"Do you remember where I packed my ink for the quills?"
"I have no idea, you were supposed to pack your own stationery!"
"Was I?"
"Thought so?"
"Can I borrow some ink?"
Macaw was sat in a chaotic whirlwind of mess sprawled around the cave floor, created by unpacking her many stuffed-to-the-brim bags. Prophecy was hanging upside-down from her hammock, writing in a scroll absent-mindedly, studying the various timelines with boredom, already unpacked neatly. She was an incredible seer, the only known hybrid with powers, but she didn't really devote her time to it, instead just scribbling menial things that seemed important, like when not to sneeze in class because it leads to a detention or something. Macaw rolled her eyes.
"Helloooooo? Anyone in there?" she said, bapping Prophecy on the nose and quickly camouflaging.
"Wha?" Prophecy looked up to see a blank space. Macaw suddenly changed bright green with vibrant purple spots, making a silly face, causing Prophecy to jump, fall off her hammock onto her, try to get up, trip and land back on top of Macaw, leaving the two dragonets in a tangled, giggling pile of purple-black and rainbow scales. Macaw extracted herself from the wheezing Prophecy, both laughing so hard they could barely breathe.
"You should've seen the look on your face!" Macaw managed through the laughter. "It was TOTALLY-"
"Adorable." They said at the same time and burst out laughing again. Once it'd died down, Prophecy let out a sigh and suddenly jolted upright. Her violet eyes glazed over, a hazy white drifting over them.
"Proph?" Macaw said anxiously, getting to her feet instantly. "Is this a big vision?" Prophecy suddenly began talking in a strange voice, like her own, but layered with other unfamiliar voices speaking with her.
"The Animus will come.
The one to save us all.
The Animus will come.
The one to make us fall.
The Animus will come.
And curses soon will rule.
The Animus will come.
We cannot save them all." Prophecy faltered and kept going.
"Winglets of jewels will face them all,
With them the curses cannot rule,
Sea's magic cannot save us though,
Even if they seem to be great hope,
Perhaps the curses will rule not then,
But a ripple will be disturbed and the Animus will still come to break it more.
Rainbows bright after the storm will signal the magic's curses fall.
Ice and fire came with the curse,
But somehow the jewels must save us all."
Prophecy finished shakily, the light re-entering her eyes.
"What was that?" Macaw urged. "What did you see?"
"We need to tell Headmaster Bulrush about this. Like, right now."
"But what was it?"
"Quite possibly, the end of many dragon's lives."