晚上7點44分,敵軍的艦船對港口沿岸展開了猛烈的炮擊,這天晚上的戰鬥序幕就在地震山搖的炮火中拉開了序幕,我國在這場戰鬥中一共調遣了兩個師團的火炮和坦克參加了本次炮戰,我們民兵團也同時集結了手上所有能用的老式火炮和自製的煤氣罐火炮參加了本次炮戰。211Please respect copyright.PENANAldUIv4mxP5
At 7:44 in the evening, enemy ships launched a fierce shelling on the coast of the harbor. The prelude to the battle that night was kicked off by the shaking of the earthquake mountain. In this battle, our country dispatched a total of two divisions. The regiment's artillery and tanks participated in this artillery battle, and our militia also assembled all the old artillery and homemade gas tank artillery that we could use to participate in this artillery battle.
但是我們34班所擁有的這些煤氣罐火炮最多也只有支架、輪子、簡易調節裝置和一根炮管,況且由於火炮做工實在過於粗糙因此射擊精度很多時候並不好,能不能打中敵軍艦船幾乎全靠運氣並且炸膛的幾率也很高,而其他民兵班手上的150毫米口徑克虜伯後膛炮最多也只有庫存的原廠舊炮彈可以正常使用,而由於手頭上沒有技術水平仿製出同樣的炮彈因此這些克虜伯大炮的炮彈打一發就少一發,但是論精度這些克虜伯大炮要比我們手上的煤氣罐大炮好很多。211Please respect copyright.PENANAYpFVV7KSM8
But the gas tank artillery that our 34th squad has at most has only brackets, wheels, simple adjustment devices and a barrel. Moreover, because the artillery is too rough, the shooting accuracy is often not good. Can it hit the enemy ship? Almost all by luck and the chance of blasting the chamber is very high. The 150mm Krupp breech artillery in the hands of other militia squads can only be used normally only with stocked original old artillery shells, and because there is no technical level of imitation on hand As a result, the Krupp cannon's cannonballs are less than one shot. But in terms of accuracy, these Krupp cannons are much better than the gas tank cannons we have.
但是除了克虜伯大炮和煤氣罐火炮以外,我們民兵戰鬥隊手上其它的那些土炮完全無法擊毀敵軍艦艇,並且精度更差最多也只能對敵軍艦艇造成一定程度的傷害。211Please respect copyright.PENANAsT4XFQtr3H
However, with the exception of Krupp cannons and gas tank artillery, the other Ancient artillery in the hands of our militia combat team is completely unable to destroy enemy ships, and with worse accuracy, they can only cause a certain degree of damage to enemy ships.
這是一個火光沖天的夜晚,也是自伊朗強盜進攻卡拉奇以來第二次發動大規模海陸聯合炮擊,這裏到處都在爆炸到處都有兄弟姐妹死亡,同樣到處都潛藏著伊朗特務和隨時準備參加滲透戰的卑路支偽軍成員,光是這一天晚上的炮擊戰鬥當中那些勇敢的小男孩們就幫助我們民兵戰鬥團抓到了5名企圖滲透的卑路支偽軍份子和2名伊朗特務。211Please respect copyright.PENANA8fVl4lDMvY
This is a night full of flames. It is also the second large-scale joint sea-land artillery attack since Iranian robbers attacked Karachi. There are explosions everywhere, brothers and sisters died everywhere, and Iranian secret agents are lurking everywhere and ready to participate in the infiltration war with the members of the Peluchi puppet army, the brave little boys in the artillery battle that night alone helped our militia combat group to capture five Peluchi puppet troops who attempted to infiltrate and two Iranian spies.
"姐姐,我們抓到了兩名伊朗特務他們企圖知道我們的情報!"211Please respect copyright.PENANAh2RBvDtbsJ
"Sister, we caught two Iranian agents who tried to know our intelligence!"
"好樣的弟弟,剩下的就交給我們處理吧,只要有特務你們就去抓!"211Please respect copyright.PENANAgsvuByazQg
"Good brother, let us take care of the rest, as long as there are SPY, you can catch them!"
"阿利耶,怎麼處置這兩個伊朗特務?"211Please respect copyright.PENANAOYu1XsH8DH
"Aliye, how to deal with these two Iranian spies?"
"捆起來,趕緊向上級彙報!"211Please respect copyright.PENANA3rAUDl5JAs
"Tie it up, and report to your superiors!"
"那這些卑路支偽軍份子呢?"211Please respect copyright.PENANADkx3cUarYc
"What about these Beluch puppet soldiers?"
"都捆起來,我們三個去看住他們別讓他們跑了,你們繼續作戰我們等著上級過來把他們帶走!"211Please respect copyright.PENANAkEOepQvyjj
"All tied up, the three of us go and watch them and don't let them run away. You continue to fight and we wait for the superior to come and take them away!"
"收到命令!"211Please respect copyright.PENANAdaYSm1qgRU
"Order received!"
"這已經是強盜第二次集結主力大規模進攻了,我們就是要阻斷他們的登陸計劃!"211Please respect copyright.PENANA0cfSEXds0f
"This is the second time the bandits have assembled the main force for a large-scale attack. We just want to block their landing plan!"
"小心點優素福,炮彈可不長眼睛!"211Please respect copyright.PENANAO957QFJCfu
"Be careful, Yusuf, the shells don't have eyes!"
"顧不上這麽多了,本來開戰了大家都知道會死還怕這些嗎!"211Please respect copyright.PENANAnc0du2VoB0
"I can't take care of so much anymore. Once the war started, everyone knew that they would die and still be afraid of it!"
"快點裝炮彈!"薩拉高喊到!211Please respect copyright.PENANA0MouK27JgK
"Hurry up and load the shells!" Sarah shouted!
"炸死這幫伊朗強盜!"一個小男孩興奮的大叫著211Please respect copyright.PENANATNzFSxhBPM
"Blow up these Iranian robbers!" a little boy exclaimed excitedly
"發射!"211Please respect copyright.PENANABK3EYAfydL
又一發煤氣罐炮彈伴隨著一團巨大的火球從炮膛中發射了出去,一眨眼的功夫海面上忽然蹦出了兩團黑雲伴隨著一陣烈火,緊接著一聲炮響後海面上又有一團碩大無比的火球騰空而起,我下意識的用望遠鏡望了一眼這才知道我們發射的一發煤氣罐炮彈炸爛了一艘敵軍的氣墊船,還有一發炮彈則打中了一艘驅逐艦!211Please respect copyright.PENANALCOdq8iov1
Another gas tank shell was fired out of the barrel accompanied by a huge fireball. In the blink of an eye, two black clouds suddenly popped out of the sea, accompanied by a burst of fire, and after the sound of a cannon, there was another on the sea. A huge fireball soared into the sky. I subconsciously took a look with my binoculars, and then I realized that a gas tank shell that we fired destroyed an enemy hovercraft, and another shell hit a destroyer!
"耶,炸死他們,炸死他們!"211Please respect copyright.PENANADYtOWIMbjT
"Yeah, blow them up, blow them up!"
"哈哈哈哈哈,誰讓這群伊朗強盜要欺負我們,今天晚上就讓他們嚐嚐我們親手製作的雞蛋,兄弟們是時候拿出我們的殺手鐧了!"211Please respect copyright.PENANAa4lPWaV3t3
"Hahahahaha, who let these Iranian robbers bully us, let them taste the eggs we made by ourselves tonight, brothers, it's time to come up with our assassins!"
"嘿嘿嘿,看到對面那些伊朗豬沒,就讓我們餵點雞蛋給他們補充一下營養,兄弟們,我們一起上!"211Please respect copyright.PENANAtG1goh2J9B
"Hehehe, see the Iranian pigs on the opposite side, let us feed them some eggs to supplement their nutrition, brothers, let's go together!"
"隔壁的這幫兄弟也有大傢伙要亮相!"211Please respect copyright.PENANAToBZLpVihb
"The brothers next door also have big guys to show up!"
"好耶,讓那些伊朗強盜看看我們的厲害!"211Please respect copyright.PENANAgnOPv6qcLN
"Okay, let those Iranian robbers see how tough we are!"
"瞄準了,全隊火炮齊射!"211Please respect copyright.PENANAAUP0Udogjd
"Aim, the whole team fired a salvo of artillery!"
"炸死伊朗豬!"211Please respect copyright.PENANAGw0BTXt3Yx
"Blow up the Iranian pig!"
炮火連天的黑夜裏前沿陣地附近的樓房幾乎都倒塌了,雨點般的炮彈散落在前沿陣地的各個方向其中一發竟直接打在了我們的陣地後側,又一發直接打中了那群小男孩搭建的臨時陣地上,但此刻伊朗艦船的炮擊攻勢迅猛我們根本來不及察覺身旁其它的那些事情,唯一知道的就是不停的裝炮彈瞄準敵軍艦艇開火,頓時海面上濺起了一道又一道波瀾壯闊的水花同那四處飛濺的火光為伍,火光從敵軍艦艇的炮管裏不停的竄出來也從我們的炮管裏噴湧而出,四面八方到處瀰漫著刺鼻的氣味以及濃烈的大黑煙,而偏偏就是在這個時候一股偽軍經常趁著黑煙瀰漫搞偷襲。211Please respect copyright.PENANARdpTN80f83
In the dark night of the artillery fire, the buildings near the forward position almost collapsed. The raindrops of shells scattered in all directions of the forward position. One shot directly hit the back of our position, and another shot directly hit the group. On the temporary position built by the little boy, but at the moment the Iranian ship's artillery offensive was swift and we didn't have time to notice the other things beside us. The only thing we knew was the constant loading of artillery shells aimed at the enemy ships and fired. A magnificent splash of water is accompanied by the flames that are flying everywhere. The flames burst out from the artillery barrels of the enemy ships and also gush out from our artillery barrels. There is a pungent smell and strong black smoke in all directions. , and it happened that at this time a puppet army often took advantage of the black smoke to carry out sneak attacks.
"強盜,都等著下地獄接受真主賦予的火獄吧!"211Please respect copyright.PENANAA8xmQL6kkF
"Robbers, wait to go to hell and accept the hell given by Allah!"
火炮依舊發出那震天動地的響亮吼聲,炮彈依舊在天空中跳著歡快的飛行舞蹈,火球在每一處黑暗的角落噴湧著唱著一首又一首動聽的戰鬥歌謠,跳著快樂的華爾茲舞蹈,在一個和平的國家一場爆炸就讓無數人哭泣落淚但在這裏卻變成了一種生活,一種新的時尚一種新的流行文化,它們為我們創作了無數樂曲無數歡樂,許多人在歡樂當中永遠的沉睡了下去再也沒有醒來過,一些人依舊清醒卻也難以抵擋眼前的這種效應,炸彈碎片隨波飛揚在空曠的天空中炮彈點亮了一顆最亮的星,整座城市都在為之震動著,搖擺著,五光十色的火焰四處噴湧似乎是希望為我們伴奏或者是為我們打氣叫好,卡拉奇的夜晚是最為明亮且溫暖的,卡拉奇的街道是最歡樂的,卡拉奇的每一處角落都有無數人陪著你快樂陪著你跳舞。211Please respect copyright.PENANAmVnvi6TmmH
The artillery still emits the loud roar that shakes the earth, the cannonball still dances in the sky, and the fireball spews in every dark corner and sings one after another beautiful battle ballads and dances a happy waltz dance. In a peaceful country, an explosion made countless people weep, but here it has become a kind of life, a new fashion and a new pop culture. They have created countless music for us, countless joys, and many people are always in joy. I fell asleep and never woke up again. Some people were still awake but could hardly resist the effect in front of them. The bomb fragments were flying in the open sky and the cannonball lit up the brightest star. The whole city was there. Vibrating and swaying for it, the colorful flames gushing all around seems to be hoping to accompany us or cheer us up. Karachi’s night is the brightest and warmest, Karachi’s streets are the happiest, every corner of Karachi There are countless people dancing with you happily.
所有的禮花都為了那些幸福的人們而綻放,為通向天堂的聖殿鑄造了一份無與倫比的光明,我們參加這場盛大的典禮我們踏上從這裏通往聖城的黃金大道,麥加還有麥地那神聖的鐘聲敲響了,踏上這條黃金大道人們來到聖城接受洗滌,無數人帶著無數畢生未能實現的願望去了聖城向真主說出這些願望,作為對每個人的獎勵真主賦予我們最寶貴的禮物和最甜美的果實,我們將其中的一部分獎勵發放給祖國土地上同惡魔英勇戰鬥的人民,一部分留給自己,感謝真主的造化感謝光榮的祖國,我們永遠的土地永遠的堡壘,巴基斯坦伊斯蘭共和國!211Please respect copyright.PENANAm0f6fYmBuq
All the fireworks bloom for those happy people, casting an unparalleled light for the temple leading to heaven. We participate in this grand ceremony and we embark on the golden avenue leading from here to the holy city. Mecca also The sacred bell of Medina rang, and people who stepped on this golden avenue came to the holy city to receive washing. Countless people went to the holy city to tell Allah these wishes with countless unfulfilled wishes in their lives. Everyone’s rewards Allah bestows us the most precious gift and the sweetest fruit. We will give part of the rewards to the people in the land of the motherland who fought bravely with the devil, and part of it for ourselves. We thank Allah for his good luck and thank the glorious motherland. Forever land and always fortress, Islamic Republic of Pakistan!
“阿利耶.........,拿著這張紙,別忘了告訴我的姐姐和爸爸,我沒有給祖國丟臉!...”211Please respect copyright.PENANArygyno9H7Y
"Aliyah..., take this piece of paper, don't forget to tell my sister and dad, I didn't shame my motherland!..."
“蘇丹娜,快醒醒蘇丹娜!......快來幫忙...快來幫忙!”211Please respect copyright.PENANAfigXLemQue
"Sultana, wake up Sultana!... come and help... come and help!"
“阿利耶......永遠...不要向...強盜...投降,快去...裝炮彈,快點...開炮!...”211Please respect copyright.PENANALiihX5QGF9
"Aliyah... never... surrender to... robbers..., go... load up the cannonballs, quickly... fire the cannon!..."
那一刻我傷心了很久,至今每當我回憶起那段畫面的時候眼淚就奪眶而出,那是一個悲痛無比的夜晚卡拉奇市在伊朗艦船持續的炮擊下死傷人數數都數不清,樓房倒塌的損壞的一樣數不清,也正是在這一晚那些勇敢的小男孩們永遠不在了,蘇丹娜,我最好的朋友也是當初最照顧我的親密戰友......沒了,阿里教官也沒了,其它班的人也都生死未卜,我在內心深處不斷的為其它班的人祈禱著,卻也清楚既然戰鬥打響就必然有犧牲,我們能做的就是擋住伊朗強盜,就是擊退來犯的外敵!211Please respect copyright.PENANA5wCNKTuebg
At that moment, I was sad for a long time, and I still have tears coming out of my eyes whenever I recall that scene. It was a sad night in Karachi. The number of people killed and injured under the continuous shelling of Iranian ships was countless, and the building collapsed and damaged. The number is countless, and it is precisely this night that those brave little boys will never be there. Sultana, my best friend is also the close comrade who took care of me the most...nothing, instructor Ali It’s gone. The lives and deaths of the people in the other classes are still unclear. Deep down, I keep praying for the people in other classes, but I also know that since the fighting starts, there must be sacrifices. What we can do is to stop the Iranian robbers, that is to strike The foreign enemy who retreated!
“啊...,裝炮彈,炸死那幫伊朗強盜!”211Please respect copyright.PENANALUkT07m2DC
"Ah..., load cannonballs and kill those Iranian robbers!"
“阿利耶小心,有偽軍襲擊!”211Please respect copyright.PENANA8oNCMx7v6v
"Aliyah, be careful, there is a puppet attack!"
震耳欲聾的炮火聲中優素福朝著我大喊了一聲,但等話語剛落我忽然感覺到有一攤熱乎乎的水飛濺到了我的臉上,藉著火光我看了一眼那根本不是水是一攤血,等我回過頭來的時候我身旁的姐妹倒下了211Please respect copyright.PENANAvNuyJaUkGh
Yusuf yelled at me in the deafening artillery fire, but as soon as the words fell, I suddenly felt a pool of hot water splashing on my face. I took a look at it by the light of the fire. It was not water at all. It's a pool of blood, the sister next to me fell down when I turned around
“有狙擊手 注意隱蔽!”211Please respect copyright.PENANAKDgbFhGAIx
"There are snipers, pay attention to hiding!"
深夜裏火光閃爍看似是一件好事情,但這反而使我們更加難以找到伊朗狙擊手的隱藏位置,不難看出敵軍的狙擊手就是藉著炮火的轟鳴聲和爆炸聲來掩蓋槍聲的,幸運的是別的班輸出的火力依舊能阻擋住敵軍這才給了我們機會去尋找狙擊手的位置。211Please respect copyright.PENANAMFZCibugXd
The flash of fire in the middle of the night seems to be a good thing, but it makes it more difficult for us to find the hidden location of Iranian snipers. It is not difficult to see that enemy snipers use the roar of artillery and explosions to cover up gunfire. Fortunately, the firepower output by other squads can still block the enemy, which gives us the opportunity to find the position of the sniper.211Please respect copyright.PENANAAzDYMLegXv
211Please respect copyright.PENANATu9c6LOM0j