4月24日夜晚巴基斯坦伊斯蘭共和國卡拉奇市突然受到伊朗強盜摧枯拉朽般的進攻,卡拉奇市的所有市民幾乎全民皆兵,與正規軍一同與入侵的伊朗強盜和卑路支偽軍展開了長達18天的血腥戰鬥其中就有這樣一支英雄的女民兵班,為守住卡拉奇港口附近的6號陣地這支戰鬥班同比自身數量多出4倍的伊朗強盜浴血奮戰長達14天,期間這支英雄戰鬥班直到全數犧牲也從未向伊朗強盜投降,而這段故事則來自於這支英雄戰鬥班當中唯一僥倖活下來的一位女民兵所親眼見證到一切。 On the night of April 24, the city of Karachi in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan was suddenly attacked by Iranian robbers. All the citizens of Karachi city were almost soldiers. Together with the regular army, they launched a bloody 18-day bloody with the invading Iranian robbers and the Pelchers. Among the battles, there was a heroic female militia squad. This squad fought bloody Iranian bandits four times more than the number of Iranian robbers to defend position 6 near the Karachi port for 14 days. All the sacrifices never surrendered to the Iranian robbers, and this story comes from the only female militia who survived the heroic fighting squad who witnessed everything with her own eyes.