This year my father was going to be returning from his trip to spend Christmas with us. Although him and my mom aren’t on the warm terms they were on years ago, she still lets him visit me from time to time. Each time we would work on this little choo choo train set from when I was still drinking bottles. It’s big, yeah but it’s not exactly finished. I hope it won't ever be. Every time he came to visit me, we would work on the train set together piece by piece. It’s funny because we could barely get anything done from playtime we would have and the memories we would share. It always comes to an end though, because his time would be up and he would have to leave again. The train set left unfinished. I’m sort of nervous now. From the very last time we spent together, my father was seemingly upset and not as cheery as he would usually be. My mother and him had a long heated argument half of the time we would usually spend on each other. We didn’t even speak.. it was strange because we actually worked on the train set. Enough to the point where the main component, the train, was moving along the tracks now. We were almost done. This unending project was reaching its end destination and I couldn’t be more worried. My mother was doubtful about letting him come back after it's finished. The night before he was supposed to come, I was curled on my silk satin sheets with my tears turning my pillow into a darker color than it was before. I didn’t want it to be over but so much was pointing to the fact that I would probably never see my father again. My despair turned into teenage rage.. and that rage soon fell on the train set. All the time the pieces were being sent across the spaces of my room, I would scream with water pouring down both my cheeks about how I wished I could have my family back. I wished that my father could stay. I wished the train set would just GO AWAY because with my young mind I thought if I got rid of the train set.. then from some miracle, my father would stay. We would have to rebuild it together. The next day when my parents discovered the destruction, they went out and had a talk. The talk lasted hours.. and I was asleep by the time they finally shook me awake. I couldn't believe it! They said that both of them were going to try to get back together. Not only because they knew they still loved each other..they wanted me to be happy,too. I knew it wasn't going to be a walk in the park for them to work together again.. but it was a start. And the best part? I got a new train set.