" What the hell are you doing?"
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Elliot jumped at the loud booming voice of his brother who is glaring at him. Rolling his eyes, he gently pull out the hot tray full of cookies from the oven.
" El, its fucking two in the morning. . ."
Nixon groaned when his little brother shrugged while continue moving around the kitchen. The white wraps peeping from his t- shirt. The bruised eye now look ugly purplish green. His both forearms wrapped up too down to the palms but it did not phase Elliot from baking. Silly boy.
" I slept whole day and now i am wide awake plus hungry. . . ."
Rolling his eyes at his brother's stupid reason of being out of bed instead of resting, Nixon pull out milk from the fridge and filled a glass with chilled milk and one after heating up a bit in microwave for Elliot. Knowing stupid brother of his, he is not going back to bed anytime soon. So why waste time in useless arguing with this stubborn boy. It's too late to bother himself bickering with stubborn fool.
" So. . .?"
Elliot asked as Nixon take a bite of freshly made cookie, raising his brow in question. Nixon nodded with a smirk.
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" Tastes like pineapple and coconut to me. .. "
Nixon muttered which made Elliot chuckle before both siblings fist bumped at the correct guess of ingredients.
Whole mansion is dark, only night lights are switched on in the corridors. The house staff is off to their resting quarters at the back of the mansion. Both siblings simply enjoying the cookies silently. Cooking and baking both are kind of stress relief to youngest sibling of the Blood family. The brat is damn good at it much to a shocker to everyone. It's rare for him to cook at this time and Nixon know that. Something must be bothering him. Before Nixon can bring the topic up the sound of footsteps padding towards them snap their attention. A sleepy Lia come following Dee who look dead tired. Both Nixon and Elliot silently watch their other two siblings going in the kitchen and coming back with glass of milk as per their likings, joining Nixon and Elliot at floor.
Natalie slumped against her twin while Dee flopped down beside Nixon grumbling for not waking him up early for the food. The Blood siblings sitting on the floor in middle of living room had a midnight snack. No one utter a single word just enjoying the peace of night time. Away from the drama and fake people just them together as a family. These moments are very rare. It remind Nixon about their childhood when together they planned for throwing their nannies out. The time was a good memory. They used to plan out whole night, mostly the twins. Lia and El both had shown their rebellious streak at very early age. They had exposed Chloe, a nanny who had threaten Dee in front everyone by live streaming it to all the entire office and their father's board of members. How did they able to hack in the security system was still a mystery not even their father able to solve it. Next day the nasty woman was gone and their father had everyone fired then they get Brad and Margret.
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All siblings went to their own room after their midnight snack party leaving the evidence behind for the staff members to collect and clean. The morning came too early and Nixon was not prepared to face evil females trying to sinking their claws in him or the stupid football team trying to pick fight with him just because the quarterback had got him on bad day. Nixon had tried to ignore the fucker but he was persistent, continue to irritate Nixon by annoying voice and it had done it. The lid of his self-control exploded and he saw red. The moment Nixon came out of his angered haze the footballer was a beaten pulp on the floor. Since then the whole football team had their goal to get revenge for their captain.
The minute he step out in the living room for breakfast only to find Brad serving breakfast to his friends, he smell trouble. Jack and Hunter both are practically bouncing in their seat while Reed is glaring at them looking disoriented. Look like Reed once again gotten dragged by them unwillingly.
" What are you fools up to this time??"
" Good morning to you too, Nix."
He greeted Brad and his wife before accepting the plate of steaming breakfast. Nodded at Jack's cheerful greeting while eyeing Hunter suspiciously who also act like a ball of sunshine, surprisingly, his phone for once is not in hand. Reed grumbled giving everyone stink eyes. Nixon rolled his eyes.
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" What's up with stoneface??"
" Oh, sweetheart you look upset. Here, for you."
Margret smile softly before placing a fresh slice of apple pie for Reed who instantly perked up. Not everyone aware of Reed's weakness. The freak had a huge sweet tooth. Give him a candy and he will be your slave.
" You made his day, beautiful. . . . by your sweet smile."
Jack flirted with Margret who giggled making Brad growled. As usual, Jack starting to flirt with any female and currently Margret is the lady of the minute.
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" Mine."
" Ugh!! Maggie your hands have magic. Everything you make steal my heart. I going to propose you soon to marry me."
Jack hummed continue stuffing his face with food. Reed was too lost in his treat, humming blissfully at the taste of pie while swaying side by side gently. Brad is standing at guard in front of his wife. Something to protect from flirting boy trying to steal her because Margret had weakness for beautiful boys. Brad and Jack having a glaring match over Margret who is too busy swooning over both. Nixon shake his head at the drama in front of him. This day going to be a long day. He can feel in his guts. Hopefully, no one dare to rile him up.
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The molten mercury color orbs and teasing red lips flash in his mind. A silent hiss pass through his clenched teeth. Nixon still not able to forget about the stupid new girl. The blinking pattern is present in his mind taunting him. It irked him for letting some bitch under his skin this fast.
The breakfast was full of drama and playful banter between Jack and their butler. His siblings also joined and the conversation flew all at different topics. Other staff also joined the table, laughing and cracking jokes together. Since Mr. and Mrs. Blood both are out of the house. The atmosphere of the Blood Mansion is comfortable. If they both would be here then it would too uptight. No staff member would be laughing and chilling around forget about their work. Being carefree and relaxed.
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Nixon loved this all. The shrill noises, laughing and cracking jokes. The warmth which is like a blessing in haunting Blood household. His face remain straight and emotionless but inside the tiny fragment of happiness sparkling in his cold heart. He would prefer loud noises every single damn time instead of silence that suck his soul in. The Blood mansion is a haunting palace to him not a comfortable home where to feel safe and secure after battling with outside world.
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" Oh shit, We are going to be late."
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Jack squeals before jumping over the counter planting a loud kiss on Margret cheek and running away giggling with Brad hot on his heals. Hunter snorted before walking out, eyes fixed on phone. Nixon sighed and follow after Reed who skipping ahead of him because Margret handed him a bar of chocolate. His friends are morons. It seem he is the only sane one.
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" Have a good day, Nix."
Twins screamed from the kitchen while Dee waved quietly nursing head ache because disturbance in his precious sleeping hours. Margret fluttering over Elliot.
His life is full of cartoons characters.
" What the hell. . . . "
The back seat of the Hunter's Jaguar XJ is filled with tubs of paints.
" For my next prank. . . . the last one failed."
Jack pouted, stomping his feet making Nixon groan. Yeah, definitely going to be a long day. The new girl had bruised the prankster's ego. Each day will be lot of drama. The pranks will not stop till the new girl give a reaction to satisfying the psycho. Jack and Hunter both buckled up and the slick black car zoomed past them leaving Reed and Nixon behind blinking.
" What are they planning?"
Reed shrugged silently to Nixon's question. Nixon roll his eyes at himself for expecting Reed to utter a word. He is loosing his cool. The Porsche 781 Cayman purred softly as it gracefully rolled in front of them. Matt, a staff member of the household left the car after giving Nixon a salute in greeting. As soon as, Reed buckled in Nixon geared the machine making it roar proudly. The car is a piece of art with shiny grey color and softly red leather interior with black rimming. For some reason the color of the car remind of someone's eyes. That thought irritated him and annoyed sound escaped back of his throat. Parking his car carefully, Nixon locked it. His car is too beautiful to pour his anger on it
People moved out because of his scowling face. Whispering behind their hands. Cheerleader bimbos giving him lustful glances. He had decided that he would warn the new girl to stay out his way and stop messing with him. Her cheap tricks to get his attention not going to work with Nixon.
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Seeing the crowd in the lecture hall, he stop short. Nixon double check his watch for time. Nope, it's correct. Not the lecture of Mr. Dave. Then why? Seeing Jack with tubs of paint waddling with other three boys, clicked it all. The bastard had invited the crowd. Of course, the prank war. How could he forget. Rolling his green eyes, Nixon flop down on his seat. There is only ten minutes left to ten. Students are recording, the whole setup. This is the most complex setup of Jack's prank, Nixon had seen. Jack seriously had taken it to the heart. An electric triggered motor is fixed, connecting it to the ceiling. The tubs of paints tied to rope, looping all together in a domino effect. Just one pull and all the paint will be pouring down. A girl careful tied the fishing string at the entrance, attaching it to the lever of motor. The fishing string is transparent almost invisible. With a clap, Jack whistled and everyone took a seat waiting for the target to come. Counting the seconds.
The hall is busting with excitement for the coming show of drama. Nixon, himself kind of eager to see the reaction of the new girl. As expected, the girl come sharp at ten on the dot. Students are staring at her with wide eyes while holding breathes. If they continue to gawk then she will know something is wrong. Hell, any sane person will sense it. His green eyes fixed on the girl climbing the stairs. Her silver eyes flutter towards Nixon and even from the distance he able to read the amusement shining in them.
She knows.
She carefully calculated her steps. Her right foot step over the string across the entrance door making the crowd deflated but her left foot pulled the string. The fishing string connected to the electric motor pulled its lever, starting in. The motor pull the rope looping at the tubs on paint. One by one every tub tilt down and gravity did the rest. Thick blue and green paints rain down on her, drenching completely. A loud cheering broke out in the hall, people are jumping and hollering. Jack and Hunter whooped before fist pumping in the air. Mobiles continue to flash, recording the incident. Not wanting to miss it all, Hunter and Jack standing near by to the door but away from getting paint. Nixon shake his head because what's the point of celebrating she had already knew about it.
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Her head is down, her hair and clothes dripping with paint, her shoulders are shaking quite visible to everyone. Jack and Hunter both noticed it too as they both stiffen with guilt on their faces. He knew his friends are feeling bad for making the girl cry. They might love to do pranks and annoy others but making someone cry is never their intention. Jack's pranks are for fun not to harm and hurt someone's feelings.
" Babe, listen. . . . "
Jack moved towards her shaking body but he never got the chance to apologize because the girl tackled him down on the floor. The action is so fast and sudden that it took even Nixon by surprise. Some gasped and other laughed, enjoying the show. Just for a second, Nixon as everyone had also believed her act of crying.
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" Let me give you a hug. . ."
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Jack who is now cover head to toe in paint growled at her before both burst out of laughing.
" You got me girl. . . ."
Jack chuckled wiping paint from his face sitting in the puddle of thick paint on the floor beside the girl.
" Now, where is friends of yours. . . . "
Her grey are flicker to Hunter who is tiptoe-ing quietly towards the door. Poor lad, never got a chance. Both paint covered humans grinned at each other. Students are screaming and cheering for them. Jack run towards Hunter while the new girl run towards Reed and him. Reed's eyes widen to the size of golf ball. Instead of hugging him, she throw a tub of paint over his head. Nixon had no doubt that she had discovered about Reed not like any physical contact. All three of his friends down expect him.
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With a smirk, Nixon walk out of the hall calmly without anyone noticing him. Everyone too busy in the act to see him escaping. Too easy.
" Not so fast, Tiger."
New girl step out of the corner.
" How the hell. . . ."
" How i am here?? The same way that you are here. . . . ."
Nixon glared at her. Instead of flinching or cowering away she smirked at him mischievously.
" Why did you do that. . . ?"
He asked her. Nixon knew that she knew that he saw it. The winking before of her stumbling over the string thrown his way confirmed it all. She shrugged.
" Are you going to run . . . . .?"
" If i wanted to, you won't find me here. . . .do you, new girl??"
She smiled before moving towards him, halting just a step away. Still covered in paint.
" All for getting me alone. . . lot of work, tiger."
" Can't have a conversation in middle of Zoo. . . ."
Pocketing his hands, Nixon looked at the girl. Her quick catching up intrigued him. Even though she had seen the trap, she still walked into it willingly but why?
" So tell me why. . . .?"
" You are not alone who wanted to get some answers to quench curiosity, Tiger."
She whispered covering the one foot distance between them making Nixon freeze. Her left hand gently caress his side of face painting it with color. The coldness for wet paint made him hissed silent making her smile widen. Her thumb stroke his jaw making Nixon's heart beating faster, drumming against rib-cage. He swallowed when her body glued to his, wet paint seeping in clothes but the coldness of paint is not what made Nixon shiver. No. Its the warm breathe hitting his neck that made a shiver run down his spine.
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" I get curious too, tiger. Be careful with your eyes, they tell every secret. . . "
She whispered softly in his ear, running her nose side of neck sensually. The little action of her made Nixon close his eyes in pleasure. God, what is happening to him.
"Green matches with your eyes. . . . "
Whatever daze Nixon was, it all break at her comment to find her standing several steps away from him. When did she moved that far without him noticing, Nixon wondered. She turn on her heels and vanished down the corridor not once looking back the mess she had made in Nixon's mind and body with paint.
His green eyes widen then he groan. Fucking shit. She played him and he went down willingly. She tricked Jack by her act, Hunter went down because of Jack, Reed's daydreaming made it easy for her but him. Nixon Blood, himself went to her. The paint of his side face is the proof. He is a damn fool.
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Hello beautiful readers!!!!
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Ah! i can't stop smiling at their small teasing game it is too much fun to write it and then giggle reading it again.
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Hope you all enjoyed reading this chapter as i did writing it.
If you like my story this far please vote.
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