It's happening.
The apocalypse...
It's here.
I can't say I've barely managed to survive. It's not that the tasks are difficult, no. It's the load. I haven't updated my blog in a while either, all because of this. Days after day, assessment after assessment. When does it end? Answer: never.
I know this may sound very petty and very first-world-problems-ish, but it genuinely sucks.
shoutout to the university students scoffing and rolling their eyes in abhorrence
School just seems to suck the life out of me. For someone who is extremely academically-orientated, I find myself needing to absolutely succeed in my subjects. But I guess I'm a bit of an overthinker, and I go way overboard with my tasks. I suppose it's just the unnaturally high expectations for myself.
It's hard to keep grades, sleep and personal health all in check. I never seem to be able to do anything for myself! It's very stressful, and it's especially frustrating when the vast majority of students couldn't care less, whilst I'm working hard and pressuring myself way too much.
But anyway, I won't burden you with too much. I'm sure there's someone out there having it worse than me, so I really shouldn't be complaining. But it's always nice to get things off your chest, even when no one is listening. This is a nice space for me to do so.
I can't say much had happened ever since my last entry. I haven't been updating much because of how busy I currently am, but I will try to get some work done in continuing a story. Thanks for your patience!
I best be off now. Toodle-oo!
~ Ria
(Update 24/3/18: I wrote this a few weeks ago and never published it. I'm glad to say that I have nearly reached the light at the end of the tunnel that is the true horror of the assessment apocalypse. I will pursue to get something done at some point very soon!)