"I call shotgun!" I yell.
"No, I call shotgun!" Jordan argues with an amused smirk.
"I'm a guest."
"Technically, you're now a permanent liability," She sticks her tongue out.
"In that case, so are you," I retort.
Jordan opens her mouth to say something, but Demi beats her to it.
"Just play rock, paper, scissors," She laughs. "Best two out of three."
I look at Jordan as she looks at me. With a shrug, I place my right, closed fist into my left palm as Jordan does the same.
"Ready?" I question.
She nods.
"I win!" I exclaim, sticking my tongue out after the third game.
Jordan tries to fake a pout but ends up laughing at my enthusiasm.
The car ride is drowned in a comfortable silence, except for the distant hum of the radio. I squeal with recognition as I turn the volume up.
"Baby, when they look up at the sky, we'll be shooting stars just passing by. You'll be coming home with me tonight, and we'll be burning up like neon lights," I sing as Demi rolls her eyes.
Eventually, all three of us end up harmonizing the song.
"And that was a throwback from Demi Lovato with 'Neon Lights'," the radio DJ announces.
"They make me sound old," Demi groans.
I open my mouth, but she points her finger at me.
"Don't even think about it."
I smirk.
"Weren't you in, like, your twenties when you had me?" I question.
"That's not old!" She defends.
"I never said it was," I laugh. "You're the one who's just assuming shit."
She shoots me a look as we reach a red light.
"You're the one who's just assuming things," I rephrase.
"Much better," she comments with a nod, causing me to roll my eyes. "And excuse the hell out of me for not having a baby at, like, fourteen," She rolls her eyes.
"Ooh, that'd be so cool!" I squeal. "Jordan, could you imagine having a mom fourteen years older than you?" I question.
She just laughs and shakes her head.
"Don't either of you be going and getting any ideas," Demi warns.
"Gross!" I exclaim
"That's disgusting!" is Jordan's response.
"As long as you two think that, then we're good," Demi smirks.
I roll my eyes again.
"Speaking of, um, that," Jordan nervously clears her throat.
I can't help but laugh.
"Why can't you just say 'sex'?" I wonder, knowing that she probably won't answer me.
I bet she's blushing so much right now.
"Have you ever had a boyfriend?" Jordan inquires of me, probably desperate for a subject change.
"Nope," I reply, popping the "p" and shaking my head. "You?"
"No way."
"Now, stay that way," Demi chimes as we enter the mall parking lot.
That probably won't be too difficult. Although I've never told anybody, I find myself more attracted to girls than I do to guys. I know it's not "holy" or whatever, but it's true. It's embarrassing to be honest. I mean, I've made out with my fair share of both genders, but nobody judges if I'm a girl kissing a guy whereas everybody judges if I'm a girl kissing a girl. Although I hate putting labels on people, I don't think I'm a lesbian, and I'm obviously not as straight as a flag pole; therefore, I think I'm bisexual. I don't even know if I'm supposed to be thinking about my sexuality yet. The whole topic is just extremely confusing, in my opinion.
"Bay?" Demi softly calls out, her hand on my shoulder.
"You kind of just zoned out on me. Are you okay?"
"I'm great," I smile before exiting the car.
The mall is huge, and I can already tell that this is going to take a while.
Ten shopping bags, tons of autographs and pictures, and about two hours later, we're eating in the mall's food court. Jordan ordered pizza, Demi ordered some flat bread thing, and I ordered Chinese food. I'm stuffing my face with yellow fried rice when a familiar face causes me to drop my fork and nearly choke on my food.
"Holy shit," I mutter before going into a coughing fit.
Jordan smacks my back with a perplexed expression. Once my couching fit-and near death from choking, might I add-ceases, I chug down my bottled Pepsi gratefully.
"What the hell was that?" Demi asks.
"Thanks for being sympathetic," I sarcastically thank. "Is it just me or does that guy kind of look like Kevin Jonas?" I question before she can retort, pointing at the guy who's doing a horrible job of making it look like he's not staring at us.
"Oh, shit," I hear Demi mumble under her breath.
She pushes back her chair, rising to her feet.
"I'll be right back," She assures. "Just, wait here."
Jordan and I look at each other with equally confused expressions. I shake my head and pick up my fork.
"It's probably just Demi being Demi," I grumble, resuming to stuff my face with the rice.
~Demi's POV~
I walk towards Kevin with wobbly knees and sweating palms. My heart is hammering against my ribs as my anxiety level steadily increases. I remind myself that it's too late to back out now, especially since he has already seen Jordan, Bailey, and me. I never thought I'd run into any of the Jonas Brothers again, especially not at a busy shopping mall. Taking a deep breath, I offer him a fake smile that feels more like grimace.
"Long time no see, Demi," he greets.
"I had my reasons for not coming around; you know that," I remind.
"All of which were wrong."
I roll my eyes.
"I didn't come over here to be belittled by you or to let you make me feel guilty."
"Then, why did you come over here?" He arches an eyebrow.
"Because you're freaking my daughters out. Just, stop staring." I order, my tone elevating slightly.
"Afraid I'll let your secrets slip?" He taunts.
"If you do so, I swear-"
He laughs, only infuriating me more.
"You can't keep her a secret forever, Dems. He's going to find out somehow, someway."
"Is it that obvious that she's his daughter?" I whimper.
He shakes his head, much to my relief.
"It's obvious that she's your daughter, though."
"I can deal with that, but I could never deal with the repercussions if the media discovered the truth. I'm already called a 'slut' and a 'whore' by haters. What if everybody else started calling me that?"
"If you told them the truth-"
"The truth doesn't make the situation sound any better, Kevin!" I snap.
Turning on my heel, I'm about to return the table when Kevin grips my wrist.
"Let go," I hiss.
"Just come by my house this weekend, please," he pleads, but I'm already shaking my head by the time he finishes his sentence.
"I can't."
"He has the right to see his own daughter, Demi. He was ready to risk his entire career to be there for you, or did you forget that?"
"I didn't forget," I defend through clenched teeth, turning back around to face him. "I thought my decision was for the best."
"You were only thinking about yourself. It was a selfish decision that you made to save your own skin. You never cared about him."
"I loved him!" I surprise myself by admitting. "I still love him," I whisper-more to myself than to Kevin-with my head bowed.
"Prove it," he tells me with a clenched jaw.
I know he wants to say more. I know he wants to yell at me and tell me how fucked up my decision was. I wouldn't blame him if he hates me. He releases my wrist, and I return to the table without looking back.
"Where's Bailey?" I question Jordan.
"Bathroom," She replies.
I slowly nod, taking Bailey's completely finished meal and my half eaten one to the garbage bin.
"Once she comes back and after you finish eating, we'll leave," I inform.
She nods with a small smile. As Jordan finishes her food, I chew thoughtfully on my bottom lip until the coppery taste of blood enters my mouth. Should I honestly visit Kevin and the others this weekend?