I must of fallen asleep, because when I woken I had shifted back to my human form... I was cover up with a leather vest.. I groan and look around...
We had stop.
Rick and maggie and glenn where looking at a map on the hood of Rick's car..
" we are mile from the next town... rick we are out of gas." Michonne said she had her hand on her hip...
" it'll take three whole days to reach the town in that direction."sasha said...
I shift and headed into the woods where I could hear the dead coming I stalk it for a bit before smashing my claws through its head.
A scream could be heard it echo all around the place bouncing off trees I yelp when a hand landed on my back I growl only to see daryl.. and the others carl look to his father...
" we have to help " the blue eye boy said" please.... please"
With that carl ran off in the direction of the screaming.. rick having no choice to follow and us having to follow him as we got closer 5 zombie crowed a bolder with a beta man on the top crying for help ... I watch as carl and the group took out the walkers... rick at first didn't seem happy I had notice Daryl and rick been jumpy... daryl keep look around after a while of the pastor was questioning by Rick the group move on to the place gabriel said he had been staying at... which was a church.....
Abraham and Rosita and Eugene stay in there own group...
Abraham and Rosita exchange a look (clearly about Eugene and the Washington mission). "We'll talk to him," the redhead tells his companion. while they waite for the prime alpha to make a move.
they move silently threw out the woods trying to not bring unwanted attactaion to themself , but the older omega could not shake the feeling of being watch and he walk closer to rick only to whisper to his alpha.
most of the day went by fast the only problem was walker started to come by but it was not any thing . we mostly just waited for Rick, Michonne, Bob, and Sasha and gabriel to make it back. Daryl would handle to stray walker they had made some sort of game out of it , it was kind of funny to watch the huge go after the walker , , later when the rick show up with crates on rolling carts i knew that they hit the jack pot.
we ate and talk for a bit , before sash notice that bob had disappear , she wanted to hold the baby but when rick had taken his cub back to feed is when she notice.....
many other went out to look for the missing beta male , but later into the night no one found him it wasn't until later that night we where waken to pounding on the door and once dad open we spotted a sight that made me want to vomit , bob was laying there , with half of his leg gone , but once we pulled him inside he explain that the gareth made it out alive and that he plan on ear all of us , also that he started to eat bobs leg until descovering he was bitten by a walker , and that up set the female beta , sasha cried out as her mate was dying.
Rick had wanted to make a plane about what need to be done about the termites that lived , he plan to sake out in the trees and have a few pack mates in the church , waiting for when the cannibal pack came to nabe another person. they all agreed , but gabriel look gross out about their plan.
third person pov
once the group was all set , it was late at night when the termites came to the church and the place was dead to the out side world as people slept , they made it their life mission to terrorize anyone left inside the place. so with that the gun firing started and the group out side made their way inside , gareth was the last person to be alive and when gabriel came out of the room he was hiding in , he seen ricks wolf go all alpha on the other alpha tearing him from limb from limb leaving blood to splatter everywhere and stain the brown floor red.
the next morning gabriel whimper as he try to clean the blood off the floor of the church , he didn't like the blood , he settle easy with the blood on the floor.
after a while rick and Daryl , and a few others went to retrieve Maggies little sister, Daryl and coral had saw the car that taken beth away and the two went to go get her after Daryl came back to tell rick that they took coral and that they need to get her out , when he also show up with a delta male , he had a limp but we learn his name was noah and he came from the night mare they called a safe place , but it was really just a labor yard , people brought in where force to work for medicine and that infuriated the alpha. so once again me, carl and Michonne and gabriel was left at the church .
while Abraham, Rosita , Eugene , and Maggie and glenn are on the way to washington they left last night Tara was the last to go with Abraham saying that she'll go to make us of herself.
third person pov
at the church Gabriel, sneeks his way out threw the floor broad in the office in the back he does take a machete , but that not the only reason the guy goes out there , he want answer and he had believe that if he was to go alone that god would answer anything he ask , so that what gabriel does.
once he got no answer he starts to freak out , the beta doesnt know what to do , so when an walker come at him he believe it is a sign to the kill so he try , but the walker over powers him he lands on his back and uses his arm to keep the walker from biting him gabriel look around and spots a sharp rock and uses it to bash the walkers brain in ... after he sit there and cries , after awhile he hear more walkers..
He starte's to make is way back to the church while not paying at attation to the horde he also leads a horde of zombies straight back to the church.
Gabriel was left to die clawing at the doors of his holy house as a walker grab his foor , begging for mercy, just like his own parishioners did. but Michonne and Carl save his bacon. Father Gabriel doesn't even deserve an assist on that sweet kill, as the zombie trips and falls on his machete. the two pull gabriel inside and shut the doors but the walkers are about to tear through the doors, their was simply way to many to cut down, just as the group think their luck ran out in comes the Sarge, who uses the fire engine as a barricade. they use the whole in the floor broad to get out ...
Maggie walks over to Michonne and mickey swap news, and the look on Michonne's face as she hears Eugene was full of shit is classic , the omega was in wolf form coward away he knew people would be piss once they found out that he had lied about the cure.....
after awhile they all load up to go to get beth.
mean while
Before Beth prison-shanks Dawn with her scissors, she whispers ominously, "I get it now." What did she "get"? Seems it's simply that Dawn isn't interested in doing something "important" at Grady. She just wants to stay in charge. By demanding Noah's return, she proves she's still the alpha, and that, as she told Beth, "They always come back" one way or another. So Beth does what the wussbag security crew couldn't.
Dawn blasts Beth in the head, the favor is immediately returned by an theta , even as Dawn says, in slow motion, "I didn't mean it." The Grady cops call a truce, saying the whole showdown was Dawn's deal, not theirs. as they walk out they see mickey and the others just in time for Maggie to see Daryl emerge with his sister's limp body in his arms. Maggie unleashes eight months' worth of pent-up anguish at the sight.
they would have to stop some where and bury Maggie's omega sister, Beth...226Please respect copyright.PENANAfC4Q11h35h
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