He shut my door and relaxed on his bed with a huge sigh. That was his new sister? Her? She's talkative and outspoken and...weird. Though, the absurd thing was, you would have guessed that they were not in fact related.
Edward and Benjamin definitely took after their parents. Jeraud was the one that stuck out like a sore thumb. They have light brown hair, his was coal black. They had rich tan skin, he’s practically albino. They had smooth caramel eyes, his were granite gray.
Their eyes might be the only difference between Jeraud and the girl. Hers were a piercing blue color that would frighten and amaze you at the same time. In fact, the only thing that makes her seem charming is her disarming smile and her upbeat attitude.
And he was going to have to live with this odd creature that seems just like him, yet not.
Someone knocked on his door, a quick beat that no one in his family could pull off. It had to be her...
Slowly, he walked up to his door, and, opening it just a crack, took a peek outside. No one...
"Hey, she's here! Why didn't you get me out of my room?" Jeraud looked down to find Edward with a polka dotted suitcase that was three quarters his size.
"Well, you're out now," the older brother raised a brow at the flashing bag. "What's with the suitcase?"
"That's mine~" she sang from inside the twin's room. Her voice was like velvet and she hit every note with natural perfection. Her smiling head poked out of the doorway before she danced to the entrance of Jeraud’s room.
"Thanks, Ed! Your room is so cool!" she gave a bogus compliment, adding to it an irresistible smile of milk and honey.
Edward blushed. "You could play in there anytime you’d like!"
Ed? Jeraud glared at the girl for her consistent habit of dishing out nicknames. She hadn't even corrected herself! And the ever impressionable Edward liked her already. Darn it.
He had planned to stay longer, but "Edward!" from downstairs caused him to rethink the idea.
"So..." the girl started as she grabbed her bag and faced her new older brother, "I never got to really got to introduce myself. I'm Rosalind!" she smiled as she stuck out her hand.
Jeraud only stared at her hand, back at her, then her hand again. He wasn't planning on touch her for as long as she was here; and he had schemes to make sure she didn't stay long.
He glared back at her as if she were crazy. Suddenly, she took hold of his right hand and pulled it into hers with incredible strength.
"You shake it." She said in a slightly irritated manner as she animatedly shook their hands. Jeraud tried to pull his hand out of her grasp, but she held it firm. Actually, for a few seconds, it seemed as if she didn't even notice him pulling with all his might. "Oh!" When she realized what he was doing, she suddenly let him go, but he had been pulling so hard that letting go only send him tumbling backwards.
He felt the air whistling in his ears, and he thought to himself, "Crap! What is she?!" But his fall was inevitable, and, as he braced himself for the collision between his head and the wooden floor boards, he was surprised to hit something...softer.