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  • Writer
    Hayley Micheals
    Hayley Micheals
    Not much to say. I'm twenty-four working full-time. I am an introvert, enjoy drawing even though I'm average at it. I'm a language lover and am obsessed with all things dragon related. I've been writing, albeit it's gotten much better and less cheezy, since I was about twelve and I have long burned those first writings. It was awful trust me, haha.

    I love reading romance, fantasy and fiction with a little mystery and YA on the side. Some of my favorite authors are JR Ward, KMM, Darynda Jones, Patricia Briggs, Sherrilyn Kenyon and Cassandra Clare.

    I'm always looking for feedback and other's thoughts on my work so if you like what I write or can think of ways I may improve please let me know. I welcome all messages that make me aware of any grammatical mistakes or spelling errors in any of my stories. I'm not shy.

    I've recently started writing here but I've been on FictionPress much longer and you'll find more of my writings there. Completed works as well as what I work on here.

    Thank you fellow writers and happy reading!
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Born to Hear Color

It's hard being something your not, even more impossible is being something you hate. Especially when you have no choice, no options and no way out. It's hell.

I was raised with the knowledge that one day I'd change. Werewolf. Predator. Violence. It's a cage. One that every year has gotten smaller, tighter. Suffocating me with the awareness that once I become one of them things will be expected of me.

Then it happened and my life became darkness. Pack battles. Mates. Alphas. Dominance. Submission. Death. It's an endless cycle, one that owns your life after you change. Fighting and violence. Anger and rage. Death and mourning. Sometimes it's all I can do not to scream.

I never wanted this. I begged and pleaded silently for freedom from this duty, from a cursed I never deserved. I've lost so much to this world. Love, family, innocence. I want out. Now I wonder if it's even possible to free myself from it.

Chapter Key (Chapter One and on):

"Normal speech." -This will be your normal conversational speech seen in this chapter.

"Irregular speech." -This speech pattern is used in conjunction with speech in dreams, speech remembered from the past, etc.

"Signing speech." -This speech will be bolded when Julianna, her mother or any given character uses Sign Language to speak.

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