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    Crimson Queen
    Crimson Queen
    I'm Crimson Queen, and everyone who follows me is "my royal subject" x3 I'm really sweet and nice and I don't bite unless someone pokes me with a stick.

    This is my account for small/short stories poems/slam poems so I hope you guys enjoy everything you see here. Really.
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January 12th, 2016

I had just finished reading my best friends journal, well, it was actually just her answering a prompt but you know it was creative and I liked the prompts she got and how she answered them. It helps answer questions I didn't know I had about her. I should've started from January 1st, oh well. I'll do what I want honestly, at least when it comes to writing. I guess I should explain why I'm doing this, here, on wattpad. My bff (let's name her Kathy because I guess I try to generally avoid using real names online honestly) is writing a sort of like, journal or diary but instead of flat out writing shit about whatever she feels, she answers prompts and it's all interesting really. She said she wanted to keep a journal for this year, so I decided, screw it, I'm twelve days late but who gives a damn!

I'm going to have trouble keeping up with this, I know it. But I guess I'm not letting that bother me honestly. I'll try my best. Catch you guys up to date every few days or something. Man, this feels awkward. Really awkward. But you know, whatever. This week has been interesting. I'll just start from when winter break began, and then we shall go from there :P

Winter break: was a blast. We got out of school Friday the 18th, and even then school was a half day. That whole week I had been doing exams and my little sister was experiencing exams for the first time... most of them were projects anyways. My exams went relatively easy this year, maybe that's because I actually kept up with the homework? Or I actually like my classes... or maybe both?? Idk, but it was easier this year and it has me worried honestly. Oh well, I got a seventy something on my geometry exam, so that's not as bad as it could be, because the rest of my practice quizzes and tests In that class are sixty or lower so yea. But anyways, the Sunday after that Friday we started our travel to Munich!!! Man, the drive was like, eight hours long but the drive was WORTH it.

Munich: We had to drive through Austria to get to Munich, which means we drove through the mountains, and the sight was, breath taking!!!! Everything reminded me of the states, the houses were made of wood, and everything just looked, warmer, than the houses in Italy do. (Most houses here are made of cement and stone, there are not too many made of wood) And there was snow!! AH! Do you know how hard it is to get snow in Rome??? TOO HARD!!!! Like, the last time it snowed was four years ago. Ugh, but when we got to our hotel everything made me homesick because everything was just... efficient and clean and everyone spoke English and like, I could totally live in Munich with no problem what so ever. But anywho, we got to see the Krampus parade and then the Christmas market. Man, the Christmas market was so... comforting!!! We went to see Dachau, and it all was... just overwhelming really... it was a concentration camp... I don't really know how I could explain what we saw honestly, it's just... one of those things you have to see for yourself.

I'll explain Prague and Venice later, my hands are cramped and I hurt my pinkie badly during basketball practice, and using my pinkie to type hurts too much xDDD Oh well, thanks for listening to me talk on and on.

Oh, and, it's my birthday today btw :P

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