Story takes place in Modern AU/Skyrim.
It is now 7E 420 in Tamriel, five thousand years have passed since the last year of the fourth era. The Dovahkiin is no longer known to the people of Tamriel, the legend of the one born with a dragon's soul completely being lost to the ravages of time. But in 7E 420 Alduin returns, his soul still intact after the 4E Dovahkiin defeated the World Eater in Sovengarde.
Alduin travels back in time to 4E 201 in order to take revenge on the Dovahkiin that stripped his body of him five thousand years previously. However, the Dovahkiin of the 4E stands no chance against the newly reformed Alduin, so in order to assure victory, the Greybeards and the Archmage of Winterhold college performed a ritual that brings me, the only descendant of the 4E Dovahkiin, to fight by my ancestor's side in a war to defeat Alduin the World Eater once and for all.