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Trial A422393


The sun began to set, a cool breeze washed over the land as Charlotte walked to the mailbox. Walking back she began flipping through the mail,

    “Chris, he got another scholarship!” Charlotte yelled running up the steps and into the kitchen towards her husband and son. 

     “That a boy Alex!” Chris said slapping his son on the back. 

    “This is the school you wanted! My baby’s going to his top school! Smile I wanna post this on…” Charlotte said reaching for her phone. His face fade, his bright blue eyes sinking and his smile changing to expose a frown line.

    “Mom I’m enlisting.” 

    “What…” The mother’s mouth dropped grabbing the kitchen counter to steady herself. Placing her camera on the counter she sunk into the kitchen stool 

“Mom I’m different than most. I'm stronger, faster.”

    “There’s no need for you to join!” Charlotte said her tone changing. 

    “Dads always talked about his military days, I... I can help.” 

    “No… you can’t go,” Charlotte said with tears filling her dark hazel eyes 

    “Charlotte,” Chris said standing up from his seat

    “Chris talk him out of it.” 

    “Son I think we need to have a chat.”  

“Chris” Charlotte's voice fading in from behind

    “It’s his choice but first we need to talk about your genetic makeup. Follow me Alex” Hesitant Alex followed, the two walked out of the sliding door across the lawn to an old barn where the father worked on electronics. With a sigh, Chris began to speak,

     “Alex your more than an average teen. You're a superhuman” 

    “Super what?” He said puzzled 

    “Your mother and I aren't technically your biological parents.” turning back to look at his son he saw the look of disbelief in his child's eyes. 

    “You were part of a science experiment, we adopted you and raised you as our own once the experiment was shut down.” 

    “What… What?” 

    “Alex,” Charlotte said faintly from behind

    “You were developed to be the ideal solder, you have always been ahead of your peers in physical and mental milestones.” 

    “I...I don't understand” 

    “It all started 19 years ago. Your mother and I just joined practices.” 

It was a rainy day in a dark cement laboratory. The two scientists started proposing different methods to perfect human genetics. 

    “Is this unmoral?” A woman in a white lab coat asked fidgeting with her fingers. 

    “Charlotte we need to. We need this information and we need a way to end the war.”

The head scientist said inserting a surgeon into a vile. Gripping a slate lab table leaving a palm print. Charlotte walked over grabbing his forearm,

    “But Chris we are testing God here… We are creating a life.” 

    “People have been cloning for years, he said with a change in tone.

    “No people have been doing fertility treatments for years, not creating superhumans!” 

    “We are just altering the genetic makeup to make them more advanced. Don't question it.” As the experiment continued the test subjected continued to grow. Placing his glasses on top of his dark brown hair he looked up at his wife, and partner.

    “Trial A is growing at extreme rates,” Chris said tapping his pencil on his spreadsheet.

    “Chris at this rate trial A422393 will be developed as a full-term baby in four weeks.”

    “Marvelous we could mass-produce an entire army and have them born in less than fourteen weeks rather than 38 weeks!” As the test subject continued to grow and develop, people became uneasy. The idea of creating soldiers made people question morals.

    “Doctor”. yelled a man in a green military suit with four stars stomped into the cold dark laboratory.

    “Shut this operation down!” 

    “What…Why” Chris said puzzled. “Sergeant, this is an approved experiment to help expand the military,” Chris said following him around like a puppy. 

    “What about the child?” Charlotte said nervously standing up from her desk. 

    “What child?” the sergeant said snapping his head around.

    “The child we created. He is almost full term. 

    “Let me see!” the three walked over to the lab table. They peer inside the incubator

       “ Wow” 

    “You can shut down my experiment but don't kill the subject,” Charlotte said with tear-filled eyes. The sergeant turned and softly began to walk away.

 Q   “Let me call my officer.” After a few minutes, he returned. 

    “We are shutting down the experiment but, you are the continue your duties with the child.” 

    “What?” they both said puzzled

    “The child is to live with you. He will be raised as a normal child and is to never know about his capabilities.”

    “Yes sir” 

    “You have until he is born then the experiment is terminated.” Two weeks passed. Packing all the equipment and notes they could the two scientists prepared for the child to be born. 

    “Chirs, Chris it's time.” the child came out of the incubator weighing 13lbs. 

    “Wow, he only took 15 weeks to fully develop,” Chris said stroking the child's foot. Having limited time before the military arrived they documented everything they could about the child. After a few days, four military trucks arrived at the lab. The trucks came filled with military personal and baby supplies. Two men in military suits walked up to them.

    “Here is your story, you just moved to town, you are moving into your great aunt's house. You served in the military and are coming home. You have been married for two years.” Chris’s face dropped. They all piled into the truck. 

    “No one can know about the experiment, from now on you are the Johnson’s. A normal, happy family, you get involved in town the kid does sports.” The car drove for hours, as they pulled up the farmhouse Chris went white. The shutters hanging on by a thread, the deck lopsided and the grass overgrown.

    “It’s a fixer-upper,” a soldier said laughing. “You have the next 18 years to fix it” The Sergeant chimed in laughing. As the car stopped Charlotte slid out. 

    “It’s cute,” she said with a forced smile. The soldiers unloaded the car, furniture piled into the home while the two scientists watched. The military furnished and left the home immediately. Charlotte walked into the house accepting her new life while Chris watched the vans drive away in the distance. As the weeks continued they found their new Normal. They named the baby Alex and he continued to grow at extreme rates. His first steps took place at three months. By a year he was walking, talking and eating everything under the sun. He weighed as much as a second grader by two. Charlotte thrives as a mother, leaving her science practice aside she found a new project and her new life suited her. Chris, on the other hand, enjoyed life but his purpose for life changed not being able to practice his science. As the pair found a balance of life within the community and hiding their secret. Alex reached school age. 

    “We should start him in school” Charlotte mentioned one evening at dinner. 

     “School? Why we can teach him everything he needs here.”

     “He needs friends, he just can’t play with the dog and the dirt.” After a long debate and compromises, the pair enrolled Alex in the local school down the street. From an early age, it was very obvious that Alex was naturally gifted both mentally and physically. The school immediately wanted Alex to skip grade levels and he was started in school sports from the start. As the years when on Alex continued to grow. Suffering from severe headaches and slightly elevated high blood pressure, due to his access to more brainpower. In school, he discovered a passion for sports. He ran varsity for track, was the quarterback and was third in his class. Using his “natural talent” he received scholarships to run at any school in the nation. As his school career started thriving the nation started to crumble. With the war has been going on for the last 19 years, the death toll has continued to rise and the enlistment count is dropping. 

Sitting by the kitchen table with his head resting in his hands Alex’s face dropped

 “We created you as a prototype to create an army of soldiers.”

    “So I'm a science experiment!” Alex said clenching his fists

    “Honey your so much more,” Charlotte said reaching for his arm. Forcefully pulling his arm from her reach his tone dropped. 

    “What am I then?”

Looking at each other Charlotte and Chris sighed, unsure how to address their son they laid speechless. 

    “Well?” Alex continued his face growing red

     “You were built for war, this was never part of the plan but, we love you that's why we never told you,” Chris said his tone changing

    “I'm truly sorry, I never imagined the emotional toll an experiment to this extent would have.”

Stomping out of the barn, Alex ran towards the house, a faint cry came from charlotte 

    “I never wanted him to get hurt” she cried in between tears

    “I know,” Chris said reaching for her

    “No! This is your fault, I told you to stop the experiment. I knew this was wrong, he is the best thing that has ever happened to us! The best thing and it's all ruined because of your desire to finish the experiment!”

     “I never told him to enlist!”

    “You encouraged it!” 

     “He can do what he wants Charlotte, you know that.” Yelling as she heads towards the house.

Inside Alex began ruminating through papers.

    “What are you doing?” Charlotte asks walking into her bedroom

    “I want to see my birth certificate, medical records anything,” he said flipping through papers

     “Alex…” cupping his face in her hands she stared into his tear-filled eyes, 

 “Sweetheart I'm so sorry” pressing his head against her body she held him. His mind spinning with questions. After a long restless night, the family awoke to the smell of coffee brewing. Climbing out of bed Alex grabbed a packed duffle bag, making his way downstairs. The cold hardwood floor cracking with every step. Looking up from the electric griddle with tear-filled eyes charlotte looked at her son. 

    “Your going aren't you.” 

“I have to,” he said softly, 

        “I know.” Reaching for a manila folder she walked over to her son,


        “What is it?” he said reaching for the folder, 

        “Everything… every file I have that the government didn't destroy.” Clenching the folder his eyes grew wide. 

“Do you really want to give up everything… is it really worth it?” Charlotte said looking into her son's eyes.

“I need to know who I am mom, obviously I'm not normal.” Standing up from the counter he walked towards his mother.

“I'm so sorry but please don't forget how much I love you.” He stared into his mother's eyes, grabbing her arm he leaned in and kissed her forehead,

    “I love you, mom.” Walking out of the house gripping the bag and file he headed for his jeep. Throwing the bag in back he put the keys in the ignition.

“Buzzz” looking down at his phone he sees a message from Allie, his girlfriend of two years.  Looking up he sees his parents waving from the deck. Placing the car in reverse the exits his home. Driving along the cornfields he pulls into the parking lot of the local dinner. Looking around he sees her waving from the car and walking towards his jeep. 

“You told them huh,” she said looking at his bag and biting her lip

“Allie… I got to go”

“I know,” she said leaning in for a kiss. 

“I don't care how long or what you do but you have to come home.” As if he wanted her to talk him out of leaving he grabbed her arm as she started walking away. 

“Come with me” his voice picking up speed

“To war?” she said puzzled 

“No, to a laboratory” 

“What?” she said opening the passenger side door. Showing her all the documents, explaining everything his parents told him and expressing his emotion that was built inside for so long.

“Allie I've been different my entire life… I want to go and figure out what I am.”

“Ok, let's go.”


“Yes, let's go to the lab.”

Placing the coordinates of the lab into GPS the two drive for hours, talking, laughing and singing every lyric to their throwback playlist. Following the directions they come to a gated road, overgrown by trees he reads the sign, “C.C laboratories.” Hesitantly Allie looks at Alex,

“This must be it right?” Placing his arm on her leg he stared at her

“Are you sure you wanna come?”

“Are you?” she said looking into his eyes, continuing down the road they see armed guards. Placing the car in park they get out of the car hands raised and guns pointed Alex walks to the guard towers, Allie trailing behind.

“Turn around” a soldier yelled pointing a gun towards the pair

“I need to speak with the Sargent, im experiment A422393.” The soldiers looked eager, one running back to the guard tower made phonecalls and the gates opened being followed by two black vans the two drove down the drive to a large building with satellites and large padlocked doors. As the two stopped the car they were greeted by a large man in a dark green military suit. 

“Alex! Long time no see.” He said slapping him on the back,

“Hello sir”

“Your sports career has really taken off I see, come,” he said walking in the building 

“How do you know that?”

“Well you see, you have been my responsibility I have kept an eye on you and your folks for the last 18 years. So what happened your parents found out you wanted to enlist?”

“How… no one knew that but Allie.”

“Oh, Allie how are you sweetheart.” Hesitantly Allie and Alex locked eyes 

“You are part of a top-secret experiment, do you really think I wouldn't know your every move?” His palms starting to sweat and his face going white he looked up at the Sargent.

“Alex, I want you to continue your parent's work.”

“I thought it was shut down?”

“It was but now you're an adult it's no longer a child issue and I want to see what you can do. You will train here, do fieldwork, you name it we will try it. You get housing and serve your country. It's a win, win. Deal?” 

“Ummm, yes sir,” Alex said fidgeting with his fingers and looking back at Allie, her light green eyes staring right threw him. Promptly after his agreement, the Sargent walks to the slate table and grabs a paper stapled in the top left-hand corner. 

“Sign here, my boy.” Handing the document to Alex he leaned in and whispered something in his ear.

“Forget about the girl, your parents… anyone who will make you weak.” With his eyes widening Alex looked up. Hands shaking he stepped back from the man. A woman appeared from behind him, 

“Sweetheart you come with me.” She said reaching for Allie, swiftly Alex lunged for her. Squeezing her tight he whispered in her ear,

“I love you Al” placing his keys in her hand he kissed her cheek. With the woman's hand along her back, Allie was escorted out of the laboratory. When the woman returned she looked up at the Sargent and then at Alex. With a slight nod she turned toward Alex,

“come, child, I'll show you, your room.” Trailing behind Alex reached out and touched the cool concrete wall. He could hear murmurs in the distance and shivers went down his spine. The hall light flickered, Alex's stomach flipped. Coming to a steel door with a label, A422393 under the handlebar. Looking at the women he studied her, long curly hair pinned back into a french twist. Her skin starting to sag but covered very modestly with a white lab coat. Her eyes laid blank, she seemed unfazed by all emotion yet it was obvious her heart was loving,

“Here sweetheart, this is where you will be staying.” She said opening the door, walking in there was a twin-sized bed, made up with white sheets and a white confiteor. Around the room, there was a desk filled with assorted pens and pencils and a dresser full of uniform clothing. As the women was stepping out of the room she stopped in her tracks. 

“Alex,” looking up he locked eyes with her,

“Sweetheart, I'm sorry. I was part of this. Just promise me, you won't forget about your parents, the beautiful girl. Please, don't let them brainwash you.” Puzzled Alex looked up,


“I've seen this happen before, I watched you grow, don't let them destroy everything you worked for.” Swiftly she turned around and exited the room.

“What… What do you mean?” He said rushing after her, as of she was a ghost she disappeared. Looking around the room he started opening drawers, freshly pressed pants, shirts, workout gear and in back of the drawer layed a small infant blanket. On the desk laid a piece of paper, a clear list of his schedule for every day. Monday-Saturday: workout, breakfast, tests, training, lunch, medical, dinner, school, in-room snack, bed. Sunday: workout, breakfast, mass, rest of the day free in the room. Placing the sheet of paper down he laid on the bed. Staring at the ceiling his thoughts spoon. Dozing off into a deep sleep he awoke to two men and a women hooking him up to monitors. Shoving them off he hollard,

“What… what are you doing.” 

“No need to be frightened just the daily medical record. Just some quick bloodwork, and tests and then you could go back to sleep.” A woman said drawing a needle from her coat pocket and sliding it into his left arm. Alex's days consisted of constant medical exams and workouts. His meals ranged from extreme calories to none, all testing how his body reacts. Outside the fabricated walls, his family was left empty. Charlotte left without a purpose in life and Chris feeling the guilt for not stopping his child from leaving. A missing person alert floating around for Allie circling their community for the last 3 months. As the months passed not a single message from their child was heard. Their marriage starting crumbling from the grief of their child leaving. Inside the lab, Alex physically began to grow, he gained muscle and was able to lift absurd amounts of weight. Mentally he was changing, he became a clone of soldiers working for the government. Training for one thing, but forgetting another. His only form of emotion show was at night when he would hear the faint sound of a woman crying. The chilling sound haunted him every night as he lays in his bed. 

One morning as he was walking past the courtyard to the gym he caught sight of a small girl. Stopping in his tracks he turned and examined her, 

“Allie?” he hollered cupping his hands around his mouth. Looking over her shoulder she dropped to her knees. His heart sunk to the back of his throat, 

“Allie…” he mumbled running towards her, as he came closer he could see how frail she had become. Dropping to his knees he pulled her close, pulling her into his arms. 

“Al I thought you left, I… I thought you went home.”

“They don't let you leave. Alex this is the war, people are trying to save kids from being trapped like us.”


“Your fighting the wrong war!” with tears filling in both of their eyes Alex looked down at her,

“I'm gonna fix this, I'll get us out,” he said lifting himself off the grass

“There's no use. We can't leave.” She said all hope drained from her. Lifting her off the ground and to an upright position he stared at her. 

“Al im sorry, I never knew this would happen.” Staring into his eyes she gave him a look that spoke for a thousand words. Leaning in for a kiss he whispered, 

“I'll be back for you, I promise.” continuing his day, as usual, he began documenting all cameras, weapons, and guards present. He began planning his escape. As the days continued to pass he layed in his bed planning and questioning. He laid quietly listening to the sound of the women crying until it stopped. Sitting up he saw a stretcher being taken out with a small figure laying on it. His heart began to flutter, snapping his head around he says red hair hanging out from under the sheet. A cool sensation passed over him, relief seeing the girl wheeled out left him with the need to leave. 

“Tomorrow, tomorrow I'm saving Allie, tomorrow I'm a free man.” He said whispering to himself. Dozing into a deep sleep he awoke to the sound of his alarm. 6 am, he dressed and headed for the gym, stopping to pass a not to Allie. As his workout continued his heart raced, he couldn't focus. The head guard in charge sent him back early, leaving him with a gap in guards. Slipping by his room he walked into a locker room digging through personal belongings he came to a bracelet, connected to it was his car keys. With his heart fluttering, he threw them in his pockets and grabbed a swift army knife, swiftly he left the room and continued to more room cells. He searched for Allie, as he came to a room at the end of the hall he heard a quiet hum, spinning around he peered into a bedroom to find her drawing at the desk, grabbing her by the hand he dragged her into the hall. Pressing his hands against his lips he signaled for her to follow. Sneaking around as if they were shadows they drifted into a back door. Following waterpipes the pair swiftly hides in the shadows, praying for an exit. As they continue to run they come to an old maintenance phone. Holding his breath Alex picks up the phone, dialing he prays it works,

“ring, ring..”

“Hello,” Chris answered as he sits at the kitchen table reading the newspaper.


“Alex? Wh-where are you, are you ok?”

“Listen I don't have time, I need your help. Allie and I are trapped, we umm.. We are in the lab. You need to meet us, help us I don't know.”A long pause occurs, Allie grabbing his arm leans in to hear, hopeful for salvation. 

“Ok here's what we are gonna do, you obviously found the maintenance phones, you can follow them all the way to a door, go out and down the woods.there's a well about 200 yards behind, I'll meet you there.”




“This is gonna be war, you know too much, prepare yourself.I'll meet you at sunset.” Chris hangs up and runs to the barn, rummaging through papers he comes to a number, 854-993-3983.



“Yes, whos this?” 

“It's me, Chris.

“Chris, you... You know Alex is here. My God I tried Chris, I really did.” 

“I know, but I  need your help. I need to save him.” 


“What we should have done years ago, call the government.”

“Chris, if we call we are all going to jail. We started this war remember, we tried to mess with natural selection.”

“Charlene, I have to save him.” 

“I know, let's make the call.”

As the pair comes to the door they sit and wait for sunset, the damp tunnels leave the two shivering. As the light began to fade into night helicopters flew in, swarms of people all holding weapons surrounded the building. 

    “Whos that?” Allie said her voice cracking. Watching the land Alex spots a man, hidden along the well, 

    “My dad” grabbing Allie he opens the door and runs, a wave of emotions pass over them. Time stays still running through the tall grass Alex runs into his father's arms. Grabbing his son and Allie he presses them against his body. Limp they both stand puzzled, staring at the building as the scientists are escorted out handcuffed. As they drive home Alex peers out the window, watching the trees fly by. Nodding off into a sleep he awake to his mother's voice, 

    “Alex,” with tears streaming down her face she opens the door and dives into the car. They all stumble into the house, Alex and Allie head upstairs to clean up and go to bed.  After a long night, the family awoke to the smell of coffee brewing. Climbing out of bed Alex stared at Allie, for the first time in days she didn't have fear in her eyes. Standing up he made his way downstairs, he saw his mother smiling and flipping eggs on the electric griddle. 

    “Morning,” he said smiling back at his mother,

    “Those arrived for you while you were gone,” she said pointing to a stack of letters on his plate. 

    “Mom, I don't think I want a degree, I think I wanna take it slow. Stay here for a while, figure out what the next step with Allie is…”

    “Sounds like a plan,” she said smirking. 

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