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  • Contest Holder
    Marye the Minstrel
    Marye the Minstrel
    Hi, I'm Marye. I am primarily a poet, but I do write the occasional story. However, every one of my poems tells a story, so they can technically count. My work often reflects my emotional state, and my poems tend to relate to each other by presenting different viewpoints for the same situation.

    I'm interested in fantasy and old fairy tales, and I enjoy both giving and receiving all kinds of unique story prompts. I support the Oxford comma. I like to read C. S. Lewis, Chesterton, Tolkien, and Lewis Carroll in my freetime. My favorite book is The Silmarillion. (Google it if you haven't read it, it's more than worth your time.)

    I'm very random, and like to think of myself as fun. I read every comment that I receive, and personally reply to all messages. Chances are, if you comment on my page, you'll soon see me commenting on yours. This is because I find like-minded authors through their comments on my work. I'm happy to be friends with anyone who wants to, and also to give feedback and suggestions wherever desired.

    Well, I guess that's it. Feel free to message me if you want to talk about something.

    Your fellow carbon-based life-form,
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Twisted Talk

"It's not a liar, exactly, it just is compelled by nature to say exactly the opposite of what it means."

Write a short first-person-narration, about this person (or creature?) and its encounter with a normal human or humans. The catch is that the narrator/protagonist is the creature described above. Attempt to inform the reader of the true events and thoughts in the story through the medium of narrator's backwards speech.

The best stories will be determined by judges, but the amount of likes will be considered in choosing winners. This includes popularity in the decision, so be sure to read and critique other contestants' stories!

Your story can be any length or genre. If you don't want to write a story, you can request to join as a judge. Feel free to ask if you have questions, but be creative and have fun!

"It's not a liar, exactly, it just is compelled by nature to say exactly the opposite of what it means."

Write a short first-person-narration, about this person (or creature?) and its encounter with a normal human or humans. The catch is that the narrator/protagonist is the creature described above. Attempt to inform the reader of the true events and thoughts in the story through the medium of narrator's backwards speech.

The best stories will be determined by judges, but the amount of likes will be considered in choosing winners. This includes popularity in the decision, so be sure to read and critique other contestants' stories!

Your story can be any length or genre. If you don't want to write a story, you can request to join as a judge. Feel free to ask if you have questions, but be creative and have fun!

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