The afternoon shone bright as the bustle of busy bodies complied to the rush of lunch time, everyone finding the right place to get food. In one particular restaurant, orders flew over counters or by the seated faces amongst the disarray of tables and chairs in the crowded room. Waiters shifted, swerved and served with a grace that only experience could muster. Chattering faces and smiles were passed around as friends and couples enjoyed the atmosphere of the notorious Valentines day vibe.
I sat alone, under a nearby tree in the food court where I could spectate the scene before me. A cup of coffee steamed silently in front of me, wisping gently in contrast to the fast movements around me. I watched the crowd, not looking for anything particular with my mind but my heart yearned for a familiar face that eluded my space. I wasn't concentrating on that though, I was doing everything I could to keep my thoughts elusive like the vapour playing in front of my face. I became almost so enthralled by the steam that I almost hadn't noticed him sit down beside me, smiling at my odd fixation I had at the simple cup in front of me.
I felt his familiar presence very distinctly, like how you feel when you hear an old favourite song after years of forgetting it. Your feelings are a little different towards it but it's always a feeling you're more than willing to accept again. I turned to him, a smile that mirrored mine played at the corners of his lips while he looked at me like it was the first time he had fallen in love with me. My smile became a grin as I saw all the details of the face I had seen so many years ago, comparing the face of the boy I had fallen in love with before with the man that sat before me now.
He presented me with a sunflower that I could see was bearing scars of the travel it had endured on its way to my hands. I looked at it for a long time, unsure of what to do with this offering of rekindling. I looked at him, my mouth wanting to say thank you but my eyes were full of confusion. He knew I would be apprehensive and came prepared to bargain with me. He began unpacking the take away packet from Foodpanda, possibly the best food delivery franchise out there, and lay it out in front of us. It mimicked the last date we had experienced together. After he was satisfied with the display he turned to me looking very proud of his work and I couldn't help but laugh at the boyish charm he had managed not to lose. He looked at me again, serious but with that caring smile and asked for a second chance to be the reason for my smile again.
What else could I have said?