563Please respect copyright.PENANAaZDYQKv76c
This is major spoilers for my story, so if you want the end to be a surprise, DO NOT READ THIS. Okee then now that's out of the way, enjoy!
Hex pulled into her mother's drive at 5 PM. Right as soon as she stepped out of her car she knew something was wrong. She walked up to the front door and quietly knocked. There was no answer. She texted Sterling that she was going inside and that something felt off. She then proceeded to bend down and pull out her lockpick kit. She felt for the tumblers and they gave easily. She straightened and slipped into the house. The first thing she saw were the bloody words on the wall.
"Holy shit! Oh shit... shit, shit, shit," Hex breathed, backing against the door. The words said "DO YOU LIKE MY ART." Hex racked her brain, trying to think of any killer that had used those words, but this time the phrase was entirely original. She heard someone coming down the stairs and ran to hide in the closet. As she reached for the doorknob, she felt and arm around her waist and cool metal against her throat. She swallowed hard.
"Hello, Carson. I've heard about you," she whispered. She felt Carson laughing.
"So my work has become famous, now? Good... very good," he hissed in her ear. He pressed the blade harder into her neck and she tried not to swallow or move. She put three fingers together and her thumb below them and shifted slightly to the left. She brought her elbow into Carson's groin and spun around, escaping from his grasp. He gasped in pain and fell to his knees. She slammed the three fingers into his eye and he wailed. She spun and started toward the kitchen, but tripped over her dead mother's leg and fell so that her face was right by the corpse's. She shrieked and scrambled backward on hands and knees. Carson had recovered and he yanked Hex up by her hair and slammed her face into a wall. She cursed and shrieked in pain. They both froze as they heard the door slam open. Sterling had a gun in his hand and aimed it right at Carson.
"No! Don't! We still have to find out if the girl is alive!" Hex tried to say. Carson tossed her to the ground and she fell on her elbows. She scrambled back up and Sterling pulled the trigger right as she stepped in front of Carson. She felt a burning pain and saw Sterling's eyes widen, his lips forming her name, but all she could hear was ringing and the thumping of her blood coursing through her veins. Then everything went black.
Hex woke up in a sterilized hospital room. She opened her eyes and stared at the buzzing light on the ceiling, squinting into it. She glanced over and saw Sterling sleeping in the chair beside the bed. She grunted quietly, pushing herself into a sitting position and Stirling woke up. He glanced at her through sleepy eyes then immediately woke up fully.
"You're awake! Oh thank god! I am so sorry I shot you!" he cried out in a rush.
"It was my fault entirely. I just... I needed to know where the girl was and Carson would've told us," Hex mumbled. Sterling squeezed her hand and she glanced up.
"Carson isn't dead. He's in a maximum security prison and he's insisting on only talking to you," he told her. "Are you up for it?"
"Yeah, I think so... where's Bo?" Hex asked, distractedly.
"I told him to go home and take a shower and eat. He hadn't left your side in days and he was starting to smell like a sewer drain," Sterling replied. Hex nodded.
"And my clothes?"
"Here," he said, handing her a clean pair of clothes. She went to the bathroom and changed. She smelled like hospital, but she couldn't do anything about that for now.
"Ready to talk to a criminal?" she asked Sterling once she exited the bathroom.
"If you're ready, I am too," he said.
"Hello again, Carson," Hex said into the phone. He smirked.
"You want to know where the girl is, right?" he asked. Hex nodded and he smiled again. "You already know where she is."
"No, I honestly don't," she replied, glaring through the glass.
"Yes you do. Home," he told her. She hesitated and wrinkled her forehead, thinking.
"Well, she isn't at her home. And I know she's not at my home," she said, trying to reason the answer out.
"She's at your home. Just not your house," he responded.
"What? I don't- oh," she whispered, finally realizing what Carson meant. "Thank you for your help, Carson." She hung up the phone and stood. "I know where to find the girl."
"Are you sure it's here?" Chris asked her. Hex nodded.
"I'm positive. This... place... I considered it a home for such a long time and now... well, let's just say it isn't my home," she said. She opened the door and walked toward the house where Chris had found her and Dinah had died. So many things had happened so long ago and so recently. Hex's legs trembled as she walked up the stairs. She took a deep breath and turned the doorknob. She stepped across the threshold and every memory came rushing back. She remembered laughter and she remembered being happy with Paul... but that was in the past. She had to focus on the present or someone would die. Hex went to her old room and opened the door. She stood in the middle of the room silently, her head cocked to one side. She heard breathing coming from her closet. She walked over to the door and knocked.
"Come out, we don't want to hurt you," she said gently. She opened the closet door and a girl, around the age of 17, peeked out.
"Please, help," she said. Hex offered the girl her hand and she reached up, grasping it. Hex pulled her to her feet and let her arm circle around the trembling girl's waist. She led her out of the house and helped her into the car.
"My name is Hex. We're going to take you home to your family," Hex told the girl. The girl nodded.
"Thank you," she whispered.
"I don't need any thanks. I did this to help, and now I have. I'm not a hero, I'm just a girl that has issues," Hex told her as Chris pulled away from the house that held so many memories.
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A/N: Sorry it's so long! I need some backstory and stuff so I decided to go over the top.