Standing in front of the intimidating iron gate, Storm inhale slowly then exhale, her shoulders dropped in nervousness. In-front of her just a step ahead is the starting of the future that she always wanted. The promise she made to him and Storm is intended to hold on that promise.
He wanted Storm to be here.
For her to be free and fly high, spreading her wings. Living her life to the fullest.
Only because of him, she fly from one continent to another. Covering distance of 5369 miles. She promised him.
He was going to came with Storm if that tragedy did not struck them. She won't be shifting from all the way to other continent. Shaking her head, she focused at present. Thinking about that night only cause her pain and grief. She need to be strong now and live her life like he had told her. The vision he had for her future life. Storm will be doing that all just for him.
A new fresh start.
There are several different groups of students chilling around the front of the big green trimmed lawn. Football players passing ball, girls are gossiping, couples holding hands and other normal stuff. A stone path in the middle all the way up to the grey stone staircase. Massive stone pillars, arc entrance door with modern glass double door leading to the maze of corridors. Students and professors moving left and right, going their merry way.
Storm looked around her surroundings. Tiles on the floor are of grey color which shine by the sunlight coming from the big windows and the lights on the hall, reflecting. Metallic blue lockers lined up to the side of the walls while on the other side of the wall is adorned with different shapes and sizes of posters and banners of bold and vibrant colors with odd calligraphy. She is grateful to actually memorizing the path for the different sections of the massive corridors that can be confusing to anyone new. The campus is massive.
It did not take her long to memorize almost half of the ways and intersections between different departments. A midnight research last night actually did some good to her. Just one good look at anything and it get imprinted in Storm's mind permanently.
Storm remembered how his eyes would widen in astonishment because of her photogenic memory capability. He would huff and puff before sulked when Storm deny to help him in finding his things that he lost or forgets where he put last. A shakily smile pull on Storm's lips, she still can hear him groaning in her mind.
" It's all waste if you can't help me with your brain's superpowers."
A sharp pain strike Storm's heart thinking about him. Their life all together. What would that be if that cruel night never fall up on them. True, their life was complicated and tough for them but at least they all would be happy and most importantly together. He was the only one who truly loved her and gave Storm what she always deprived off; a family. A family that loved her and cared for her. Storm had gave up hope on having a family but only because of him had gotten a family to call her own.
He taught her many simple and normal things. Their time together was short but to Storm those days were always held a special part in her life. He might not had seen many thing in his life as Storm had but he know how to live life happily and find happiness in small things. He brought warmth and colors in Storm's cold life. He with his stupid jokes, pranks and silly doings had lighten Storm's life. Slowly, he dug a way inside her walls without Storm knowing.
He taught Storm how to live a life because before him, she was merely breathing and like a robot going on with life.
He made her human.
Made her laugh and cry, breaking her blank and emotionless exterior.
It's all his fault for making her feel emotions.
Storm rolled her eyes because if he was here and saw Storm ranting and rambling like this, he would be rolling on floor laughing at her.
A sigh leave her lips, if only he was here. . . . .
After composing herself, Storm pull her mental map in her brain to track her current location. During her mental daze, she side tracked from the path to the first lecture hall. It took her a second to get control over herself and her emotions. Just two left turns to the corridor and up to staircase and there is her destination.
" Hello."
Storm turn to find the physics professor, Mr. Dave who is grinning at her. She might hacked the inside the university website to look for professors. She like to be prepared. Mr. Dave gave her a smile as if he know her for years. Storm nodded in return. He had memory issues, Storm had read about it. He said to be not good with names and recognizing people but an amazing professor specialized in physics. Might had dug too much in the website and did some changes to suit her own.
" Yeah, right."
He scoffed sarcastically in her mind. All she wanted to roll her eyes at him. Her mind knew he was not here but it's her stupid brain that refuse to accept the truth. The fake imagination of her brain to cope up the loss is easier to go with. Her consciousness find comfort in her imagination of him than in the harsh reality which was far more painful. Storm knew it was just her subconsciousness tricking her and she loved it because he is here with her.
"Kill them all with your smartness."
He grinned at her standing at the end of staircase, shining like a star. A north star in Storm's life. To guide her even from far he was doing it. He look same as the last time. No one saw him standing there except Storm. His eyes sparkle with pride and happiness. Storm nodded with watery smile only to get a wink in return making her chuckle with tear filled eyes before he faded in front of her eyes. Shaking her head, Storm enter the hall, throat closing up with emotions. This is the first time she had seen him since she came here. Breathing a deep calming breath all the emotions wiped out from her face, her posture eased up to relaxing one just for the show but inside her guards remain up and offensive.
All nervousness of Storm washed out just seeing him here. She know the tricks of her brain are going out of her hand and it need to be checked but Storm did not wanted to loose him again, even if this was all in her head. She gladly live with being messed up in head if it made him stay with her. Greeting the professor, she moved to towards the empty seat beside a boy who looks to be lost in his own world. The act is to the point of perfection, she almost believed the act if it is not of the layers of defensive streaks under the outer daydreaming look. Eyes never lie, they project the life story. Under the hood, dark eyes watching her. It just need skill to read and identify the looks. Instead of going to the back, Storm sit beside the male wearing headphones. The act of this male intrigued Storm. Flickering her eyes behind the male are two males who are grinning at her.
She blinked.
" They seem trouble to me."
His voice chuckled in her mind.
" They look similar to you by their devil grins. . . ."
Storm mutter back to which he winked before vanished again leaving her alone. Yup, definitely getting out of hand. Freaking mental something disorder happening here.
Storm sensed a boy behind her leaning towards her. Her first instinct is to turn around grab the hand and throw the male over her body but that would get a lot of attention plus a normal college girl can not do that thing. A normal girl can not able to throw a boy twice her size over her head. No. So, Storm waited suppressing her natural fighting instincts. Blood roaring inside to fight.
Both boys behind her snickering.
" Not the chewed gum."
She continue to chant in her mind. It is fucking hard to get it out of hair. Storm grab the thing from her shoulder and to her surprise it is not a chewed gum but a spider.
A black tarantula.
Storm suppressed her laugh, this is their prank and level of pranking. She had seen worst, suffered worst and had done worst. Jesus, what grade these stupids are in? Calmly petting the lady spider on her hand, Storm asked the boy beside her just to know if he is the master mind of the prank but the edging and leaning away from her gave Storm the answer. No. Look like just the fools behind her.
" Yours. . . ."
Wide eyes of both boys told Storm this is not what they had expected. Huh?? She did something wrong?? Her reaction is odd?? Damn, she need to do the research if she wanted to blend in. She need to learn how to be normal. He snorted at her.
" Your should be screaming and jumping. . . .you know being scared, the normal stuff but i sometimes forget how unique you are."
" Right, thanks for telling me now. I an handling it, now go away."
Stupid mind. After the lectures, she is so going to find a psychiatrist.
Then it happened.
Green eyes connected with her's grey orbs. She inhale sharply, her grin waver a bit. They look so familiar. The same, she had seen many times in mirror. It is like Storm is seeing her past self. Same cold exterior. Rage, so much of it. The glare intensify when Storm did not back down. Coldness swirl in the green eyes, walls made of titanium so high and impenetrable.
Is that how she looked in past, Storm wondered. Wow, no surprise that he always called Storm; a robot. Let's see if she can get a reaction. Then she did something to throw off guard the green eyes glaring male.
" I smell trouble. . . . ."
Taunting voice faded from her mind. Fucking fantastic subconsciousness.
Storm blinked in Morse code a'hello' making green eyes narrowed as he sneered at her. The second time she did it again just to tease him. Growling, he stomped out of the class with three boys trailing behind him one by one. How predicable. Storm had already had known the reaction. So all four are together. Hmmm.
" Wow. . . "
A voice snapped Storm to her left. A red head girl gaping at her. Her expression told Storm that she had seen all of the exchange.
" Ummmm. . . i-i am Jade."
The red head blushed making Storm lips tilted up slightly in amusement. Jade look shy. She is tiny to Storm's lean 5'8.02" slim frame, standing at five feet maybe. Her hair pulled in a messy braid hanging on her right shoulder. Big circular glasses sliding from her button nose. Cute.
" You made Nixon mad. . ."
Jade's hazel eyes are round in shock. Storm raise one eyebrow in question while collecting her bag. Walking slowly for Jade to catch up with her short legs. Her bunny walk is also cute.
" The tall, green eye beast. . . .Nixon. Ummm. . . . yaa. . . he is bad news. All four are called FOUR ACES' and let me tell you. . . . nothing good will come to you if you angered Nixon. He is worst in all four."
Jade continue to ramble about four making lots of face expressions and hand movements. Thanks to certain little red head, Storm able to put names on all four faces. Not that she need help to know something, if she really wanted but if the information itself coming to her on unicorn then who she is deny it. The boy beside her is Reed from whom she need to beware. The quite ones are usually the dangerous ones. Reed is danger to her. The dark eyes held too much and if anyone can discover her then it would him with no doubt. The whole time Storm felt the gaze of dark eyes on her, silently observing her.
"He is like shadow appearing out of nowhere. He always stay silent and observe. No one heard his voice. He always had his headphones on and do not like to be touched. Reed knocked out a girl who dare to place her hand on his arm."
Storm nodded as Jade word vomit out all the gossips. Percy's owner is Jack. The flirt and prankster. She does not surprised that innocent face is actually the devil. It's said the innocent ones are the wildest.
" Jack is a party animal and girls love him for that. He knows everything and about everyone that's why people stay away from him. I think he is bipolar. One minute, he is all smiling, joking and planning pranks and next second bashing heads."
Storm hummed while standing beside Jade who stuffing her bag from her locker. She need to keep an eye on the prankster.
" Hunter is a egoistic and sarcastic bastard you ever find. The only sane one in all four in my thinking but if something happen to his phone, he flip to a psychopath. Nixon is all of them in one. He is silent like Reed, bipolar like Jack and psycho like Hunter. Usually, he ignored all around him because of his short temper. Super protective of his friends. I think he also knew about himself that's why he never involve with others just his three friends. They all are very close to each other."
Looks like Storm is not the only one who has secret. The famous FOUR ACES also had some secrets and her curiosity bouncing up and down in glee, all buckled up with gadgets to uncover all of them. Well, look like her brain find to entertain herself.
Hey beautiful people!!!!
The underline dialogues of person that Storm hear in her mind. The identity of the person would be a secret until the right time come. All i can tell you that this person belongs to the past of Storm which itself is a big mystery.
Hope you readers liking story this far. . . . .
You can take a guess and write me in the comments who that might person be and what relationship was with Storm??
If you had any doubt feel free to ask. . . .
don't forget to vote and like the story.
Eagerly waiting,