我抬頭望了望樓頂,原來是一位老大爺開槍打傷了準備逃走的間諜這才給了我們機會活捉這名伊朗間諜。235Please respect copyright.PENANAEWr0aiP0bc
I looked up at the top of the observation building. It turned out that an old man shot and wounded the spy who was about to escape. This gave us a chance to capture the Iranian spy alive.
我們不知道他究竟要來到我們的陣地上執行什麼任務,但是按照優素福下達的指示這名間諜必須交給正規軍處置。235Please respect copyright.PENANAyxurUn4Ydn
We don't know what mission he is going to perform on our position, but according to the instructions given by Yusuf, the spy must be handed over to the regular army.
“有手雷,快閃開!”235Please respect copyright.PENANANhvhGvL748
"There are grenade, get out of the way!"
砰,一顆手雷在我們附近的一處角落炸開所幸的是一位勇敢的姐妹踢開了手雷。235Please respect copyright.PENANAbi4jMxL0Np
Bang, a grenade exploded in a corner near us. Fortunately, a brave sister kicked the grenade away.
“有偽軍埋伏,準備防禦!”235Please respect copyright.PENANAVwOqhqsct6
"There is a puppet army in ambush, ready to defend!"
在我剛剛把槍那拿到手上的時候,一小群潛伏的偽軍發瘋了似的向著防禦陣地猛撲,他們拿著AK47步槍就對著陣地一陣瘋狂掃射,但在我們重機槍的火力壓制下這群偽軍最終不得不撤退,我感覺這件事情的背後或許另有蹊蹺可能藏著一件更大的秘密。235Please respect copyright.PENANAWI37GIzNkw
When I just got the gun in my hand, a small group of lurking puppet troops rushed towards the defensive position like crazy. They took AK47 rifles and fired frantically at the position, but the firepower of our heavy machine guns suppressed This group of puppet troops finally had to retreat. I feel that there may be something strange behind this incident and there may be a bigger secret hidden.
只是指揮權並不在我的手上,優素福也僅僅是整個民兵戰鬥班的班長罷了,很多具體消息我們其實也並不清楚,只是這時候薩拉忽然突發奇想的說到:“也許我們中了敵人設置的誘餌!”235Please respect copyright.PENANAUUWSGBQXrO
It’s just that the command is not in my hands, and Yusuf is just the squad leader of the entire militia combat squad. We actually don’t know much about the specific information, but at this moment Sarah suddenly thought of it and said: "Maybe we Hit the decoy set by the enemy!"
“我覺得間諜其實就是一個誘餌,敵軍故意要讓我們識破間諜”235Please respect copyright.PENANAqzlSnDsY2b
I think the spy is actually a decoy. The enemy forces deliberately want us to see through the spy.
“但是伊朗強盜究竟是想要用誘餌做什麽,總之我們無論如何都不會離開陣地,休想騙我們!”235Please respect copyright.PENANAuUZ3I8uSCz
"But what exactly do the Iranian robbers want to do with bait? Anyway, we will never leave the position. Don't want to lie to us!"
“我覺得,他們或許是希望利用這個誘餌來為下一輪進攻找到理由,無論什麼時候他們終究都要拿下這裏,應該是我們盼著他們打過來”235Please respect copyright.PENANA5TqvS8xyYg
"I think they might be hoping to use this bait to find a reason for the next round of offense. They will eventually win this place no matter when, we should expect them to come over."
“別忘了,伊朗強盜若是想要順利的打進來就必須攻破港口,否則就必須繞遠路攻城,而這附近的道路全部都是正規軍把守,也就是說除了市立醫院以外,就是港口”235Please respect copyright.PENANA4vl5glyG0K
“Don't forget, if Iranian robbers want to break in smoothly, they must break through the port, otherwise they must detour to attack the city. The roads around here are all guarded by regular troops, which means that except for the municipal hospital, it is the port.”
我們竊竊私語的談論著這些,就生怕特務留下的竊聽器捕捉到我們的一舉一動。235Please respect copyright.PENANADZScUbJPX4
We talked about these in whispers, for fear that the bugs left by the spies would catch our every move.
“我覺得,敵人這麽做無疑是希望將我們民兵的注意力吸引過去,這樣他們就可以比較容易的對正規軍進行滲透,所以不要貿然行動”優素福通過書面說到。235Please respect copyright.PENANAPiwrjUtQZh
"I think the enemy is undoubtedly hoping to attract the attention of our militia so that they can easily penetrate the regular army, so don't act rashly," Yusuf said in writing.
“我們一定要英勇作戰,這是祖國和真主賦予的使命,但是也一定要時刻小心敵軍的誘餌!”235Please respect copyright.PENANAvEddRfvLj3
“We must fight bravely. This is the mission given by the motherland and Allah, but we must always be careful of the enemy's bait!”
“真是沒想到,伊朗強盜不僅兇殘,還這麽狡猾,他們知道卡拉奇市民不向他們投降,就想方設法的設下圈套,簡直比印度人還要狡猾”235Please respect copyright.PENANAhQydQuVzvV
“I didn't expect that Iranian robbers were not only ferocious, but also so cunning. They knew that the citizens of Karachi would not surrender to them, so they tried every means to set up a trap, which was even more cunning than the Indians.”
“嘿,對面的巴基斯坦人,快點放了我們的人,我們可以保證你們的生命安全,快點投誠吧!”235Please respect copyright.PENANAiyTNDNy4FB
"Hey, the Pakistanis on the opposite side, let us go quickly, we can guarantee your safety, hurry up and surrender!"
“快點交出武器投降吧,我們都是真主的子民,快點投降吧,你們早晚有一天會被拋棄的!”235Please respect copyright.PENANAUOPlzWD86A
Hurry up and surrender your weapons. We are all the people of Allah. Hurry up and surrender. You will be abandoned sooner or later!"
“你們這群叛徒,給無賴和強盜當走狗,根本就沒有資格勸我們投降!”235Please respect copyright.PENANA9zCrQuY4ym
"You traitors, who are running dogs for rascals and robbers, are not qualified to persuade us to surrender!"
“巴塔,看見前面那個喊話的了嗎,幹掉他!”235Please respect copyright.PENANAD9DNYgSLVX
“Bata, did you see the caller in front, shoot him!”
“明白,拿半自動步槍過來!”235Please respect copyright.PENANAsQidtmQclO
"Understood, come here with a semi-automatic rifle!"
“……給我一顆子彈!”235Please respect copyright.PENANA8FmLaF3OWP
"...Give me a bullet!"
“再給我一把刀子!”235Please respect copyright.PENANANeTOjl7XNn
"Give me another knife!"
“刀子在這裏!”235Please respect copyright.PENANAgLMMf7VPih
"The knife is here!"
“哦,你是想要在彈頭上刻十字!”235Please respect copyright.PENANA9lpUeVppmx
"Oh, you want to engrave a cross on the bullet!"
“好了,可以打他了!”235Please respect copyright.PENANAGdS6yo0sEP
"Okay, you can shoot him!"
“伊朗狗,看我怎麼收拾你!”235Please respect copyright.PENANASKmdgPn1Fq
"Iranian dog, see how I clean you up!"
“投降吧,女孩們,你們根本就不是我們的對手,回家吧!”235Please respect copyright.PENANArOna3thYpy
"Surrender, girls, you are not our opponents at all, go home!"
陣地對面的偽軍頭子依舊囂張的衝著我們喊話,企圖勸說我們放下武器向強盜投降,只是他們的話說的再好聽,終究只是“黃鼠狼給雞拜年,沒安好心”,這是一位中國朋友教我的古諺語。235Please respect copyright.PENANAYiWRBKL11e
The puppet army leader on the opposite side still arrogantly shouted at us, trying to persuade us to lay down our weapons and surrender to the robbers, but their words were so good that they were just "weasel greeting the rooster for the New Year, and I didn’t have a good heart." This is a Chinese friend. Teach me the old proverb.
“上繳武器,快點投降,我們和你們是一家人!”235Please respect copyright.PENANAPzqflqhkLN
"Turn in your weapons, hurry up and surrender, we are a family with you!"
“哪裏有家人拿著火炮和機槍對著我們開火的,噁心!”235Please respect copyright.PENANARQFLHfj1h4
“Where is a family member who fired at us with artillery and machine guns, disgusting!”
“繼續喊吧,最後我們還是不向你們投降!”235Please respect copyright.PENANAeT6WaDcat6
"Keep on shouting, in the end we still won't surrender to you!"
“……無語了,就這副爛德行,真主都看不下去了!”235Please respect copyright.PENANALxZWBI7vv3
"...I'm speechless. With this bad virtue, Allah can't stand it anymore!"
就這樣,我們和前來要挾的偽軍持續對峙了一段時間,偽軍從未停止過對我方陣地的勸降喊話,最終忍無可忍的巴塔開了槍。235Please respect copyright.PENANAnnGlBcWvsE
In this way, we continued to confront the puppet army who came to threaten us for a period of time. The puppet army never ceased to persuade our position to surrender, and finally Bata, who could not bear it, fired.
我拿起望遠鏡查看前方的情況,一眨眼的功夫眼前頓時血花飛濺,偽軍頭目手持的大喇叭炸開了,子彈直接從他的嘴裏橫穿而過。235Please respect copyright.PENANACQgt8CQLUF
I picked up the binoculars to check the situation ahead, and in the blink of an eye, blood spattered in front of my eyes. The big horn held by the leader of the pseudo army exploded, and the bullet passed directly through his mouth.
“打中了,打中了!”235Please respect copyright.PENANAbyb1KgH2aF
"Hit, hit!"
“打爆強盜沒商量!”235Please respect copyright.PENANAYy3j0uqKcW
"There is no discussion about breaking the robber!"
“現在還不是慶祝的時候,小心點,這可能就是敵軍設置的陷阱!”235Please respect copyright.PENANAPVfoa2XJGy
"Now is not the time to celebrate, be careful, this may be a trap set by the enemy!"
“噁心的強盜究竟腦子裏想的是什麼東西?”235Please respect copyright.PENANADHtv668tbW
"What is on the mind of the disgusting robber?"
“我們要不要炸死他們?”235Please respect copyright.PENANARvGFtwS4Ae
"Should we blow them up?"
“優素福,要不要現在就開炮?”235Please respect copyright.PENANA1oMf7Rp2oh
"Youssef, do you want to shoot now?"
“不要衝動,小心敵人的陷阱!”235Please respect copyright.PENANAiO7Hjr5kzO
"Don't be impulsive, watch out for enemy traps!"
“那要等到什麼時候?”235Please respect copyright.PENANAh3dG7bKRRx
"When will you wait?"
“等到他們先開炮的時候”235Please respect copyright.PENANAjLmCapcbhQ
"Wait until they fire the gun first"
“快看,強盜的戰列艦已經準備就緒了,我們好像中了陷阱,趁著現在敵軍增援沒有趕到,我們先發制人!”235Please respect copyright.PENANADxNp1DjNQ7
"Look, the robber's battleship is ready. We seem to have been caught in a trap. Taking advantage of the fact that the enemy reinforcements have not arrived, we are preemptive!"
“真噁心,全體準備戰鬥,瞄準伊朗強盜開炮!”235Please respect copyright.PENANA3liA8aDhZv
"It's disgusting, everyone is ready to fight, aiming at Iranian robbers and shooting”