No Plagiarism!XWDjuOUH6RGMe544Gb7hposted on PENANA 101. Sing8964 copyright protection1196PENANAnedcCdASIN 維尼
102. Dance8964 copyright protection1196PENANA6W4VT3aOmU 維尼
103. Sing and dance at the same time8964 copyright protection1196PENANAiw93DpXt67 維尼
104. Get stared at8964 copyright protection1196PENANAaTQug1wvWt 維尼
105. Stare at a blank screen until you get an idea8964 copyright protection1196PENANA6TnnH3tCX5 維尼
106. Write that idea down8964 copyright protection1196PENANAW2QJtGv13K 維尼
107. Repeat 105 and 106 until you have a long list8964 copyright protection1196PENANAxk5dM40G51 維尼
108. Read that list whenever you have writers block8964 copyright protection1196PENANAxDlZDeJjXc 維尼
109. Run five laps around your yard(if you live in a apartment, find some other outdoor place to do it at) 1200Please respect copyright.PENANAHoiwxnuZvT
110. Throw balls around saying 'Pikachu, I choose you!'8964 copyright protection1196PENANAsp3c0jyMuT 維尼
111. Do number 110 with another pokemon8964 copyright protection1196PENANA8mOB2jPbUw 維尼
112. Go to a random person of the opposite gender and say "YES, I WILL MARRY YOU!"1200Please respect copyright.PENANAeNugN7yIRp
113. Laugh at their reaction8964 copyright protection1196PENANAEXIjHikKvo 維尼
114. Try to find Narnia8964 copyright protection1196PENANAwDZdxrvUME 維尼
115. If you find it, take me with you8964 copyright protection1196PENANAKIuLwk6KfY 維尼
116. Google your name8964 copyright protection1196PENANAnMSr4kXSyI 維尼
117. Google your family members' names8964 copyright protection1196PENANAy2T33kET2c 維尼
118. Press random keys on your keyboard and press enter on Google8964 copyright protection1196PENANAETGiRfvSBW 維尼
119. Prank call someone8964 copyright protection1196PENANAfYkluP3KMs 維尼
120. Try to set a new world record8964 copyright protection1196PENANAKEt4l1NCea 維尼
121. Try to get some pocket money8964 copyright protection1196PENANAEtEPqQZfxG 維尼
122. Do a rain dance8964 copyright protection1196PENANA9XVKX0STFw 維尼
123. Make chocolate milk8964 copyright protection1196PENANAjMqHBi643Z 維尼
124. Drink it8964 copyright protection1196PENANA6P3EkzOqoq 維尼
125. Drink some root beer and pretend you're drunk8964 copyright protection1196PENANARr8qLVKHEI 維尼
126. See how many times you can blink in a second, then try to beat your record8964 copyright protection1196PENANAKQRP8EQlN2 維尼
127. Buy yarn and string it around the room8964 copyright protection1196PENANApPI5i1w5zY 維尼
128. Pretend the yarn is lasers and try to avoid touching it8964 copyright protection1196PENANAEjzUokSGsR 維尼
129. Give everyone food names (like cake or spaghetti)8964 copyright protection1196PENANAucyKuphjEL 維尼
130. Take pictures of strangers and make wanted posters with them8964 copyright protection1196PENANA2uo17VVo0d 維尼
131. Sing a silly song8964 copyright protection1196PENANA3EJ8swJwlw 維尼
132. Photoshop weird things together8964 copyright protection1196PENANAU0IIqSmcdm 維尼
133. Play with your pet8964 copyright protection1196PENANAQQWFri0Hb8 維尼
134. Read a book from the last page to the first8964 copyright protection1196PENANA2O59sW0YP6 維尼
135. Go to a painting class8964 copyright protection1196PENANAD9eRUseNj7 維尼
136. Laugh at nothing8964 copyright protection1196PENANA1rT0wGMU9t 維尼
137. Write down song lyrics and tape them everywhere8964 copyright protection1196PENANAljnLFwSq97 維尼
138. Only speak in rhymes8964 copyright protection1196PENANAfligq41zFs 維尼
139. Invent a new language and randomly start talking in that language8964 copyright protection1196PENANA1J9TBroYbZ 維尼
140. Pretend you're a llama8964 copyright protection1196PENANAe4I6HEU2Vo 維尼
141. Call your friends over and all pretend that you're unicorns8964 copyright protection1196PENANA9QVR3JgdaK 維尼
142. Make up a new recipe8964 copyright protection1196PENANA1rszH6bCvb 維尼
143. Play an elaborate prank on somebody8964 copyright protection1196PENANAoWIpvwstov 維尼
144. Join a bunch of contests and struggle to post an entry for all of them in time8964 copyright protection1196PENANA4pNRTKt2WV 維尼
145. Make weird sound effects for everything8964 copyright protection1196PENANA6lUTZE7EgG 維尼
146. Narrate other people's lives8964 copyright protection1196PENANAka9Xy3gRDR 維尼
147. Watch youtube8964 copyright protection1196PENANAF0IJ9VGqwP 維尼
148. Keep watching youtube8964 copyright protection1196PENANAdtcESLvc25 維尼
149. Plan out a treasure hunt8964 copyright protection1196PENANA7cs4hJFz0j 維尼
150. Wait a couple months then go on the hunt8964 copyright protection1196PENANAW1N8REsoyL 維尼
151. Draw a picture8964 copyright protection1196PENANAtAsMrxBJTM 維尼
152. Go online shopping and don't buy anything8964 copyright protection1196PENANAw0MED2yCRq 維尼
153. Try to do complicated math8964 copyright protection1196PENANA7TtNrWPCFn 維尼
154. Teach yourself a new language8964 copyright protection1196PENANAFvqPybBOTj 維尼
155. Write a song8964 copyright protection1196PENANA3BdyduJoio 維尼
156. Sing that song everywhere8964 copyright protection1196PENANAL4lGzF8u6c 維尼
157. Make a dance routine8964 copyright protection1196PENANA1xxuYUJLlZ 維尼
158. Play flashlight tag with your friends after it gets dark8964 copyright protection1196PENANAU35cQ0DNzp 維尼
159. Look at tumblr posts8964 copyright protection1196PENANAVN09tDUduC 維尼
160. Buy new shoes8964 copyright protection1196PENANAMlUOe49OP5 維尼
161. Watch the whole llamas with hats series in one sitting8964 copyright protection1196PENANAHXQTc9A6Jn 維尼
162. Make a plastic flower arrangement 8964 copyright protection1196PENANAOcFSFZWNIa 維尼
163. Design a theme park8964 copyright protection1196PENANA1Y6OGbda3U 維尼
164. Make a clothing line8964 copyright protection1196PENANAQnbWfioHzZ 維尼
165. Make jewelry8964 copyright protection1196PENANARWV4ylim3o 維尼
166. Try to speak British-English8964 copyright protection1196PENANAnA4ynlvt0l 維尼
167. Stare out the window8964 copyright protection1196PENANA29j1yeF8nK 維尼
168. Listen to random music8964 copyright protection1196PENANANc2Gv4OgCZ 維尼
169. Sing along with the music8964 copyright protection1196PENANAyhB70JYhWj 維尼
170. Or don't, it's your choice8964 copyright protection1196PENANA0vNiBSiYv0 維尼
171. Attempt to stay in bed until noon on saturday8964 copyright protection1196PENANASw7Vp7hDaa 維尼
172. Google how to make chewing gum(or bubble gum)8964 copyright protection1196PENANADoVZpvTPHU 維尼
173. Make chewing gum and refuse to share any of it >:D8964 copyright protection1196PENANAwiaCzrqta8 維尼
174. Eat chocolate8964 copyright protection1196PENANA8OlL7KhCzB 維尼
175. Go to a garage sale and buy a bunch of things8964 copyright protection1196PENANAjHPH0vGsR9 維尼
176. Use those same things to have your own garage sale but sell them for slightly more8964 copyright protection1196PENANAGFWZOYDGOq 維尼
177. Do your makeup8964 copyright protection1196PENANAB1XeLjnXhI 維尼
178. Do your hair then mess it up8964 copyright protection1196PENANAYes7AdUTN5 維尼
179. Take a really long shower8964 copyright protection1196PENANAkbeozGcOhr 維尼
180. Take a bath and watch Netflix in the tub8964 copyright protection1196PENANALUGkdHFq2N 維尼
181. Write a really long poem8964 copyright protection1196PENANAQNsSco9aSg 維尼
182. See how long you can stay up8964 copyright protection1196PENANAn5irE3kolh 維尼
183. Try to make pottery8964 copyright protection1196PENANAsxeJIILqVL 維尼
184. Take a bunch of obscure pictures and show them to people8964 copyright protection1196PENANAS4ODNcLocy 維尼
185. Look at cool photoshopped animals on google images8964 copyright protection1196PENANANVi0GrhAMb 維尼
186. Say everything with a british accent8964 copyright protection1196PENANA2XCgC1vbR5 維尼
187. Take some selfies :D8964 copyright protection1196PENANA5hT9oGXck8 維尼
188. Get a fake tattoo8964 copyright protection1196PENANA2DS0UXVSw1 維尼
189. Buy a fish8964 copyright protection1196PENANAlpjcXSlQ1R 維尼
190. Make kabobs8964 copyright protection1196PENANA8BYNwyVXPE 維尼
191. Play Minecraft(if you don't have it, mine clone is free and very similar to minecraft)8964 copyright protection1196PENANAUQnBl44XZm 維尼
192. Read a dictionary8964 copyright protection1196PENANAhxzkGxXquO 維尼
193. Try to watch an entire tv series in one sitting8964 copyright protection1196PENANAJl3m8ubAWe 維尼
194. Braid your hair(if you don't have long hair, braid someone else's)8964 copyright protection1196PENANAHh4RO0PnjA 維尼
195. Call everyone a yam8964 copyright protection1196PENANABeux6VM6Gm 維尼
196. Spin in circles until you fall8964 copyright protection1196PENANAWXhqLTswxn 維尼
197. Take a nap outside in the grass8964 copyright protection1196PENANAxPhnEpS2A5 維尼
198. Talk in third person8964 copyright protection1196PENANA5Sh0yC3cv5 維尼
199. Make yourself a magic wand8964 copyright protection1196PENANATXJLceZXY2 維尼
200. Play with stickers1200Please respect copyright.PENANAHi2WDbZhJK
8964 copyright protection1196PENANAeApEMl7xDM 維尼
Hey! Sorry I forgot to post Saturday! Won't happen again(hopefully). Anyway, here's the long-awaited issue three(technically it's issue five, but this is the third issue with stuff to do so it kinda counts as issue 3)!1200Please respect copyright.PENANAWqZgPpe50V
8964 copyright protection1196PENANAb2Yp90tHnV 維尼