Hello, I am the author of the unconventional fantasy series Master Shǒuwèi. I have been a writer for 24 years and self-published for 22 years. I am a Dyslexic author who writes stories for people with Dyslexia and English is not their first language.
Here I will be posting stories which might be based on characters that appear or are mentioned in the series, or I might post an alternative fantasy story.
I would say my influence for my unusual writing style comes from reading Elric, Forgotten Realms, Dungeon & Dragons and Vampire Hunter D novels.
This is the fist time I have introduced the character Yiska's mother Kibō into a story along with his dad Yè fēng who is Junjie's 5th son.
One morning a group of people gather outside the Light Grey Dragon's home, they inform him people have not been returning from the Northern forest, he decides to investigate only to be stopped by an inviable barrier. There is only one thing he can do, call upon an old friend for assistance.