~ Cj pov~
The Pack moves quickly, taking out the Walkers. Rick, Daryl, T-Dog and Carl go through the front door and start clearing the first floor of the house. Carl checks the kitchen while Rick checks the pantry. The Prime shines the flashlight on a door inside the small closet and goes to open it, throwing the door open and finding an knife in his face. I stood on the other side with his knife level with Rick's eyes. He lowers it with a chuckle and pulls his Alpha in to scent his neck before moving on. Rick purrs and watches Me move on.
This was the last house in the area. T-Dog follows Daryl upstairs and they hear the others whistle. Down stairs was clear, and the rest of the Pack would be moving in.
Rick had token me in treated my like this own son even if i was 23, carl and judith just became my family...
I watch as rick and Maggie and glenn pull mattresses together in the livingroom pushing the couches up against the doors to keep us safe....
Daryl look to rick and motion him over I couldn't hear what was being said though.
But when I woken up Daryl was gone and his bags was set to the side with the rest of ours...
Coral and Maggie where sitting by the chimney cooking meat from Daryls last kill for us to eat. I havent been in human form much but I was when we eat I grab my bag being careful not to rip it with my teeth as I walk to the kitchen no one when in there lately having looted the room... I shift and pull out my clothes and dress I step out into the living room everyone was ether sleeping to catch up on very much needed sleep or cleaning there weapons ... or just talking....
I wasnt the talkative type... I personally prefer books and music to thing... I pulled my CD player put of my bag with my headphones to listen to a CD I gotten a while back at this store we stayed in it was called blackpink it was one of the kpop groups there was another cd I had it was called sad nightcore it was a cd one of my friends made me before the world ended it had a bunch of sad song I like on it.....
I must of dose off again before the door woken me up as i yawn my eyes met Daryl to seem pickoff but I was what he was shoving into the room that shock me it was huge deer.. his antlers were broken and his hide hung from them you know the soft stuff they scrap off on trees...
I sat there looking at the hunter... before I look to rick and maggie...
" Daryl has found a place for us to stay with your welling to help clean out the walkers" Rick said.. " it a academy with a 10 ft fince... and it had a housing and cafeteria... the gate are open so I think it was been untouched that it had dead when it started who is in ..."
I raise my paw showing rick I was..
We had three form human full on four legs wolf and werewolf on two legs only furry... claws... teeth and tail.
After a while everyone was a sleep Daryl was on watch I sat up and look to him he was an alpha like rick.. he was not mated as far as I know... I grab my tail and move to him he didnt hear me until I was beside him he had his bow pointed at me I whimper and look down and then up at him... I shift so I could talk to him I used my hands to cover my dick..
" I-I am s-sorry I didn't mean to s-scare you alpha.." I tilt my head in submissive way..
" it fine kid..." Daryl said as his hand went to my hair causing a purr to erupt from me and I blush red and look down...
" sorry it the omega... in me .... I know your not like that... and i am not even sure if I want to have an alpha... omega are.... what the word .... gross.. holes for toys... it what the alpha's at the orphanage said.."
" it fine kid.. also dont say that again.." daryl said his hand still between my ears.. I squeeze my tail and look up to met Daryl eyes.
" if I was gone to mated it would be an alpha like you... daryl" I said he look shock as I ran off back to my corner and shift to my four paws form again....