No Plagiarism!zx3UFmCduL8SJioCqWa1posted on PENANA 每個令你害怕的時刻,都是能讓你勇敢的機會。8964 copyright protection213PENANAo0a1YQLM8n 維尼
Every moment than you are scared, is an opportunity to be brave.8964 copyright protection213PENANAeuLLQNaPk3 維尼
沒有誰是應該要對誰好的,所以請永遠感謝那些真心對待你的人。8964 copyright protection213PENANAk7y2d3RJRT 維尼
No one owes anything to anyone, so always be grateful to those who have been kind to you.8964 copyright protection213PENANAYS23Qs2i0j 維尼
決定一個人心情的,不在於環境,而在於心境。8964 copyright protection213PENANAFLStVBmaih 維尼
What determines your emotion is not what surrounds you on the outside, but how you feel in the inside.8964 copyright protection213PENANA5RxQ0upD0x 維尼
*以上小短文出自卡爾*8964 copyright protection213PENANADVjDQVaPIP 維尼