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  • Contest Holder
    Im not very good with "brief introductions" So hey I'm Irvin. Yes im mexican, but just blood mexican not raised in Mexico. I mostly write short story. But i will try all types of writing. If you leave feed back ill do the same and by that i mean grammar errors, if you liked it and so on. I balance 3 language's so take it easy on me guys. Ill be willing to help on anything just ask. Well Enjoy my writing!
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Nothing brings people together then sharing things in commen, i for one feel like ive been through it all. Share an anecdote, life lesson or goal it dosnt have to be very personal unless you wouldn't mined dont worry its a judge free zone!  you really never know how you mite have something in common with. Please nothing to dark it can be something funny, embarrassing serious and dont worry if nothing of that sort has ever happened to you. Maybe of something you saw or happened to someone els! have fun write on. My example up shortly. The winner will be chosen by like count so i encourage everyone to write!
Nothing brings people together then sharing things in commen, i for one feel like ive been through it all. Share an anecdote, life lesson or goal it dosnt have to be very personal unless you wouldn't mined dont worry its a judge free zone!  you really never know how you mite have something in common with. Please nothing to dark it can be something funny, embarrassing serious and dont worry if nothing of that sort has ever happened to you. Maybe of something you saw or happened to someone els! have fun write on. My example up shortly. The winner will be chosen by like count so i encourage everyone to write!
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