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  • Writer
    Jaded Pixie
    Jaded Pixie
    "Writing is a socially acceptable form of getting naked in public."
    - Paulo Coelho

    I am a writer who procrastinates far more than I should. I am currently writing an original piece, though I sometimes hit a wall, constantly, with my head. Sometimes taking a break to play in other writers’ sandboxes helps me smash down that wall with only a minor concussion. The collection on this account will consist of mostly fan-fiction just written for fun.

    I do take requests and enjoy a challenge. I hope you have just as much fun reading these as I had writing them!

    Feel free to like my page on FaceBook and follow my Tumblr where I will keep everyone updated on new stories and issues as they come! Requests, critiques, and everything in between is encouraged!

    FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/JadedPixieScribbles/
    Tumblr: https://jadedpixiescribbles.tumblr.com
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The In Between

First and foremost, let’s jump into this with my usual disclaimer;

Disclaimer: This piece is written for entertainment purposes only. No copy write infringement in intended. I receive no monetary benefits from writing this story. All characters, worlds, etc. belong to “Choices: Stories You Play” by Pixelberry. This story will have spoilers for The Royal Romance, Book 3 throughout.

Now that that is out of the way… We all love The Royal Romance, and Pixelberry does one hell of a job telling the story, but what about the moments in between? What is happening between each chapter that we don’t get to see? This Fanfic will be baised off those unseen moments. I am not permitted to ‘rewrite’ actual scenes from the story, but I can make up my own version of the events in between chapters. This could very well veer off into another plot not being portrayed by the original creators since I’m certainly not a planner with fanfics.

My story “It Will Come Back” is on hiatus indefinitely given I certainly don’t want problems with Pixelberry and I think some content could cause that. I will sprinkle some lemons throughout this story as I do with all of my stories! My mind forever goes into the gutter. Enjoy!

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