No Plagiarism!R7mwBHlbN07xtZdMp5TZposted on PENANA 1. Call a wrong number and talk to whoever answers8964 copyright protection1508PENANAPhnZwS7wLs 維尼
2.Throw a huge party for no reason at all8964 copyright protection1508PENANAzhLLAnoKzO 維尼
3. Try to draw a perfect circle freehand8964 copyright protection1508PENANA5Epd8dFLs2 維尼
4. Do number three...only draw a straight line8964 copyright protection1508PENANAvgdPTRbD6a 維尼
5. Try to make all ten-thousand facial expressions8964 copyright protection1508PENANACyNxzH345I 維尼
6. Sit down in a public place and gasp every time someone passes by you8964 copyright protection1508PENANAyG0Zzk635F 維尼
7. Go outside, lay down on your back, and count how many birds you see8964 copyright protection1508PENANA3FNEqF6qkg 維尼
8. Write a short story8964 copyright protection1508PENANApsX2AjVZto 維尼
9. Make up new lyrics to a popular song8964 copyright protection1508PENANACiG7oPP6GP 維尼
10. Write a poem and mail it to someone(bonus points if it's a poem that doesn't make sense)8964 copyright protection1508PENANALH2oJu4es4 維尼
11. Get some paper and give each indvidual piece a name8964 copyright protection1508PENANAvJSaFfdfAp 維尼
12. Tie a string around a blade of grass and take it with you wherever you go. If people ask about it, say it's your pet grass8964 copyright protection1508PENANAGbNSM3AZDW 維尼
13. Randomly start dancing8964 copyright protection1508PENANAs92WHjFyAc 維尼
14. Race with your shadow8964 copyright protection1508PENANAGqKQxBf0D3 維尼
15. Talk to someone...but say everything twice8964 copyright protection1508PENANAriDdicW9VM 維尼
16. Make paperclip jewlery8964 copyright protection1508PENANAvdexu0P0Dn 維尼
17. Try to read every book in your house8964 copyright protection1508PENANAk8bWssBLnh 維尼
18. Try to read every book at the library8964 copyright protection1508PENANANpe8mSNBWJ 維尼
19. Build a sand castle...with dirt8964 copyright protection1508PENANAYO4KWdGHdh 維尼
20. Make some internet friends8964 copyright protection1508PENANA0XcY4GEz43 維尼
21. Build stuff with toothpicks and grapes/marshmallows/dots(the candy)8964 copyright protection1508PENANAEwPQnHGp4z 維尼
22. Make up your own theme song8964 copyright protection1508PENANA0K9sDI01YO 維尼
23. Record your theme song and play it every time you enter a room8964 copyright protection1508PENANAav2qi72qfm 維尼
24. Get some washable crayons, pick a wall, and invite friends over8964 copyright protection1508PENANASqQP8gVBF7 維尼
25. Learn to crochet8964 copyright protection1508PENANAqnW7xkkok3 維尼
26. Learn to knit8964 copyright protection1508PENANA36hnHGPdZn 維尼
27. Learn to sew8964 copyright protection1508PENANASF4qYILqy1 維尼
28. Make something with your recently aquired crocheting/knitting/sewing skills8964 copyright protection1508PENANAHM1ZO5FxMO 維尼
29. Make Oobleck8964 copyright protection1508PENANAEAHWNtFfDR 維尼
30. Move your bed to the opposite side of your room8964 copyright protection1508PENANAtyYxF9E7y9 維尼
31. Watch the six hour version of Nyan Cat8964 copyright protection1508PENANAFiy84gaIBY 維尼
32. Have a staring contest with a mirror8964 copyright protection1508PENANA9XvG4d9uO6 維尼
33. Play Solitare 8964 copyright protection1508PENANAC48sFggwtI 維尼
34. Walk up to a stanger and say your name is Phil. Ten minutes later, walk up to the same person and say your name is Joe. Repeat with different names8964 copyright protection1508PENANAuU3JYJrFnj 維尼
35. Try to read a long chapter book all in one sitting8964 copyright protection1508PENANAtdqRVqwQxH 維尼
36. Build a pillow/blanket fort8964 copyright protection1508PENANA52EP1Y1x0O 維尼
37. Sing happy birthday to a random person8964 copyright protection1508PENANAMKserebmB6 維尼
38. Look at cat memes8964 copyright protection1508PENANAa17j06VZOC 維尼
39. Watch a movie8964 copyright protection1508PENANAwUWYasH2qi 維尼
40. Do number twelve with a rock8964 copyright protection1508PENANAwQcKQ9KmRi 維尼
41. Instead of walking, hop everywhere8964 copyright protection1508PENANAPbASgccnzW 維尼
42. Sit down next to a random person and hum the same tune over and over until they tell you to stop. Start humming a different tune. Repeat8964 copyright protection1508PENANA6zkjfCDZZy 維尼
43. Look at memes8964 copyright protection1508PENANAEOT6iq6wf2 維尼
44. Watch all those videos you've been meaning to watch8964 copyright protection1508PENANAN1nEmICYvE 維尼
45. Time yourself to see how many stars you can draw in a minute, then try to beat your record8964 copyright protection1508PENANAqtXD4htRhr 維尼
46. Try to pronounce the worlds longest word8964 copyright protection1508PENANA7dopvxpjjc 維尼
47. Make some food8964 copyright protection1508PENANAc0uDyudH5L 維尼
48. Eat that food8964 copyright protection1508PENANAqjSvFR8fA3 維尼
49. Climb a tree8964 copyright protection1508PENANAibwWeTwu2B 維尼
50. Weave with long grass8964 copyright protection1508PENANAva5mYxwIWN 維尼