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  • Writer
    Uh hey everyone, I'm Tamara, or FamilyGirl(formerly anyway) if you would prefer to refer to me as my Penname(former), although honestly I prefer Tammy.

    I'm an avid reader and an avid writer, I also draw in my spare time... I'll read and write anything that happens to pop into my head or line of sight, this isn't always a good thing obviously, but it keeps me entertained and allows me to learn new techniques I guess.

    I think that what I'm hoping for the most from this experience is to be able to get some feedback on my writing technique so I can improve and grow as both a person and an Author.

    I also won't really hold back if I feel like I can offer some constructive critism(?) to a fellow Author, but please don't feel as though I'm insulting you... I'm just trying to help....
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Dream of Flight
PG Completed


Well, I suppose this came about from my questioning of why some people feel the need to be able to fly, and what effects that can have in a different world. Actually this is/was supposed to be for a contest, but I just can't get a feel for what I should actually write for the contest. So instead I wrote this little ficelet I suppose you could call it to get into the mind of one of my characters that I'm going to be using in a novel or much larger story.

I suppose that I'll say that this might be a bit confusing for some, but it's kind of mediative and thoughtful, I'm hoping that it'll be thought provoking since it certainly made me think... I had to really get into the mind of the narrating character...

That is all:

To most they simply wish to fly to feel more freedom, I wish to fly so I can see them again...

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