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  • Writer
    Katherine Knixs
    Katherine Knixs
    My name is Katherina(Yes, that's my actual name. ) I am a 23'year old mother of two babies from Serbia. »
    ❤ My Profession❤
    « I am a graduated Psychologist, also I finished courses for; IT Technician, Make Up Artist( Including Body Art and SFX.) Java developing, Nail art and I trained; Karate, Taekwondo, Hapkido, MMA and Kick Boxing. And I finished the most important school in my life: How to be a good mother to my children and a wife my husband can be proud of. ❤ »

    ❤ My Hobbies and Likes ❤
    « Writing, for starters: Only Mystery, Thrillers, Fantasy and Science Fiction, and Historical Fiction. I also like adventures, challenges, traveling, nice brewed coffee my husband makes every morning for me. Walking with my children and playing with them in the public park. I have to admit I'm in loved with Chinese sad and melancholic songs as well as KPop. But I also listen to Green Day and Linkin Park. I have a great passion for Ancient Greece and Egipt»

    ❤ If you follow I will follow back. If you vote, I will vote back. If it's my book in your library don't you dare think I won't add yours. We are all writers, we should stick together. XOXO, Katherina❤
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Ashes To Ashes


Alicia has partial immunity from the zombie contagion. Before the world falled appart she was in the BIO LAB with her mom, acidentaly catching the virus but not all the way. First year of the virus Alicia spended in hidin, she could think but not speak.

At some point she rebounds from the virus, like a person overcoming a serious flu, and returns to something resembling normalcy. Unfortinetly for her, reversal happened when she was walking among a horde of zombies, and suddenly they look at her not as one of their own kind — but as food.

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