Doyle- Half russet werewolf, half vampire hybrid with blue eyes and black hair
Katherine- Human with long, black hair and brown eyes
Damien- vampire with black hair and black eyes
Klaus- evil vampire, black eyes and brown hair
Sapphire- evil vampire, Klaus' soulmate, long blond hair and blue eyes
Sita- Riley's soulmate, evil vampire, long brunette hair with hazel eyes
Riley- evil vampire, brown hair with black eyes, sired Sita
Copyright 2011
All rights reserved.
This book is dedicated to all fans of love stories, vampires, werewolves, and hybrids.
It's a beautiful day, as a russet-colored werewolf pads through the trees of the forest in Greenland, Nebraska. It's silent except for the padding of paws. In the next second, the werewolf is no longer. In its place stands a thirty year old man with blue eyes and black hair. His name is Doyle Kylee. He walks out of the forest and towards his house ten minutes away. On his way there, he spots a beautiful woman walking the same route. He wonders if she lives near. He decides to go up to her and talk to her.
Doyle walks up to her and they walk together and talk. She introduces herself as Katherine Gilbert. By his senses, he can tell that she's only human. Nothing else is attached to her. He instantly is in love, even though she's just human and might get hurt someday.
The next night, twenty eight year old Katherine Gilbert goes for a walk, when she sees something. It's a russet-colored animal. She sees that it's a werewolf. It doesn't frighten her though, because she knows someone by the name of Damien Pierce. She loves Damien. He secretly loves her, too. But then she realizes, as she sees the werewolf, that she loves him too. She has fallen for two different beasts. Damien, a vampire with the power of compulsion and mind reading. Now a werewolf. She figures this werewolf is Doyle. He looks like a werewolf to her, but as she looks closer, she sees that it also has vampire-like fangs as k-9 teeth. That's what gives it away. She has it figured out. Doyle is a half werewolf half vampire hybrid. She loves the vampire and hybrid. Doyle and Damien. Now she knows that she must choose between them, but who will Katherine choose? The vampire or the hybrid? One of them could get hurt if she chooses the other, but if she chooses the other one, one will be angry and upset at her. How could she choose between them? She doesn't know how, but she must. She knows this.
A few nights later, she stood in the middle of the forest with her two guys. Damien and Doyle. She knew what she had to do. She had taken much thought and she knew who she would choose now.
She stood between them.
Katherine looked at Damien.
"I know we've been together for a while, but I love Doyle too. I'm sorry. I have to let you go. But you'll always be in my heart. I'll never forget you," she announced.
"Good-bye Kat," Damien answered and then an instant later, literally, was gone like the wind.
Doyle, phased in his hybrid form, came to stand beside Katherine and nuzzled her in the leg gently. She petted his brown, shaggy fur on his head, like you would a friendly dog, and smiled at him.. She had chosen now, but she wondered what would come of her vampire ex-boyfriend that she would always love. What she had told Damien had been the truth. She would always love him. He would always be in her heart. But she wanted something new. She loved Doyle. She wanted to experience the love of a hybrid now. Certainly it couldn't be too bad. Could it? She could only wait and see.