A little while after John Gilbert, Elena and her brother Jeremy's uncle comes to town, Alaric's wife comes to town to try and get a device that Pearl has that can harm vampires. It was created in 1864 by John Gilbert. Isobel demands a meeting with Elena whom is apparently her daughter, which means that Isobel is Elena's true mother. Isobel is a vampire because of me. I turned her. Alaric told me that he saw me feeding from her one night and then we both disappeared and he never saw her again. Isobel was his wife and she was obsessed with finding a real vampire. And then I turned her into one and now she's a twisted vampire. Isobel is unable to get the device from anyone, though.
Later, Isobel dies in the sun in flames. Good riddance, too. I know she was Elena's biological mother, but she was a twisted vampire. She kidnapped Jeremy and threatened to kill him to make sure Elena cooperates. I'm not the only one that's glad she's gone. Elena is glad too, because the threat is over with for now and Jeremy is safe. Not that I care about her brother or anything, but he is her family. I know I would feel the same way if I were in her position.