Translation done with DeepL and myself, sorry for grammar and punctuation errors, thank you.
Buruju's kitten predicts... NAFTA
How will the Aztec country carry forward the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), or as we cats call it: the great northern fuck.
Well, let Hermelinda Linda and Anacleto, the sorcerer, deny me if I lie, but the beautiful country of "I don't want gold, I don't want silver, I just want to go to Puerto Vallarta", has corrupt politicians who will not elect the best men and women, no, what they will do is choose by hand as usual.
My inner eye tells me that Mexico will come out of this negotiation a little better off than it was at first, but neither will it be able to eat ham sandwiches with the chavo del ocho. In football terms: Mexico will draw with a two to two score.
How will the United States do, with respect to negotiating NAFTA?
Unfortunately, tea leaves do not sponsor anything but nothing good....
Curious considering that the renegotiation of NAFTA was driven by the country of the stars and stripes, I see that it will be the USA that will lose out in this process.
He will do so badly that everyone (other than politicians) will miss the previous agreement, but of course, the government will insist that they made great strides.
In football language it would be as if the USA were losing by a five to one score, but the coach, would say that the goal scored served to gain "experience", etc, etc.
Oh my meow! It's amazing what the crystal ball shows me. NAFTA is a negotiation involving three countries, but thanks to Canada's intervention, Russia will also enter the arena!
The excuse that Canada will make is that Alaska used to be Russian territory, and so Russia must also participate... I didn't see this coming, uh, I mean, this was communicated to me by the inner eye a long time ago.
Everyone will agree, but at the last minute Mexico will vote against, but with the US and Canada, Russia will be part of NAFTA.
Soon and finally... Russia and the aftermath.
Russia and the aftermath
Who would have thought that Russia would enter the renegotiation of NAFTA!
The runes tell me that the great winner of NAFTA will be Canada and Russia, with global warming, the Arctic ice is melting, it will be the new frontier and great opportunities to look for oil or gas await whoever dares to take them.
As for the aftermath....
With Russia exploiting more oil, gasoline costs will fall much further. The U.S. will strive to get more oil out of the enquisto, which will cause the oil to fall even further.
Again, global fuel prices will be very cheap, as they were in the 1970s. The downside of this is that to make up for losses, the companies that generate energy through coal will triple their extractions.
At worst than with fuels and cheap energy, innovation in renewable energy will be delayed by at least 20 years and in the meantime, the planet will go to waste because the goals of the Treaty of Paris will not be achieved.
Anyway, the future doesn't look bright, but remember, as they said in the film Akira: "The future is not a straight line, it's several lines that cross, there must be a line we can choose", let's hope I'm wrong because "the stars have been read incorrectly in the past, even by centaurs".