Chapter Two528Please respect copyright.PENANAaYU5RFZIvU
The next day Fable made it her mission to get more information from Eddie, and also to reach Jenny. It was like the coffin was calling out to Fable, and it was a bit unreal. After breakfast Fable went to search for Eddie. He had not been at the table where everyone normally had breakfast, and the others had not seen him since last night. As she made her way to the western side of the site, she saw Jenny hurriedly walking away from the site. Fable called out to her and ran towards Jenny.
"Jenny, wait up".
"Not now Fable, I need to get back to the lab".
"Wait please, I have some questions about the coffin. Eddie told me a little bit about the information you guys found, but I think there is much more to the story, isn't there?" Fable asked while trying to catch her breath. "I don't know about you, but I've been getting weird feelings ever since the coffin was found" Fable added.
Jenny looked up; "Weird feeling?" she whispered. "Yeah, and I had a pretty weird dream last night too, but that doesn't matter right now" Fable said quickly.
Fable looked at Jenny. " Are you alright Jenny, you look sick".
"I'm fine, just getting the flu I think", Jenny answered. "Listen, I really have to go, I only came here to pick up the rest of my stuff". She looked around and stepped closer to Fable; "I think there is something wrong with the coffin" Jenny whispered.
"There is a bar about three kilometers from here , meet me there tonight at nine" she added and walked towards her car. Fable blinked, a lot of times until she finally realized Jenny had already left. Jenny had looked pale, and tired. Fable really hoped that she was alright. Hopefully tonight she can finally find out what is wrong with that coffin.
When Fable stepped into the Bar, the first thing she noticed were the many different small national flags hanging from the ceiling. The lights in the bar were dimmed and the decoration looked nice. She spotted Jenny sitting at the back of the bar and walked towards her. They hugged and Fable noticed that Jenny looked much worse that earlier today. "You look really sick Jenny, did you go see a doctor?" Fable asked concerned. "I don't think the doctor can do anything about this" Jenny replied somberly.
"What do you mean" Fable asked slowly.
"You were right about something not being right with the coffin; what did Eddie tell you?".
"He said that you guys don't know from which period the coffin is and that the occupant is a woman. He also said that the coffin was made from a material that has never been seen before" Fable replied.
"What is going on Jenny, why did you say that the doctor would not be able to help you?".
"The coffin made me this way, sick I mean; three of my colleagues who helped me inspect the remains are dead. And I think I'm next". Fable's eyes widened. "Dead? The fuck? ".
"Listen Fable, I'm not supposed to tell anyone about this, but I think I have to tell at least one person". Jenny sighed, "Ever since we brought the coffin to the lab for testing, weird things have been happening. First, one of the assistants slipped and hit his head; he is alright now, thank god. Then samples we took from the coffin and the occupant started disappearing. And i'm not talking about "someone probably stole it" disappearing; but magically disappearing. Like, you're alone in the room and put the sample on the table, you turn around for only one second and it's just gone. And then small fires just started breaking out around the room. First everyone just thought they were just accidents, ya know. But then Rita, my archaeologist colleague got really sick and died two days later. Then the same happened to Nate and Ashley. Now I am sick; I also think I'm seeing things...weird things". Jenny took a sip of her coke. "You probably think I'm insane" Jenny said.
"No, I don't... as I told you before, ever since the coffin was found, I've been getting these weird feelings, like this sudden cold feeling and like I was being watched. Last night I had a dream, or it was more like a Nightmare. And I know the coffin is responsible. My parents always said that everything happens for a reason, and to trust my gut. Not because we can't see what's there, does it mean it's not there" Fable told Jenny.
"What kind of things are you seeing Jenny?", Fable asked.
Jenny sighed and put her elbows on the table. "Sometimes a dark shadow, it's all black but then the eyes glow, and then I can see it's teeth. Razor sharp teeth" Jenny said and visibly shivered. "I've seen it a couple of times, but it's always only for a couple of seconds...and then it's just..gone". Fable thought back to the thing, the monster from her nightmare. "I believe you", she told Jenny.
"The company sponsoring this dig is doesn't want information about the coffin getting out. The sample we took from the coffin itself came back inconclusive. The material the coffin was made from may look like iron, but it's not. As far as we know, the material doesn't exist on earth" Jenny continued.
Fable frowned,"So it's...Alien?".
"I honestly don't know; the occupant is human, and was in her early 20's when she died. The cause of death couldn't be determined, but we do know that she had a proper, intentional burial. She was probably a very important person. Her clothing looks Mesopotamian, but it's not. Her head dress also looks Mesopotamian, but it has a few differences. And the material her jewelry is made from is also unknown. Her daggers are also made from an unknown material. What's weird is that they look as good as new. No rust whatsoever....I think the coffin is cursed" Jenny whispered. "I did some research about the occult while doing my Master's and I'm really starting to think that everything is true".
Fable thought about telling Jenny about her nightmare but decided against it. Nothing made sense, it was all 'it looks like this, but isn't that' and it was honestly getting under her skin. Jenny suddenly got up from her seat. "Listen, I have to go; I still have some things to take care of". She hugged Fable and turned to leave.
"Jenny wait, you can't expect me to just go on with my life after telling me all this. We have to do something, we have to heal you. We can figure out what's wrong with the coffin and...".
"And what Fable?".
"I don't know, but we can figure this out".
"Just leave it, stay out of it Fable. You're not in any danger, so don't go looking for it".
"That's where you're wrong Jenny, I think all of this has something to do with me; the nightmare I had last night, there was a woman,and she told me to...".
"Jenny wait".
But Jenny was already walking towards the exit of the bar. "Shit",Fable muttered. She grabbed her things and followed Jenny out of the bar. When she stepped out of the bar, she looked around the parking lot, searching for Jenny. But she had already gone.
"Damn it Jenny", she sighed.
Stepping out of the cab, Fable thought back to her conversation with Jenny. She tried to make sense of everything Jenny had told her, but she was having a hard time doing that. She walked past the security guard at the gate, who was fast asleep on his chair. As she walked to the building she was staying at, she felt a sudden cold breeze again. Goosebumps feathered her skin and the hairs on her neck stood. Fable froze and looked around. She was being watched. She turned around and looked at the gate, but the chair where the guard had just been sleeping was empty. The light at the gate flickered and then there was sudden darkness. Fable gasped, and her eyes widened. Standing at the gate was the same thing from her nightmare. "I'm awake, this can't be" Fable thought. "Sweet Fable", It said; it's voice spine chilling. "It's time now".
"I don't fucking think so", Fable muttered frightened and she turned around. And then she ran.
Creepy chuckling filled the quiet night and she ran faster. She felt something grab her and she looked over her shoulder. The thing, with it's elongated head, and empty eye sockets smiled and lunged at her. Fable stumbled and fell but quickly got up again. "What do you want, you ugly piece of shit", she yelled at it but it had disappeared again. She picked up her bag from the ground and started to run towards her building.
She suddenly stopped and cursed.
She unknowingly run here......why did she come here?
She stared at the supposedly empty square where the coffin was found. But now it wasn't empty. The coffin that was currently supposed to be at the lab, was right where it was found not so long ago, and it's lid was open. It was also empty.
"Fuck me" Fable whispered.
"Looks like it's time for you to go now, sweet Fable", the spine chilling voice suddenly said from behind her. Fable quickly turned and let out a scream when the thing pushed her. With a hard thud she hid the bottom of the coffin and groaned. Her whole body hurt. She looked up at the thing standing above her, and tried to get up. Hands made of dark shadow grasped her and slowly entangled around her whole body. She screamed for help but knew that it pointless. She was going to die. She looked up at the sky, her eyes watering. As she let out one more scream, she was swallowed by a sudden darkness.