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The Lazy cat (English Versions of Kucing yang Pemalas)


   "Cika ... I'm home." Said Michelle, putting her bag on the floor.

 "Cika, where are you?" Said Michelle while trying to find Cika in her bedroom.

 “Oww… there you are.What are you doing there? ”Said Michelle while looking at Cika's behavior, who was Lying under the air conditioner in the living room.

 "Geez ... I forgot to turn off the AC.  Hahhh, well, never mind, "said Michelle resignedly

  Cika is a female Persian cat who is fat and has long black fur.  Cika has a lazy nature, he doesn't like sports.  Every day her works just sleeping and eating.  Michelle, the owner of Cika, is also confused about what to do, so that Cika wants to move and exercise.  Every week Michelle always routinely takes Cika to the park near her house to make Cika want to play and exercise.  But instead of exercising, Cika slept on an empty bench in the park or under the shady trees.  Michelle has also tried to reduce Cika's breakfast and dinner portions.  But unfortunately it doesn't work either, instead of reducing Cika's portion of food, it actually adds to Michelle's work.  Because it was during the day, when Michelle was working, Cika even tried to get her own food.  By dropping the jar filled with cat food that is placed on the cupboard under the floor.  Which eventually spilled and even became a mess everywhere. But Michelle did not give up and still tried to make Cika want to move and exercise.

   And on this day Michelle brought home a new male cat named Brownie.  Brownie is an Exotic Shorthair cat species. As the name implies has short light brown fur.  And has a snub nose.

  "Oh well I almost forgot." Said Michelle as she returned to the hall to pick up something she had brought.

 "Cika come here, I bring you a new friend," said Michelle as she put Brownie's cage down and opened the cage door.  Cika, who seemed indifferent at first, was curious and tried to approach Brownie.

 “Cika, this is your new friend,Brownie, Brownie this is Cika.  Hopefully you guys quickly become friends, "said Michelle to her two cats.

 "Geez, it's already 8 o'clock ,I'd better take a shower first." Said Michelle while looking at her watch and left Cika and Brownie alone in the living room.

 "Meoww..meoww.." said Cika, asking to eat.

 "What is it Cika? Are you hungry?  Well, wait a minute,i will get some food for both of you. ”Said Michelle, who did not take a shower and instead went to the kitchen to get some food for her two cats.

    "Hi Cika, my name is Brownie, nice to meet you." Said Brownie greeting Cika.

 "Oh yeah, nice to meet you too."  Cika said shyly.  Shortly after

 "Cika, Brownie, let's eat!" Said Michelle as she came out of the kitchen room carrying two special cat bowls containing cat food.

 "Yes,it’s eat time." Said Cika excitedly

 "Here,Enjoy your meal" Said Michelle while giving some cat food to Cika and Brownie.  Without thinking for a long time, Cika and Brownie immediately ate their food with well.

 "I'm going to take a shower first, don't you guys fight,okey!" said Michelle while leaving her two cats eating.  After eating

 "Ahhh i’m full." Said Cika while leaving Brownie alone in the living room.

 "Where are you going?" Said Brownie curiously

 “Ohhh, I'm going to Michelle's room.  I'm sleepy."Said Cika who was walking toward Michelle's room

 "Huh, you want to sleep?  But you just finished eating a few minutes ago,you'll be fat if you sleep after eating,you now? How about we play first?” said Brownie trying to stop Cika from going to Michelle's room to sleep.

 “No tanks ,I'm sleepy. Maybe tomorrow.”said Cika, who was a little sleepy

 "Come on, just for a moment.  Come on, come on, come on!"  Brownie said trying to persuade Cika.

 "Fine, just a moment, okay," said Cika resignedly.

 "Yeyyy, play." Said Brownie happily. "  Okay, let's play chase, you chase me! ”Said Brownie as he ran away from Cika.  Because there is no other choice, Cika is forced to play with Brownie.

    Five minutes later, “ It is enough,I’m already tired."said Cika.

 "Wath, you already tired. We only been playing for a while. "Said Brownie, surprised." Aren't you tired? "Said Cika, surprised.

 “No, maybe it's because I'm used to moving this much.  So I don't feel tired."explained Brownie.

 "Wow, you are amazing .Even though you've been running very fast, but you don't feel sleepy or tired at all, ”said Cika in awe.

 "No really." Brownie said, blushing.

 “Your body shape is also very good, maybe that's why you can run that fast without feeling tired.  Unlike my fat body, because of my body I find it difficult to move and run as much as I like. "Said Cika a little disappointed with her body.

 "Don't be like that, you can be like me too, as long as you are not lazy and you are diligent in exercising," Brownie explained.

 "I see, then I want to exercise.  So that my body can be as good as yours, ”said Cika excitedly

 “Okeee, then I'll accompany you to exercise.  So that we are both healthy. ”Said Brownie also excitedly.  THE END

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