The child or in this case HARRY has been an interesting case for them they honestly never thought that they will have to adopt a child this fast the chances of it happening is low even by then YATO is still confused what about RIN saying that we need him he never said about the relation of anything like for an example the old man has some kind of power over him but YATO trusted RIN enough now he will wait until he himself rationalized it.
RIN absolutely looks like in cloud nine YATO said to himself it's because he's all alone always and never seen with anyone if he had someone it's YATO but wait that means "He's getting bored of me then!!" YATO thought dread washing over him if it's real then he will leave him too.
YATO sat down the couch near the two watching them attentively he thought RIN is indeed the greatest when it comes to children then his mind goes off to is RIN able to get pregnant or something!? YATO got surprised by that thought alone but he's demon right it might be possible...
"Penny for a thought there YATO-SAN? Actually, I was thinking of not letting the old man know that we kidnapped his prophecy child, after all, damn the barrier and this child somehow...." RIN trailed off while getting some pots and pans.
"Well don't worry about my thoughts let's rationalize first why the child is going to be used as for something in the future by the old man?" YATO questioned curiously.
"Sirs... I have to do some chores right?' HARRY asked softly while the two grimaced at anger.
"Nope HARRY-KUN here my wonderful wife will do the cooking and as for me the God will be doing the cleaning all you have to do study and play!" YATO joked while RIN from the kitchen glared at him.
"You really want to be kicked out now huh YATO-SAN love besides HARRY-KUN you are sure to have fun here!" RIN threatened softly while YATO shivered at the thought.
YATO can't help but smile a bit RIN is already getting used to this child and it's apparent in his eyes that he liked the feel of having a family and he wanted it to be as special as possible maybe even having a very happily wedded and adopted child it's a wonderful thought to have but honestly planning never works for the two of them and never will.
RIN being a loner and have purposely lost his friends for the reason of being with YATO alone accidentally losing even his own family as well you can't blame him that he wanted to take care, someone or child, in that place of the things he has lost a long time ago.
RIN does not know why he's drawn to this child alone something about him makes him angry and hopeful for something one thing he knows about this one has the same power as the old man and it's amplified by that second soul?? That he has now about that 2nd one it's demonic and disgusting someone definitely messed with the nature of magic now!
"Now how do we hide HARRY-KUN first and we've decided that we will teach at the school right..." YATO trailed off while watching RIN's tail.
"We can stay by his side one at the time maybe when we don't have classes that might be a good idea!" RIN said curiously tail moving along with his mood.
"We can teach him exorcism that might be good so that he will able to protect himself more but he does not have amplified strength like us the basics could be good Oh sword fighting~," YATO said curiously this child must know how to protect himself first.
"HAI now... when do we start with that Love maybe when he's 10 learning from childhood..." RIN trailed off while the soft sounds of cooking are heard around the house.
"Wait I'm going to learn something from you sirs I've never done any of those how am I going to do any of those at all!" HARRY complained nervously.
"Trust us we have experience and honestly it's for your good bettering yourself is one step away from recovery like your trauma is!" Both of the men said happily smiling brightly at him
HARRY never thought in his own life like hell hole will have a family instantly and the two men make him want to cry cause of the happiness that was overflowing within him he wished that at least he have someone that cared enough for him to give him some support and love but here they are the two making the effort to give their trust and privacy for him.
The two men have made a routine for HARRY after a year of being with them for an example there's always morning training with RIN honestly they are still beginning from scratch like a hand to hand which is both of the men's forte they set up levels and useful cheating ways for HARRY as well as for swordsmanship they have started it but with the proper form and daily stretching before both pieces of training
YATO woke up excited for another training session for HARRY right now he has the best potential to have some kind of mastery for few weapons and a bit of hand to hand as well he can't wait when HARRY finally learns how to master sword and naginata it will be a beautiful mess of power.
"HARRY-KUN don't focus on your front focus more around you try to multitask with your eyes!" YATO can hear RIN loudly in the garden.
"HAI ma!" HARRY voiced out from there as well.
"Damn HARRY-KUN always gets distracted in the worst times that makes him a bit disabled more on harder fights at least RIN is going easy on him..." YATO said softly dodging is another thing as well.
Walking to the garden where RIN and HARRY-KUN are training damn take a look at the both of them "God RIN looks gets more beautiful and sexy as the time goes and HARRY always looks cute and strong" YATO thought happily just watching the two go at it for a while.
Noticing that RIN is not flaming up they must be going for an easy round then the fun fact he's actually the one that trained his demon he knows all RIN's moves and can predict most of them if you ask who's stronger than the two of them it's going to be YATO in experience and RIN for firepower.
"OH!? I didn't notice you there YATO!" Rin said happily while using his towel to wipe off sweat.
"Good morning to my cute wife and son!" YATO said excitedly wonderful sight indeed.
"Don't call me that YATO or else.... but anyways G-morning to you too we kind of got into it so much so I didn't notice the time!" RIN said disappointed a bit while YATO shivered that threat never fails.
"Dad, I have been thinking does every YOKAI bad just like how DEMONS are, or is it a different case?" HARRY asked curiously while looking at him.
"Actually it's a different case all of my long life I've met and befriended some YOKAIS but they also have a lifetime and most of the demons are under SATAN so I honestly don't about that one!" YATO informed while RIN smiled from behind.
"I actually have known one before I've got here MEP demon king of time he has some kind of a relationship with my father as well it was never actually revealed what is it?" RIN informed them while having some kind of mix of depressed and happy.
"What MEP actually described him was way too different than an old friend right?" HARRY asked he has heard about the two talking about this for a while now.
"Yup you're right HARRY-KUN what actually was never revealed that the two have some kind of romantic relationship before father died..." RIN trailed off while holding the towel harder.
HARRY thought it must be hard to know that someone has loved his father then left him for the dead cause of something or someone you could call it busy or just plain falling out but why would that MEP guy love RIN's father then called it off instantly but one thing is for sure it's another taboo to love a demon?
Ma and Dad's world must be a beautiful mess or either that a flaming hell hole for them he had heard about their friends they left behind in there that was not the hardest part it was slowly losing them one by one and making them fend for themselves at the same time no wonder memories like this keeps them at night....