat was covering most of his face, all I knew was that he seemed to be coming towards us. He came up to us and sat down on the cold bare seat next to my Dad. It seemed as if my father had been expecting him because he gave him a stern nod when he arrived. The man also handed my father something, it was like a compass but it seemed to keep spinning. I couldn’t really tell what any of the symbols meant, but every once in a while the arrows would rest on one and then continue to keep spinning.  My father seemed surprised when he looked down at the compass, so did my mother. When the man finally started to speak, he seemed to be talking in code. ”Hello Mr. Windfrow “, the strange man said.  He titled his hat up a little bit. He had dark brown, almost black scary looking eyes and a short stash and beard. The man had dark brown hair down to his shoulders.  “Hello”, my father said in reply, “I see many of the portals have been blocked, by what the symbols are reading”. “Yes indeed, but that’s   not the just of it”, the man answered.  “There’s more”, my father asked? “Yes indeed”, the man again replied. “Haven’t you noticed how empty this airport has been’, the man asked. “Yes I have found that very peculiar”, my father said. “So many flights have been canceled, because of the smoke in the skies.  You see clouds of it have been spotted all over. There have already been reports of plains that have flown through these clouds, or some would describe it as being consumed by them. Yet the go in but don’t come out. The other Odd thing is that anything it passes by seems to shrivel up and die. I have no idea what this evil is but it’s some sort of dark magic”, the man said.   Then he pointed over to the weather board and said, “See look for you”. I followed my father and mother over to the weather board. There across the board I could see various flights canceled, one after the other. It was no wonder that no one was here in this airport. All I could see was black smog floating over the different places where flights were supposed to take off. Then shock hit me, this had to be the same darkness, the shadows that I had seen in my dreams. I could still remember the blackness that seemed to have sucked the life out of Veneca. Those violent screams still replayed in my head. They were the same shadows that all my loved ones in the sky had been shouting to me to save them from when it was raining drops of blood from the sky. Then I remembered the park this morning which had only been hours ago but already seemed to be ages ago. I had sat down on the bench and Veneca told me about the seven suns and the dimensions. The water in the lake had turned entirely black; there was no living thing in sight then either. I gave a little gasp and put my hand to my chest. “Are you alright”, my father asked? I stiffened up and look sternly at him. “Oh I’m fine”, I told him as I let out a small cover cough. We then went back to our seats and the man got up and beckoned for my father to follow.

                They moved a row of seats over; what they expected to be out of my hearing range, but I still strained to listen. “Does she know”, the man asked?  “No, I can assure you she does not”, my father said in reply. “I sure hope you’re telling the truth because I would hate to strip her memory like the others here. Ever wonder why everyone around here is so well, let’s see how I should put this, blank around here”. The man asked, as he let out a small cackle of laughter? Were they talking about me, I wasn’t sure yet but it sure seemed like it. So that’s why everyone around here was acting so weird, they had been stripped of their memory’s, yet how much was what I didn’t know. What was it that these people had known or what I might possibly know that this man wouldn’t want any of us to know?  Who was this man in the first place? My father then gave the man a stiff nod. “Would you like something to eat”, my mother said (she seemed to be trying to distract me). “No thank you”, I replied. For I wasn’t about to trust anything someone tried to offer me. Not until I figured out who that man was and what this whole thing was all about. T couldn’t really understand because they spoke too quickly, and it was mostly all in code. The only part I did catch was that there posts were heavily guarded and waiting for us. “I’ll see you at the Golden Wood. Good luck with your departure, you were smart in leaving when you did because if you had left any later it wouldn’t have been safe. For I heard they are closing in soon”, the man said.

                As soon as my father’s conversation came to an end it seemed our flight was called. The man then walked away and my father walked up to my mother and me.  “Who was that”, I asked in an innocent tone? “Just a client of mine”, my father responded. “Oh”, I said. Ha, a client, I thought to myself. The  man was so much more than just a client and I planned to find out exactly what.

                                Chapter3: The flight

                There weren’t many people on the plain when we boarded into the plane as accepted there was hardly anyone there. One elderly couple sat in the back snoring their heads off, In the middle of the plane there was some business man typing away on his computer feverishly. There was a pair of twins in the front playing with their Barbie dolls, which made me wonder where there parents were but they weren’t anywhere in sight. Finally there was also some weird dude in the corner of the left section that was listening to rap music with his hoodie pulled all the way over his head. Other than my Mom, Dad and I that pretty much summed up who was on our flight, I know weird right? The Pilot was really odd to he had a very long curly mustache, a giant belly and giant glasses along with a cowboy hat. I didn’t even know if this guy was an actual pilot, all he kept saying was howdy were gonna round up those black little bull clouds, whatever that meant…The nurse lady on the plane was really quiet and seemed kind of scared, like she’d seen a ghost. Her eyes were open wide and she couldn’t stop shaking. At least there was nothing suspicious about the plane, it looked normal to me…

                When we got onto the plane the pilots checked our tickets then let us pass. We sat in the back of the plane next to the snoring elderly couple. I personally would have rather sat in the front but it was whatever I guess. My parents sat in front of the couple and I sat across from them. It was a while before we took off. I stared out the window and looked at all the different planes. The sky was still filled with great puffy grey clouds, which made me wonder if it was going to rain again today. When the plain finally did take off I felt that bulging move it my stomach, I hated that feeling. Obviously you can tell I never really was a fan of roller coasters. Last time I was on one I almost fainted.

                Once we were in the air I decided I would draw for a while. I decided to draw pictures of what I thought Safe Haven would be like. In one picture I drew my room; in another I drew our house. In one I drew a giant field of horses along with the sun setting behind to beautiful Mountains. After a while I got bored of that and decided to listen to music. I had gotten one text; it was from a boy at school I would sometimes talk to.

 “Hey Whisper, I just wanted to say good luck on your trip to well…Wherever you’re going…Tbh I thought someone should wish you goodbye. We all miss her whisper…I hope life will be better for you wherever you’re going………………rrrrrrr well Ummm Bye and good luck."

                                                                                                                                                                                From, Erick

                Huh well that was nice of him, I wondered how he even got my number? I didn’t remember giving it to him. I decided to respond like this….

Hey Erick, Yeah I hope the same for you. Things have been so different and frightening lately it seems as if every thing’s been changing. Thanks for wishing me goodbye. You were always a nice person to talk to. Farewell.

                                                                                                                                                                From, Whisper……

Soon after that I fell asleep with my ear buds humming loudly into my ears.

~The dream~

                I was a bird and I was flying with my flock. My flock was very important to me, they were my loved ones, and they were my friends. Above me dark clouds hovered in the sky, thunder and lightning were crashing up above me. I was the bird that I had seen resting on the top of the airport. In my right claw I grasped a lightning bolt. It started to rain it was pouring. I could hear the struggling flaps of my flock. I was in the lead, showing them which way to go. I could feel water dripping down my feathered face, my feathers began to get ruffled, and I could feel that my wings were getting heavier. With every movement I felt as if I was going to fall, I knew I couldn’t stay up in the air much longer but I had to protect the others…Ahead of us a cloud of dark black mist swirled about, with individual shadows turning and spinning. I didn’t know what to do, we were heading straight for it but there was nothing I could do to save us. Soon we were inside the cloud of black mist. The shadows came at me, ripping at my feathers. I shot lightning bolts at them but it did no use, it just passed right through them. What was I to do? Suddenly I was being sucked into something, along with my flock. It was swirling around me, just plain black mist. I was falling and falling. All of a sudden I couldn’t see anything, it was quiet I couldn’t hear a word…..Then I awoke.

                I woke to find myself slumped in the plane seat. I could have sworn my heart was racing a mile a minute. I looked across from me; Mom and Dad were fast asleep snoring away. I looked out the window, ironically it was pouring outside. Thunder was clashing in the sky and the plane was shaking a little bit. I shuddered; the odd part was everyone on the plane was completely silent; they all seemed to be just staring off into space. Only my parents seemed to be the slightest bit conscience, they were whispering for a while but Mom fell asleep, and Dad just started to read his newspaper. I looked out the window; there were still those dark clouds that I had seen all day. Yet there was something different about these clouds, but I couldn’t quite get a grasp on what it was exactly. I looked out the Window the clouds almost seemed to be dancing. They were a puffy dark black just looming in the sky. In the distance I could see some sort of black mist, but I didn’t know exactly what it was. It made me shudder though, and sent a chill down my spine.

All of a sudden my head started to hurt. All day it had felt a little numb but not this bad. On both sides of my head I could feel some sort of severe pressure, almost as if two plates were pushing to both sides of my head. I looked over my shoulder now Dad had fallen asleep too; everyone was asleep except for me. Then my ears started to ring, I covered them trying to block out the sound but it wouldn’t help, it just kept getting stronger. Then the plane turned freeing cold, I could see my breath in the air. Frost covered the windows.  The plane started to sway back and forth.  I suddenly grew very stiff. My heart started to race faster and faster. I looked over my shoulder and could have sworn the window next to me was closed but there it was wide open. Cold air wiped into the plane, the clouds outside started to thunder, lightning crackled, and it started to down poor, my hair started to blow all around my face. In the distance I could see the same black swirling clouds that I had seen earlier edging closer and closer to the plane. Soon they were so close that they were hovering above the plane it was then that I realized; what I had mistaken for clouds actually were individual shadows swirling above. Then it was almost as if they had noticed me, in that instant they came flooding through the plane. The whole plane was filled with black swirling smoke. I had to get to the pilot! I ran across the plane to the control room and to my dismay the pilot was laying on the ground unconscious. What was I to do, the plane was falling! I quickly got onto the control seat. I had never really been in a plane before, much less fly one so I had no idea what I was doing.  The Shadows were swirling everywhere; I could hardly see a thing. One of them hovered close to the captain. I quickly put the plane into control mode, it had been on auto and there was no longer a connection. I grabbed onto the wheel and steered the plane up. We went higher and higher until I could go no more. Then in front of me I saw a black swirling h0le and we were heading straight for it, there was no stopping it we were just getting closer and closer. I let a terrified scream out of my throat, and then everything went black.

                I woke minutes later to find myself falling I was surrounded in complete blackness. The only sounds I could hear were my rapid breath and fast heartbeat. I had no idea where I was but I suspected that I was still in the plane. All of a sudden it all came rushing back to me. I remembered we had gone through this black hole. I had no clue where we were but I suspected we were still in that whole. Yet there were only two things I knew for certain. I was still in the plane and were were falling very, very fast. Suddenly it seemed as if we as if we stopped in midair. I looked out the window and far below yes there was a great white light that was bigger and bigger expanding, engulfing us in its depths. The light grew so bright that I couldn’t see anything besides white light all around me. Then it almost felt like we’d hit something. I wasn’t sure what but I knew it was something. Soon my vision started to clear and I could see that we were in the middle of some big forest. I stood up to find myself still sitting in the pilot’s seat. I looked down to find the Captain still unconscious on the ground. I bent down to check his pulse, well he was still breathing at least. I went over to check out the rest of the plane and to astonishment, no one was there. Everyone was gone except for my parents and me. I went back to where I had left the pilot, and he was no longer there either. It was almost like he had vanished out of thin air, How was this even possible, I thought to myself. Ten I went over to my parents. They were still sleeping. How had they slept through all of that; I didn’t even know?  “   Mom, Dad” I shouted as I nudged then awake. “You wouldn’t believe what happened! There was this giant storm, and all of these shadows everywhere! Then we went through some sort of time warp in the sky, and crashed into this forest”, I exclaimed! “Oh honey you must have dreamed it all”, my Dad said. “No it was real, I swear, what happened was most defiantly real”, I practically shouted at him! “I don’t even know how, but everyone else on the plane seems to have vanished”, I also told him. “Oh they   were merely an illusion”, my Mom said. Okay now this was getting really weird. One, I knew all those people on this plane weren’t an illusion. No, that wasn’t even possible! Something happened to them when those shadows came through the plane. What happened to the pilot, I wasn’t sure? But for some reason or another I had a feeling that we weren’t the only ones on this plane. I could have sworn that someone just darted across the plane out of the corner of my eye. He was carrying something that looked like the pilot. Then my Dad cleared his throat and stood up. “What you confused for a time warp was actually a portal hun”, my Dad said. You see all those people were simply an illusion, the plane was an illusion, and the plane was in control mode the whole time. Maybe when we went through the shadows they might have messed with your head. Darling there wasn’t even a pilot, I can assure you”, my father told me. “Uh huh….I guess”, I said even though I didn’t believe a single word he’d just told me. “So then are we in safe Haven”, I asked. “Nope we are at the edge of the Unseelie forest. We’ve got a long journey ahead us before we get to Safe Haven, and that’s to say we do make it through “, my father said. Wait, so there was a chance we wouldn’t make it through this forest. I braced myself, there was a lot my parents weren’t telling me, but one thing was for certain ;  I was going to face this journey whether I was ready or not. I was going to make it through this forest.

                                                Chapter 4; The Start of a journey

                There was a man waiting outside the plane. He was pacing back and forth and seemed to be either confused or impatient. So much had happened in the past three hours that it was hard for me to even comprehend.my main question was why they would have an alluded flight, with projections of people? I doubted that had happened. Something happened to them when we went through that black thing in the sky. I stepped outside of the plane. To my astonishment the whole back part was missing. There were broken propellers shattered windows and much more. I walked around the   perimeter of the plane to see where the pilot might have been taken, but didn’t discover much. 

                The man I had seen waiting outside the plane came up to me. He asked, “What happened to your plane miss, my cottage isn’t far from here and I came to see what happened and saw this!” “I don’t know what to tell you sir. We were in the sky and there was this really bad storm. Our pilot had a heart attack, or was having one and collapsed into the copilot seat. Our plane went into this black whole thing and we just kept falling for what seemed like forever. Then there was this sudden bright flash of light and we landed here.” “My goodness my dear, it seems that you have entered a portal. You have set foot on the Iearetheen, one of the last protected places in the fifth dimension. I haven’t seen your pilot but I have a feeling he’s in safe hands. “So we aren’t in the same dimension anymore”, I asked terribly confused?’ “No dear you are not. The other members of your crew probably went through different portals as well, perhaps they had different destinations. Yet I must say not many of them are safe in other dimensions anymore.” “I believe I’m from the third dimension. We left to find safe Haven; we were told it was the last refuge left.’ “There are more like you that have come in from the third dimension. By far that one is one of the worst; the shadows are terribly bad there. I am not from those lands so I wouldn’t know for sure, yet this is what I’ve heard’. “Yes the Shadows are bad there”, I said. I was a little bit weary of the man, he seemed suspicious...I guess everything lately had seemed suspicious. Just then my parent climbed down from the plane and walked up to me. My father asked, “Whisper who is this man?” “I don’t know, he just started talking to me”, I said. My Father then turned his head to the strange man. “Hello my names Mr. Williams and this here is Mrs. Williams. We have suffered a severe plane crash. My daughter claims we had an actual pilot, I was pretty sure we had an alluded one but I could be wrong…”  “Well Hello Mr. and Mrs. Williams. Names Cratchet but you can call Crat for short. Yes you did fall through a portal warp. You picked the worst place to crash though. You’re in the Unseelie forest. Strange things happen round here, strange things… Your daughter told me your looking for Safe Haven. That’s quite a far ways from here.”   ‘Yes I know that and am well aware of it. Do you know where the nearest place to get food and water, a night stay and a couple of horses is?”  “Why, yes sir, there’s and in a couple of miles from here. I’d bet you could stay the night there; food and lodging. The manager might know where you can get some horses.” “Why thank you kind sir, but how long will it take to walk to such a place?” “Couple of hours I suppose. Perhaps you could stay at my house for the night. Neighbors got some horses you could use for the next day.” “Why thank you sir that would be very kind of you”, replied Mr. Williams. So we all followed him into the forest until we got to his little cottage. There was smoke coming from the chimney. When we got inside it was toasty warm. There was a woman with a brown bun and an apron taking out an apple pie from the oven. She was probably Cratchet’s wife. The aroma of the apple pie filled the entire room, my stomach grumbled by the smell of it. The women spoke up. “Cratchet who have you brought with you?” “This lady is some people who crash landed into our dimension. Whole planes in peace’s, they say their off to Safe Haven.” “We’ll all mighty be, you fellas sure have been through a lot. My name is Mrs. Crowbar, what are your names?” My father spoke up. “Why my names Mr. Williams and this here is Mrs. Williams. This here is our daughter Whisper. “Ah why such a beautiful family you guys have. I bet y’all are famished. How would y’all like some apple pie fresh from the oven?” We all said yes at once and sat down at the little wooden table with five chairs. There was a vase of lilies in the middle of the table. They had a small decent sized little cottage. There was two little arm chairs side by side in the tiny little living room. I watched eagerly as Mrs. Crowbar cut three perfect little pieces of apple pie and placed them on individual plates. “Why here you go darlings”, Mrs. Crowbar said as set the three plates on the table and three glasses of milk as well. We each gobbled up our pieces of pie, and went for seconds. The pie tasted really good after not eating anything since breakfast. After we finished our pie Mrs. Crowbar showed us to the two back rooms where we would sleep. She handed Mamma and I a nightgown to wear. She gave Dad a pair of Cratchet’s pajamas. I went into the smaller room and got changed. There was only one small bathroom in the little cottage so I had to wait till everyone was done using it. The night gown was a tad bit big for me but at least I had something to wear to bed. I went over to the little bed in the room, said a prayer then went to bed. I couldn’t fall asleep at first so I stared at the ceiling for a while until a deep drowsiness took over me and I was fast asleep.

                                Chapter 5: The Children’s Dream

                This dream, unlike the last one wasn’t scary at all. I dreamt that I was floating in the stars. The stars were dancing with me, and taking me somewhere. All of a sudden I landed on a snow covered field, it was still snowing but I wasn’t cold at all. I kept walking and walking but all around me everything was covered in white. Then Veneca appeared and she gave me a sad smile, and then started to cry. This time she wasn’t alone, there were other children with her, and they too were crying. I asked her, “Who are these children and why are you guys crying?” Veneca and all the children were as pale as the snow. Then Veneca spoke up, “We weep for the others that will soon be with us.”

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