Between his eyes lay the spark for my life and he meant something special to me from the moment I met him.
"Can I own him?", thought my mind cause I always knew I'm no good for love or marriage.
"Don't give me a break," said my heart and it was right, for it was the one who always faces alot of breaks because of my stupid decisions.
"Enough of being quiet. Let me talk to him", said my mind pushing away the pain in my heart.
"Fraction of second is enough to fall for the wrong, but takes forever to overcome it", said my heart.
Exhausted by the mixed feelings, I had towards him, I tried to run away from him.
"Going somewhere? ", there came a voice which sounded like cool breeze in the midst of hot sunshine.
Handsomely he was standing in front of me with his cute smile.
"Icicles... I feel icicles ", said my heart.
Juggling my thoughts, I turned around to leave.
Kindly he held my hand, not allowing me to move.
"Lovable sweetheart, where are you going?", he asked.
Magically he uttered those words,which made me surrender to him.
"Never listen to his words of enchantment", warned my heart.
"Over imaginative talks leads to loss of true love," said my mind.
Painful memories cross my mind and atlast I made up my mind to listen to my heart.
Quickly I tried to relieve me from his hands, but he began to strengthen his grip over my hands.
Reluctantly I looked into his eyes, which had tears at the corners.
Something told me, that he was speaking from his heart.
"Take him into your hug,that will make him feel comfortable," whispered my heart and my mind together.
Understanding his pain I hugged him,so tight that all his bones could crush to pieces.
Virtually he reciprocated the hug that I had been yearning so long.
" Will you marry me?", was his next question which made me relieve me from his hug.
"X- rays are not needed to scan your heart, your eyes are more than enough, " he said, looking at my eyes.
" Your eyes speaks what your heart wants," he added, which gave me a shiver.
Zestfully, I accepted his marriage proposal, with all my heart and my mind. My heart and my mind, they never fought again, cause I had my MIND and he had my HEART .