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  • Writer
    Kwelio Largo
    Kwelio Largo
    Ex Rhodesian. All i want is peace and quiet. Give me peace and i`ll be fucking quiet.

    ex-Rhodesian. seen it. done it. and have the damn t-shirt to prove it. i owe nobody nothing. don't care that the world goes down in flames around me so long as they leave me and mine alone. im a sleeping dog(with long teeth). if you wake me i WILL bite you.

    hair short. crew cut. gray (since i was 16). brown eyes. don't drink. or i do when i remember that there is such a thing as alcohol on the market. smoke? a pipe-rum and maple-they say woman like the smell. never had one come up to me and say it though. i like jokes(cant remember the damn things though). like to laugh and leave the serious stuff behind as soon as possible. am writing a novel-there must be a way to place it onto face book. im a racist in so far as i will do unto you worse than you did unto me. in all matters... tend to become overly protective. safety conscious. don't like guns in the wrong hands. scares the crap outa me. into martial arts. don't like pubs and drunk people. tend to stay home a lot.

    im a serious person. or possibly i imagine im a serious person.
    life is funny. it looks so bright and clean and fresh. maybe that's what makes me a serious person...because i know its not!

    im just too afraid that i may look left when i shouldda looked right.

    i guess too much experience can make a man scary. even though its unintentional.
    a friend by name of Estene just told me that.
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I started writing this novel some 6 years ago. I had an idea. One always reads about the Norse mythology but never of the end results. That being; Ragnarök itself. 

After many trails and errors, i came to the conclusion that i would have to describe each of the Aesir worlds and their histories. Their motivations for standing for or against the gods. 

Genesis is to be the first of ten novels. One for each of the Aesir worlds with the last being a conglomeration of all into the last novel called; Ragnarök

Genesis is unedited. Im still in the process of doing the final details and am being held up by time itself. Time and the knowledge that i require some help. So please exscuse the numerous mistakes.



The war of the gods

The Valkyrie are running short of Einherjar, the souls of the valiantly slain in battle. These souls are incorporated into the god’s armed forces. An armed force numbering in the countless millions that are just waiting for the call to battle, a battle of might and revenge against their opponents, the Jötnar giants and their offspring. But first the Jötnar must be brought into the fold to destroy an enemy that could vanquish them both with relative ease.

The Valkyrie cannot allow any outside influence to disrupt their existence, an existence that has been teetering on the brink of war for countless years. So when Loki, a Jötnar giant adopted by the supreme god of the Valkyrie and cast aside due to his lack of respect and therefore punished, decides, on his escape, to initiate contact with Earth thereby hastening Ragnarök – the war of the gods seems eminent.

Meanwhile, the Galactic Empire, having escaped Earths clutches, is suddenly embroiled in a covert attempt to bring Earth back into their stagnant existence. Katya Berotivich, a young and vengeful woman succeeds in becoming the new Emperor of the Galactic Empire. Her philosophy is a simple one; take revenge on all those that hurt her and protect the Empire by whatever means possible. Even should it call for making friends of enemies, enemies that have attacked the Empire for hundreds of years but never outright destroying it.

The enemies – Annulars – so named because they attack the Empire annually are part human part machine. These Cyborgs were created for one reason only and that was to force the Empire out of its stagnant groove and to prepare for the coming war against earth. Due to politics and outright resistance to change, nothing is done until the new Emperor is crowned.

Earth is going to war. The gods are preparing to reap a harvest of souls desperately needed. All they have to do is find out just where the Empire is situated so as to stir the pot. The Jötnar giant, Loki, has other ideas. He wants to catch the gods unprepared and at a disadvantage while the new god – Vigrior – is still trying to come to terms with its new born power and with no idea as to its role in the scheme of things, it must learn and adapt to an ever changing reality. A reality that could destroy the very universe if left unchecked for the war of the gods will encompass every planet and every living being throughout creation. To minimize the conflagration Vigrior knows is coming, it must decide who to use, who to destroy and who to save.

This is Ragnarök,



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