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  • Contest Holder
    J.R. Marsden
    J.R. Marsden
    I write when I can, mainly. I love working with others and talking and all that shiz, so message me and review! We can colab even if ya want. :P

    I was brought here by my dear friend, BuBu Winter. :)

    As a note, I am one for expressing opinions, including those on controversial aspects (such as my poem on abortion). I recognize everyone has their own opinions and respect that, so please, if you read my works, respect my opinions and beliefs as well.
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  • Challengers
    Challengers roseofnoonvaleChallengers XXjoeyXXChallengers Ernest_ScribblerChallengers SuspiciousChallengers Malea3114Challengers thewittyEGOISTChallengers widowandmotherChallengers Barbara S
  • Time Remaining
    Submission Closed
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Music of Inspiration

Everyone has a favorite song, a song that inspires confidence, inspires  hope, inspires  joy and sorrow and pain and laughing. Everyone has a favorite song that inspires something. 

In this contest, I want you to express to me what the song makes you feel, what memories arise when you hear it, what it makes you think of, or anything else for that matter as long as it relates to your  song. Don't just tell me though. Show it. Get creative. We are writers after all, aren't we?


No length requirement. 

Must be an actual song, and it has to be mentioned somewhere, either in an ending/beginning note, in the story itself, or the title.

All writing is accepted except essay writing. Leave that at school, amigos.

One entry per person. 

Judging On:




How it ties in with your song. 


1st Place: A poem, a short story, and a prize of choice (must be non-payment and internet-only, such as a picture I can post on DeviantArt) inspired by your song.

2nd Place: A poem and a short story inspired by your song. 

3rd Place: A poem or a short story inspired by...you get the point. 

A considerably less serious and hopefully fun contest in comparison to my last one. Hope you enjoy! Get inspired and creative and all that jazz! :)

Everyone has a favorite song, a song that inspires confidence, inspires  hope, inspires  joy and sorrow and pain and laughing. Everyone has a favorite song that inspires something. 

In this contest, I want you to express to me what the song makes you feel, what memories arise when you hear it, what it makes you think of, or anything else for that matter as long as it relates to your  song. Don't just tell me though. Show it. Get creative. We are writers after all, aren't we?


No length requirement. 

Must be an actual song, and it has to be mentioned somewhere, either in an ending/beginning note, in the story itself, or the title.

All writing is accepted except essay writing. Leave that at school, amigos.

One entry per person. 

Judging On:




How it ties in with your song. 


1st Place: A poem, a short story, and a prize of choice (must be non-payment and internet-only, such as a picture I can post on DeviantArt) inspired by your song.

2nd Place: A poem and a short story inspired by your song. 

3rd Place: A poem or a short story inspired by...you get the point. 

A considerably less serious and hopefully fun contest in comparison to my last one. Hope you enjoy! Get inspired and creative and all that jazz! :)

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